Source code for pymaid.fetch.landmarks

import typing as tp
from functools import cache

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from pymaid.client import CatmaidInstance

from ..utils import _eval_remote_instance, DataFrameBuilder, clean_points

[docs] def get_landmarks( with_locations=True, remote_instance=None ) -> tp.Tuple[ pd.DataFrame, tp.Optional[pd.DataFrame] ]: """Get all landmarks from CATMAID, optionall with locations associated with them. Parameters ---------- with_locations : bool, optional Whether to also return a location table, by default True remote_instance : pymaid.CatmaidInstance, optional Returns ------- landmarks : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with columns landmark_id, name, user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time. locations : pd.DataFrame, optional (default None) DataFrame with columns location_id, x, y, z, landmark_id. Examples -------- >>> # Join the two tables to find all landmark locations >>> landmarks, locations = pymaid.get_landmarks(True) >>> combined = landmarks.merge(locations, on="landmark_id") """ cm = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) url = cm.make_url( cm.project_id, "landmarks", # todo: don't download locations if we're not going to use them? with_locations="true", ) landmark_builder = DataFrameBuilder( ["landmark_id", "name", "user_id", "project_id", "creation_time", "edition_time"], ["uint64", "str", "uint64", "uint64", "datetime64[ns]", "datetime64[ns]"] ) location_builder = DataFrameBuilder( ["location_id", "x", "y", "z", "landmark_id"], ["uint64", "float64", "float64", "float64", "uint64"] ) for landmark in cm.fetch(url): landmark_builder.append_row([ landmark["id"], landmark["name"], landmark["user"], landmark["project"], landmark["creation_time"], landmark["edition_time"] ]) if not with_locations: continue for location in landmark["locations"]: location_builder.append_row( [ location["id"], location["x"], location["y"], location["z"], landmark["id"], ] ) landmarks = if with_locations: return landmarks, else: return landmarks, None
[docs] def get_landmark_groups( with_locations=False, with_members=False, remote_instance=None ) -> tp.Tuple[ pd.DataFrame, tp.Optional[pd.DataFrame], tp.Optional[tp.Dict[int, tp.List[int]]] ]: """Get the landmark groups, optionally with IDs of their members and locations. Parameters ---------- with_locations : bool, optional Return a DataFrame of locations associated with group members, by default False with_members : bool, optional Return a dict of group IDs to landmark IDs, by default False remote_instance : pymaid.CatmaidInstance, optional Returns ------- groups : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with columns group_id, name, user_id, project_id, creation_time, edition_time. locations : pd.DataFrame, optional (default None) A DataFrame with columns location_id, x, y, z, group_id. members : dict[int, list[int]], optional (default None) A dict mapping group ID to a list of landmark IDs (members of that group). Examples -------- >>> # Join the group and location tables >>> groups, locations, _ = pymaid.get_landmark_groups(True, False) >>> combined = groups.merge(locations, on="group_id") """ cm = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) url = cm.make_url( cm.project_id, "landmarks", "groups", with_locations=str(with_locations).lower(), with_members=str(with_members).lower(), ) group_builder = DataFrameBuilder( ["group_id", "name", "user_id", "project_id", "creation_time", "edition_time"], ["uint64", "str", "uint64", "uint64", "datetime64[ns]", "datetime64[ns]"] ) location_builder = DataFrameBuilder( ["location_id", "x", "y", "z", "group_id"], ["uint64", "float64", "float64", "float64", "uint64"] ) members = None if with_members: members = dict() for group in cm.fetch(url): group_builder.append_row([ group["id"], group["name"], group["user"], group["project"], group["creation_time"], group["edition_time"] ]) if members is not None: members[group["id"]] = group["members"] if not with_locations: continue for location in group["locations"]: location_builder.append_row( [ location["id"], location["x"], location["y"], location["z"], group["id"], ] ) groups = if with_locations: locations = else: locations = None return groups, locations, members
[docs] class LandmarkMatcher: """Class for finding matching pairs of landmark locations between two groups. For example, find control points for transforming neurons left to right or between segments. """
