Source code for pymaid.fetch.annotations

import sys
from typing import (
from collections import defaultdict

# From 3.9, typing.Iterable is deprecated
# in favour of
# can be used for isinstance checks,
# but not for type annotation until 3.9.
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
    # use this for type annotation
    from typing import Iterable as TIterable

    # use this for isinstance checks
    from import Iterable
    # use this for both
    from import Iterable

    TIterable = Iterable

from itertools import chain
import warnings

import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from .. import config, cache, utils

logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = ["get_annotation_id", "get_entity_graph", "get_annotation_graph"]

def filter_by_query(
    names: pd.Series, query: str, allow_partial: bool = False
) -> pd.Series:
    """Get a logical index series into a series of strings based on a query.

    names : pd.Series of str
        Dataframe column of strings to filter
    query : str
        Query string. leading "~" and "annotation:" will be ignored.
        Leading "/" will mean the remainder is used as a regex.
    allow_partial : bool, default False
        For non-regex queries, whether to check that the query is an exact match or just contained in the name.

    pd.Series of bool
        Which names match the given query
    if not isinstance(names, pd.Series):
        names = pd.Series(names, dtype=str)

    for prefix in ["annotation:", "~"]:
        if query.startswith(prefix):
            logger.warning("Removing '%s' prefix from '%s'", prefix, query)
            query = query[len(prefix) :]

    q = query.strip()
    # use a regex
    if q.startswith("/"):
        re_str = q[1:]
        filt = names.str.match(re_str)
        filt = names.str.contains(q, regex=False)
        if not allow_partial:
            filt = np.logical_and(filt, names.str.len() == len(q))

    return filt

def get_annotation_table(remote_instance=None):

    remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance)

    logger.debug("Retrieving list of annotations...")

    remote_annotation_list_url = remote_instance._get_annotation_list()
    an_list = remote_instance.fetch(remote_annotation_list_url)

    return pd.DataFrame.from_records(an_list["annotations"])

