Source code for pymaid.neuron_label

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import cache
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple
import re

import networkx as nx

import pymaid
from .utils import _eval_remote_instance
from .client import CatmaidInstance
from .core import CatmaidNeuron
from .config import get_logger
from .fetch.annotations import get_annotation_table, get_entity_graph

__all__ = [

logger = get_logger(__name__)

component_re = re.compile(r"%(?P<idx>\d+|f)(\{(?P<sep>.*)\})?")
whitespace_re = re.compile(r"\s+")


[docs] class ThinNeuron: """Class containing some very basic information about a neuron as needed by `NeuronLabeller`. Unknown fields are fetched lazily as required. """
[docs] def __init__( self, skeleton_id: Optional[int] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, annotations: Optional[List[str]] = None, remote_instance: Optional[CatmaidInstance] = None, ) -> None: """ At least one of ``skeleton_id`` and ``name`` should be given if additional fields need to be fetched. Parameters ---------- skeleton_id : Optional[int], optional If None, determined from name. name : Optional[str], optional If None, determined from skeleton ID. annotations : Optional[List[str]], optional If None, determined from skeleton ID or name. remote_instance : Optional[CatmaidInstance], optional If None, uses global instance. """ self._skeleton_id = skeleton_id self._name = name self._annotations = annotations self._remote_instance_inner = remote_instance
@property def _remote_instance(self): if self._remote_instance_inner is None: self._remote_instance_inner = _eval_remote_instance(None) return self._remote_instance_inner @property def skeleton_id(self) -> int: if self._skeleton_id is None: if self._name is None: raise ValueError("Neither skeleton ID nor name is known") df = pymaid.get_skids_by_name([self._name]) if len(df) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Did not find unique skeleton ID for name '{}'" ) self._skeleton_id = int(df["skeleton_id"][0]) return self._skeleton_id @property def name(self) -> str: if self._name is None: if self._skeleton_id is None: raise ValueError("Neither skeleton ID nor name is known") skid_to_name = pymaid.get_names([self._skeleton_id]) self._name = skid_to_name[str(self._skeleton_id)] return self._name @property def annotations(self) -> List[str]: if self._annotations is None: skid = self.skeleton_id skid_to_anns = pymaid.get_annotations(skid) self._annotations = skid_to_anns.get(str(skid), []) return self._annotations def to_neuron(self, *args, **kwargs) -> CatmaidNeuron: x = self._skeleton_id if self._skeleton_id is not None else return pymaid.get_neuron(x, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_neuron(cls, nrn: CatmaidNeuron): return cls(nrn.skeleton_id,, nrn.annotations, nrn._remote_instance)
class LabelComponent(ABC): @abstractmethod def label(self, nrn: Union[ThinNeuron, CatmaidNeuron], sep: Optional[str] = None): """Extract information from a neuron for labelling purposes. Parameters ---------- nrn : Union[ThinNeuron, CatmaidNeuron] Neuron to get information about. sep : Optional[str], optional If the information has multiple parts (e.g. annotations), join them with this string. By default None (CATMAID default ``", "``). """ pass
[docs] class SkeletonId(LabelComponent): """`LabelComponent` which adds a skeleton ID modelling a neuron to its label.""" def label(self, nrn: Union[ThinNeuron, CatmaidNeuron], sep: Optional[str] = None): return str(nrn.skeleton_id)
[docs] class NeuronName(LabelComponent): """`LabelComponent` which adds a neuron's name to its label.""" def label(self, nrn: Union[ThinNeuron, CatmaidNeuron], sep: Optional[str] = None): return
[docs] class Annotations(LabelComponent): """`LabelComponent` which adds annotations to a neuron's label."""
[docs] def __init__( self, annotator_name: Optional[str] = None, annotated_with: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- annotator_name : Optional[str], optional Only include annotations created by a user of this name, by default None (do not filter) annotated_with : Optional[str], optional Only include annotations which have this meta-annotation, by default None (do not filter) """ self.annotator_name = annotator_name self.annotated_with = annotated_with super().__init__()