[docs] def __init__( self, landmarks: pd.DataFrame, landmark_locations: pd.DataFrame, groups: pd.DataFrame, group_locations: pd.DataFrame, group_members: dict[int, tp.Iterable[int]], ): """Prefer constructing with ``.from_catmaid()`` where possible. Parameters ---------- landmarks : pd.DataFrame Landmarks dataframe: see first output of ``get_landmarks`` for details. landmark_locations : pd.DataFrame Landmark locations dataframe: see second (optional) output of ``get_landmarks``. groups : pd.DataFrame Groups dataframe: see first output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details. group_locations : pd.DataFrame Group locations dataframe: see second (optional) output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details. group_members : dict[int, tp.Iterable[int]] Group members: see third (optional) output of ``get_landmark_groups`` for details. """ self.landmarks = landmarks self.landmark_locations = landmark_locations self.groups = groups self.group_locations = group_locations self.group_members: dict[int, set[int]] = { k: set(v) for k, v in group_members.items() }
@classmethod def from_catmaid(cls, remote_instance=None): """Instantiate from a CatmaidInstance. Possibly the global one. Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If None (default) use the global instance. """ cm = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) landmarks, landmark_locations = get_landmarks(True, cm) groups, group_locations, members = get_landmark_groups(True, True, remote_instance=cm) return cls(landmarks, landmark_locations, groups, group_locations, members) @cache def _group_name_to_id(self) -> dict[str, int]: return dict(zip(self.groups["name"], self.groups["group_id"])) def _locations_in_group(self, group_id: int): idx = self.group_locations["group_id"] == group_id return self.group_locations["location_id"][idx] def _locations_in_landmark(self, landmark_id: int): idx = self.landmark_locations["landmark_id"] == landmark_id return self.landmark_locations["location_id"][idx] def _unique_location(self, group_id: int, landmark_id: int) -> int: if landmark_id not in self.group_members[group_id]: return None landmark_ids = set(self._locations_in_group(group_id)).intersection(self._locations_in_landmark(landmark_id)) if len(landmark_ids) == 1: return landmark_ids.pop() return None @cache def _landmark_id_to_name(self) -> dict[int, str]: return dict(zip(self.landmarks["landmark_id"], self.landmarks["name"])) @cache def _locations(self) -> dict[int, tuple[int, int, int]]: d = dict() for loc_id, x, y, z, _ in self.group_locations.itertuples(index=False): d[loc_id] = (x, y, z) for loc_id, x, y, z, _ in self.landmark_locations.itertuples(index=False): d[loc_id] = (x, y, z) return d def _as_group_id(self, group: tp.Union[str, int]) -> int: if isinstance(group, int): return group if isinstance(group, str): return self._group_name_to_id()[group] raise ValueError("Given group must be int ID or str name") def match(self, group1: tp.Union[str, int], group2: tp.Union[str, int]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get matching pairs of landmarks for two groups. Return the paired locations of landmarks which are a members of both groups, and have a single location in each group. Parameters ---------- group1 : tp.Union[str, int] First group name (as str) or ID (as int) group2 : tp.Union[str, int] Second group name (as str) or ID (as int) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Columns landmark_name, landmark_id, location_id1, x1, y1, z1, location_id2, x2, y2, z2 """ group_to_id = self._group_name_to_id() group1_id = group1 if isinstance(group1, int) else group_to_id[group1] group2_id = group2 if isinstance(group2, int) else group_to_id[group2] group1_locs = set(self._locations_in_group(group1_id)) group2_locs = set(self._locations_in_group(group2_id)) locs = self._locations() dtypes = {"landmark_name": str, "landmark_id": np.uint64} for g in ["1", "2"]: dtypes["location_id" + g] = np.uint64 for d in "xyz": dtypes[d + g] = np.float64 lm_id_to_name = self._landmark_id_to_name() rows = [] for lm_id in set(self.group_members[group1_id]).intersection(self.group_members[group2_id]): lm_locs = self._locations_in_landmark(lm_id) g1_locs = group1_locs.intersection(lm_locs) if not len(g1_locs) == 1: continue g2_locs = group2_locs.intersection(lm_locs) if not len(g1_locs) == 1: continue row = [lm_id_to_name[lm_id], lm_id] row.append(g1_locs.pop()) row.extend(locs[row[-1]]) row.append(g2_locs.pop()) row.extend(locs[row[-1]]) rows.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(dtypes), dtype=object) return df.astype(dtypes)