[docs] @cache.wipe_and_retry def get_annotation_id( annotations, allow_partial=False, raise_not_found=True, remote_instance=None ): """Retrieve the annotation ID for single or list of annotation(s). Parameters ---------- annotations : str | list of str Single annotations or list of multiple annotations. allow_partial : bool, optional If True, will allow partial matches. raise_not_found : bool, optional If True raise Exception if no match for any of the query annotations is found. Else log warning. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{'annotation_name': 'annotation_id', ...}`` """ an_list = get_annotation_table() remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) logger.debug("Retrieving list of annotations...") remote_annotation_list_url = remote_instance._get_annotation_list() an_list = remote_instance.fetch(remote_annotation_list_url) # Turn into pandas array an_list = pd.DataFrame.from_records(an_list["annotations"]) annotations = utils._make_iterable(annotations) annotation_ids = {} for an in annotations: filt = filter_by_query(, an, allow_partial) # Search for matches res = an_list[filt].set_index("name").id.to_dict() if not res: logger.warning('No annotation found for "{}"'.format(an)) annotation_ids.update(res) if not annotation_ids: if raise_not_found: raise Exception("No matching annotation(s) found") else: logger.warning("No matching annotation(s) found") return annotation_ids
class UnknownEntityTypeError(RuntimeError): _known = {"neuron", "annotation", "volume"} def __init__(self, etype: str): super().__init__( f"Entity type {repr(etype)} unknown; should be one of {', '.join(sorted(self._known))}" ) @classmethod def raise_for_etype(cls, etype: str): if etype not in cls._known: raise cls(etype) class AmbiguousEntityNameError(RuntimeError): def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(f"Entity has non-unique name {repr(name)}; use IDs instead") def get_id_key(by_name: bool): return "name" if by_name else "id" def entities_to_ann_graph(data: dict, by_name: bool): g = nx.DiGraph() id_key = get_id_key(by_name) edges = [] for e in data["entities"]: etype = e.get("type") UnknownEntityTypeError.raise_for_etype(etype) is_meta_ann = False ndata = { "name": e["name"], "id": int(e["id"]), "type": etype, } node_id = ndata[id_key] if etype == "neuron": skids = e.get("skeleton_ids") or [] ndata["skeleton_ids"] = skids elif etype == "annotation": is_meta_ann = True if by_name and node_id in g.nodes: raise AmbiguousEntityNameError(node_id) g.add_node(node_id, **ndata) for ann in e.get("annotations", []): edges.append((ann[id_key], node_id, {"is_meta_annotation": is_meta_ann})) g.add_edges_from((e for e in edges if e[0] in g.nodes)) return g def noop(arg): return arg def neurons_to_skeletons( g: nx.DiGraph, by_name: bool, select_skeletons: Callable[[List[int]], List[int]] = noop, ): id_key = get_id_key(by_name) nodes_to_replace: DefaultDict[ Union[str, int], List[Tuple[Union[str, int], Dict[str, Any]]] ] = defaultdict(list) for node_id, data in g.nodes(data=True): if data["type"] != "neuron": continue skids = data["skeleton_ids"] if len(skids) == 0: logger.warning("Neuron %s is modelled by 0 skeletons; skipping", data["id"]) nodes_to_replace[node_id] # ensure this exists continue if len(skids) > 1: skids = select_skeletons(skids) if by_name and len(skids) > 1: raise AmbiguousEntityNameError(data["name"]) for skid in skids: sk_data = { "id": skid, "name": data["name"], "type": "skeleton", "neuron_id": data["id"], } nid = sk_data[id_key] nodes_to_replace[node_id].append((nid, sk_data)) edges_to_add = [] for src, tgt, edata in g.in_edges(nodes_to_replace, data=True): for new_tgt, _ in nodes_to_replace[tgt]: edges_to_add.append((src, new_tgt, edata)) g.remove_nodes_from(nodes_to_replace) g.add_nodes_from(chain.from_iterable(nodes_to_replace.values())) g.add_edges_from(edges_to_add) return g # todo: update when 3.7 is dropped # todo: replace with strenum if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): from typing import Literal EntityType = Literal["neuron", "annotation", "volume", "skeleton"] else: EntityType = str def join_ids(ids: TIterable[int]) -> str: return ",".join(str(n) for n in ids) def join_id_sets(id_sets: TIterable[TIterable[int]]) -> List[str]: return [join_ids(ids) for ids in id_sets] @cache.undo_on_error def _get_entities( types: Optional[TIterable[str]] = None, with_annotations: Optional[bool] = None, annotated_with: Optional[TIterable[TIterable[int]]] = None, not_annotated_with: Optional[TIterable[TIterable[int]]] = None, sub_annotated_with: Optional[TIterable[int]] = None, *, remote_instance=None, ):"Fetching entity graph; may be slow") remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) post: Dict[str, Any] = dict() if types is not None: post["types"] = list(types) if with_annotations is not None: post["with_annotations"] = bool(with_annotations) if annotated_with is not None: post["annotated_with"] = join_id_sets(annotated_with) if not_annotated_with is not None: post["not_annotated_with"] = join_id_sets(not_annotated_with) if sub_annotated_with is not None: post["sub_annotated_with"] = join_ids(sub_annotated_with) query_url = remote_instance.make_url( remote_instance.project_id, "annotations", "query-targets" ) return remote_instance.fetch(query_url, post) def to_nested_and_flat(objs): if isinstance(objs, (str, bytes)) or not isinstance(objs, Iterable): return objs, objs nested = [] flattened = [] for item in objs: inner_nested, inner_flattened = to_nested_and_flat(item) nested.append(inner_nested) flattened.extend(utils._make_iterable(inner_flattened)) return nested, flattened def map_nested(nested, mapping): if isinstance(nested, (str, bytes)) or not isinstance(nested, Iterable): return mapping[nested] return [map_nested(item, mapping) for item in nested] def _get_annotation_ids( *ann_lols: TIterable[TIterable[Union[int, str]]], remote_instance=None ) -> List[List[List[int]]]: nested, flattened = to_nested_and_flat(ann_lols) id_mapping = {None: None} names = [] for name_or_id in flattened: if name_or_id is None: continue if isinstance(name_or_id, str): names.append(name_or_id) else: id_mapping[name_or_id] = name_or_id if names: ann_ids = get_annotation_id(names, remote_instance=remote_instance) id_mapping.update((n, int(aid)) for n, aid in ann_ids.items()) return map_nested(nested, id_mapping)