def _filter_by_author( self, annotations: List[str], remote_instance: CatmaidInstance ) -> List[str]: if self.annotator_name is None or not annotations: return annotations allowed = annotations_by_user( self.annotator_name, remote_instance=remote_instance ) return [a for a in annotations if a in allowed] def _filter_by_annotation( self, annotations: List[str], remote_instance: CatmaidInstance ) -> List[str]: if self.annotated_with is None or not annotations: return annotations allowed = annotations_by_annotation( self.annotated_with, False, remote_instance=remote_instance ) return [a for a in annotations if a in allowed] def label(self, nrn: Union[ThinNeuron, CatmaidNeuron], sep: Optional[str] = None): sep_str = DEFAULT_SEP if sep is None else sep anns = list(nrn.annotations) anns = self._filter_by_author(anns, nrn._remote_instance) anns = self._filter_by_annotation(anns, nrn._remote_instance) return sep_str.join(anns)
def dedup_whitespace(s: str): if not s: return "" return whitespace_re.sub(s, " ") @cache def parse_components( fmt: str, ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[Tuple[str, int, Optional[str]]]]: joiners = [] components = [] last_end = 0 for component in component_re.finditer(fmt): joiners.append(dedup_whitespace(fmt[last_end : component.start()])) last_end = component.end() d = component.groupdict() idx_str = d["idx"] idx = None if idx_str == "f" else int(idx_str) components.append( ( fmt[component.start() : component.end()], idx, d.get("sep", None), ) ) joiners.append(dedup_whitespace(fmt[last_end:])) return joiners, components @cache def annotations_by_annotation( annotation: Union[int, str], subannotations, remote_instance: CatmaidInstance ) -> set[str]: g = get_entity_graph(["annotation"], remote_instance=remote_instance) aid = None if isinstance(annotation, str): for n, data in g.nodes(data=True): if data["name"] == annotation: aid = n break if aid is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown annotation '{annotation}'") else: aid = int(annotation) if subannotations: aids = nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(g, aid) else: aids = g.successors(aid) return {g.nodes[child_aid]["name"] for child_aid in aids} @cache def annotations_by_user( user: Union[int, str], remote_instance: CatmaidInstance ) -> set[str]: if isinstance(user, str): key = "name" else: key = "id" user = int(user) ann_table = get_annotation_table(remote_instance=remote_instance) out = set() for aname, _aid, users in ann_table.itertuples(index=False): for user_info in users: if user_info[key] == user: out.add(aname) return out
[docs] class NeuronLabeller: """Class for calculating neurons' labels, as used in the CATMAID frontend."""
[docs] def __init__( self, components: Optional[List[LabelComponent]] = None, fmt="%0", trim_empty=True, remove_neighboring_duplicates=True, ): """Create an object which can calculate labels for neurons based on some configuration. Parameters ---------- components : List[LabelComponent], optional The label components as used in CATMAID's user settings. See `SkeletonId`, `NeuronName`, and `Annotations`. First component should be ``SkeletonId()`` for compatibility with CATMAID. If None (default), uses ``[SkeletonId()]``. fmt : str, optional Format string as used in CATMAID, by default ``"%0"``. trim_empty : bool, optional Trim whitespace around components which evaluate to empty strings, by default True remove_neighboring_duplicates : bool, optional Remove extra consecutive components which evaluate to the same value, by default True """ if components is None: components = [SkeletonId()] self.components = components if not isinstance(self.components[0], SkeletonId): logger.warning( "First component is not skeleton ID (which is the immutable default in CATMAID). " "Format string may not produce the same label as the CATMAID frontend." ) self.fmt = fmt self.trim_empty = trim_empty self.remove_neighboring_duplicates = remove_neighboring_duplicates
def label(self, nrn: Union[CatmaidNeuron, ThinNeuron]) -> str: """Determine the label for the given neuron. Parameters ---------- nrn : Union[CatmaidNeuron, ThinNeuron] If a `CatmaidNeuron` object is not available, use a `ThinNeuron`, which holds no morphological information, can be instantiated from minimal information, lazily fills out its own fields as required. Returns ------- str Neuron label """ joiners, components = parse_components(self.fmt) if not joiners: return "" to_join = [] prev_component = "" lstrip_next = False for joiner, (raw, idx, sep) in zip(joiners, components): to_join.append(joiner.lstrip() or " " if lstrip_next else joiner) if idx is None: value = "" for comp in reversed(self.components): value = comp.label(nrn, sep) if value: to_join.append(value) break elif idx >= len(self.components): value = raw else: comp = self.components[idx] value = comp.label(nrn, sep) if self.trim_empty and not value: to_join.append(to_join.pop().rstrip()) lstrip_next = True else: lstrip_next = False if self.remove_neighboring_duplicates and value == prev_component: to_join.pop() else: to_join.append(value) to_join.append(joiners[-1]) return "".join(to_join)