[docs] class CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher: """Class for finding matching pairs of landmark locations between two instances. For example, find control points for transforming neurons from one instance's space to another. """
[docs] def __init__(self, this_lms: LandmarkMatcher, other_lms: LandmarkMatcher): """Constructing using ``.from_catmaid()`` may be more convenient. Parameters ---------- this_lms : LandmarkMatcher ``LandmarkMatcher`` for landmarks in "this" space. other_lms : LandmarkMatcher ``LandmarkMatcher`` for landmarks in the "other" space. """ self.this_m: LandmarkMatcher = this_lms self.other_m: LandmarkMatcher = other_lms
@classmethod def from_catmaid( cls, other_remote_instance: CatmaidInstance, this_remote_instance=None ): """Instantiate from a pair of CatmaidInstances. Parameters ---------- other_remote_instance : CatmaidInstance Other catmaid instance this_remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional This CATMAID instance. If None (default), use the global instance. """ this_remote_instance = _eval_remote_instance(this_remote_instance) return cls( LandmarkMatcher.from_catmaid(this_remote_instance), LandmarkMatcher.from_catmaid(other_remote_instance), ) def _member_landmarks(self, group_id: int, this=True) -> dict[str, int]: matcher = self.this_m if this else self.other_m lmid_to_name = matcher._landmark_id_to_name() out = dict() for lmid in matcher.group_members[group_id]: out[lmid_to_name[lmid]] = lmid return out def match( self, this_group: tp.Union[str, int], other_group: tp.Optional[tp.Union[str, int]] = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Match landmark locations between two instance of CATMAID. Looks through the members of the two groups to find landmarks with the same name. If those landmarks have one location in each group, match those. Parameters ---------- this_group : tp.Union[str, int] Group name (str) or ID (int) on this instance. other_group : tp.Optional[tp.Union[str, int]], optional Group name (str) or ID (int) on the other instance. If None (default) and ``this_group`` is a str name, use the same name. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Columns landmark_name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 where 1 is "this" and 2 is "other". """ this_group_id = self.this_m._as_group_id(this_group) if other_group is None: if isinstance(this_group, int): raise ValueError("If other_group is None, this_group must be a str name") other_group = this_group other_group_id = self.other_m._as_group_id(other_group) this_locs = self.this_m._locations() other_locs = self.other_m._locations() this_lms = self._member_landmarks(this_group_id) other_lms = self._member_landmarks(other_group_id, False) dtypes = {"landmark_name": str} for g in "12": for d in "xyz": dtypes[d + g] = np.float64 rows = [] for lm_name, this_lmid in this_lms.items(): if lm_name not in other_lms: continue other_lmid = other_lms[lm_name] this_loc_id = self.this_m._unique_location(this_group_id, this_lmid) if this_loc_id is None: continue other_loc_id = self.other_m._unique_location(other_group_id, other_lmid) if other_loc_id is None: continue row = [lm_name] row.extend(this_locs[this_loc_id]) row.extend(other_locs[other_loc_id]) rows.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(dtypes), dtype=object) return df.astype(dtypes) def match_all(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Match all landmark locations between two instances of CATMAID. Looks for all groups which share a name, then all landmark members of those groups which have a single location in each group. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Columns group_name, landmark_name, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 """ shared_groups = set( self.this_m.groups["name"] ).intersection(self.other_m.groups["name"]) dfs = [] for group_name in sorted(shared_groups): df = self.match(group_name) df.insert(0, "group_name", [group_name] * len(df)) dfs.append(df) return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
def to_control_points(df: pd.DataFrame) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Get control point arrays from a dataframe returned by a LandmarkMatcher. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame returned by a LandmarkMatcher or CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher. Returns ------- tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The coordinates of locations. """ return clean_points(df, "{}1").to_numpy(), clean_points(df, "{}2").to_numpy()