[docs] def get_entity_graph( types: Optional[TIterable[EntityType]] = None, by_name=False, annotated_with: Optional[TIterable[TIterable[Union[int, str]]]] = None, not_annotated_with: Optional[TIterable[TIterable[Union[int, str]]]] = None, expand_subannotations: Optional[TIterable[Union[int, str]]] = None, *, remote_instance=None, ) -> nx.DiGraph: """Get a networkx DiGraph of semantic objects. Can be slow for large projects. Note that CATMAID distinguishes between neurons (semantic objects which can be named and annotated) and skeletons (spatial objects which can model neurons). Most pymaid (and CATMAID) functions use the skeleton ID, rather than the neuron ID, and assume that a neuron is modeled by a single skeleton. To replace neurons in the graph with the skeletons they are modelled by, include ``"skeleton"`` in the ``types`` argument (this is mutually exclusive with ``"neuron"``). Nodes in the graph have data: - id: int - name: str - type: str, one of "neuron", "annotation", "volume", "skeleton" Neurons additionally have - skeleton_ids: List[int] Skeletons additionally have - neuron_id: int Edges in the graph have - is_meta_annotation (bool): whether it is between two annotations Parameters ---------- types : optional sequence of str, default None Which types of entity to fetch. Choices are "neuron", "annotation", "volume", "skeleton"; "neuron" and "skeleton" are mutually exclusive. None uses CATMAID default ("neuron", "annotation"). by_name : bool, default False If True, use the entity's name rather than its integer ID. This can be convenient but has a risk of name collisions, which will raise errors. In particular, name collisions will occur if ``types`` includes ``"skeleton"`` and a neuron is modelled by more than one skeleton. annotated_with : Optional[Iterable[Iterable[Union[int, str]]]], default None If not None, only include entities annotated with these annotations. Can be integer IDs or str names (not IDs as strings!). The inner iterables are combined with OR. The outer iterable is combined with AND. e.g. for ``[["a", "b"], ["c"]]``, entities must be annotated with ``"c"``, and at least one of ``"a"`` or ``"b"``. Nesting is enforced, i.e. ``"a"`` is not a valid argument; it must be ``[["a"]]``. not_annotated_with: Optional[Iterable[Iterable[Union[int, str]]]], default None If not None, only include entites NOT annotated with these. See ``annotated_with`` for more usage details. expand_subannotations: Optional[Iterable[Union[int, str]]], default None Which annotations in the ``annotated_with``, ``not_annotated_with`` sets to expand into all their sub-annotations (each as an OR group). remote_instance : optional CatmaidInstance Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph Raises ------ UnknownEntityTypeError CATMAID returned an entity type pymaid doesn't know how to interpret. AmbiguousEntityNameError When ``by_name=True`` is used, and there are naming collisions. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) use_skeletons = False if types is None: etypes = None else: etypes = set(types) if "skeleton" in etypes: if "neuron" in etypes: raise ValueError("'skeleton' and 'neuron' types are mutually exclusive") etypes.add("neuron") etypes.remove("skeleton") use_skeletons = True if not etypes: return nx.DiGraph() ( annotated_with_ids, not_annotated_with_ids, sub_annotated_with_ids, ) = _get_annotation_ids( annotated_with, not_annotated_with, expand_subannotations, remote_instance=remote_instance, ) _, flattened_subs = to_nested_and_flat(sub_annotated_with_ids) data = _get_entities( types=etypes, with_annotations=True, annotated_with=annotated_with_ids, not_annotated_with=not_annotated_with_ids, sub_annotated_with=flattened_subs, remote_instance=remote_instance, ) g = entities_to_ann_graph(data, by_name) if use_skeletons: g = neurons_to_skeletons(g, by_name) return g
def get_annotation_graph( annotations_by_id=False, skeletons_by_id=True, remote_instance=None ) -> nx.DiGraph: """DEPRECATED. Get a networkx DiGraph of (meta)annotations and skeletons. This function is deprecated. Use :func:`pymaid.get_entity_graph` instead. Can be slow for large projects. Nodes in the graph have data: Skeletons have - id - is_skeleton = True - neuron_id (different to the skeleton ID) - name Annotations have - id - name - is_skeleton = False Edges in the graph have - is_meta_annotation (whether it is between two annotations) Parameters ---------- annotations_by_id : bool, default False Whether to index nodes representing annotations by their integer ID (uses name by default) skeletons_by_id : bool, default True whether to index nodes representing skeletons by their integer ID (True by default, otherwise uses the neuron name) remote_instance : optional CatmaidInstance Returns ------- networkx.DiGraph """ warnings.warn( DeprecationWarning("get_annotation_graph is deprecated; use get_entity_graph") ) data = _get_entities( types=None, with_annotations=True, remote_instance=remote_instance ) ann_ref = "id" if annotations_by_id else "name" skel_ref = "id" if skeletons_by_id else "name" g = nx.DiGraph() for e in data["entities"]: is_meta_ann = False if e.get("type") == "neuron": skids = e.get("skeleton_ids") or [] if len(skids) != 1: logger.warning( "Neuron with id %s is modelled by %s skeletons, ignoring", e["id"], len(skids), ) continue node_data = { "name": e["name"], "neuron_id": e["id"], "is_skeleton": True, "id": skids[0], } node_id = node_data[skel_ref] else: # is an annotation node_data = { "is_skeleton": False, "id": e["id"], "name": e["name"], } node_id = node_data[ann_ref] is_meta_ann = True anns = e.get("annotations", []) if not anns: g.add_node(node_id, **node_data) continue for ann in e.get("annotations", []): g.add_edge( ann[ann_ref], node_id, is_meta_annotation=is_meta_ann, ) g.nodes[node_id].update(**node_data) return g