Source code for pymaid.utils

#    This script is part of pymaid (
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Schlegel
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along

import itertools
import os
import six
import sys
import warnings
import typing as tp

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from import Iterable

with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from vispy.visuals import Visual
    except ImportError:
        Visual = None

from . import core, fetch, config, client

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = ['set_loggers', 'set_pbars', 'eval_skids', 'clear_cache', 'shorten_name']

[docs] def clear_cache(): """Clear cache of global CatmaidInstance.""" if 'remote_instance' in sys.modules: rm = sys.modules['remote_instance'] elif 'remote_instance' in globals(): rm = globals()['remote_instance'] else: raise ValueError('No global CatmaidInstance found.') rm.clear_cache()
def _type_of_script(): """Return context in which pymaid is run.""" try: ipy_str = str(type(get_ipython())) if 'zmqshell' in ipy_str: return 'jupyter' if 'terminal' in ipy_str: return 'ipython' except BaseException: return 'terminal' def is_jupyterlab(): """Test if we are inside Jupyter lab.""" import psutil return any(['jupyter-lab' in x for x in psutil.Process().parent().cmdline()]) def has_plotly_extension(): """Check if Jupyter lab plotly renderer extension is installed.""" import subprocess # This is the old plotly renderer result =['jupyter', 'labextension', 'check', '@jupyterlab/plotly-extension']) if result.returncode == 0: return True # This is the new one result =['jupyter', 'labextension', 'check', 'jupyterlab-plotly']) if result.returncode == 0: return True return False def is_headless(): """Check if Display is available.""" return 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ def is_jupyter(): """Test if pymaid is run in a Jupyter notebook.""" return _type_of_script() == 'jupyter' def ipywidgets_installed(): """Test if pymaid is run in a Jupyter notebook.""" try: import ipywidgets return True except ImportError: return False except BaseException as e: logger.error('Error importing ipytwidgets: {}'.format(str(e)))
[docs] def set_loggers(level='INFO'): """Helper function to set levels for all associated module loggers.""" config.logger.setLevel(level)
[docs] def set_pbars(hide=None, leave=None, jupyter=None): """Set global progress bar behaviors. Parameters ---------- hide : bool, optional Set to True to hide all progress bars. leave : bool, optional Set to False to clear progress bars after they have finished. jupyter : bool, optional Set to False to force using of classic tqdm even if in Jupyter environment. Returns ------- Nothing """ if isinstance(hide, bool): config.pbar_hide = hide if isinstance(leave, bool): config.pbar_leave = leave if isinstance(jupyter, bool): if jupyter: if not is_jupyter(): logger.error('Unable to use fancy Jupyter progress: ' 'No Jupyter environment detected.') elif not ipywidgets_installed(): logger.error('Unable to use fancy Jupyter progress: ' 'ipywidgets not installed .') else: config.tqdm = config.tqdm_notebook config.trange = config.tnrange else: config.tqdm = config.tqdm_classic config.trange = config.trange_classic
def _make_iterable(x, force_type=None): """Convert input into a np.ndarray, if it isn't already. For dicts, keys will be turned into array. """ if not isinstance(x, Iterable) or isinstance(x, six.string_types): x = [x] if isinstance(x, dict) or isinstance(x, set): x = list(x) if force_type: return np.array(x).astype(force_type) else: return np.array(x) def _make_non_iterable(x): """Convert input into non-iterable, if it isn't already. Will raise error if len(x) > 1. """ if not _is_iterable(x): return x elif len(x) == 1: return x[0] else: raise ValueError('Iterable must not contain more than one entry.') def _is_iterable(x): """Check is input is iterable but not str, dictionary or pandas DataFrame. """ if isinstance(x, Iterable) and not isinstance(x, (six.string_types, pd.DataFrame)): return True else: return False def _eval_conditions(x): """Split list of strings into positive (no ~) and negative (~) conditions. """ x = _make_iterable(x, force_type=str) return [i for i in x if not i.startswith('~')], [i[1:] for i in x if i.startswith('~')] def _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance, raise_error=True) -> client.CatmaidInstance: """Evaluates remote instance. If input is None, checks for globally defined remote instances as fall back. Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CatmaidInstance | None Input to be evaluated. raise_on_error : bool, optional If True will raise error if input is ``None`` and no global CatmaidInstance was found. Returns ------- CatmaidInstance """ if remote_instance is None: if 'remote_instance' in sys.modules: return sys.modules['remote_instance'] elif 'remote_instance' in globals(): return globals()['remote_instance'] else: if raise_error: raise Exception('No pymaid.CatmaidInstance found. Please ' 'either define globally or pass explicitly ' 'as "remote_instance". See ' '`help(pymaid.CatmaidInstance) for details.') else: logger.warning('No global remote instance found.') elif not isinstance(remote_instance, client.CatmaidInstance): error = 'Expected None or CatmaidInstance, got {}'.format(type(remote_instance)) if raise_error: raise TypeError(error) else: logger.warning(error) return remote_instance
[docs] def eval_skids(x, remote_instance=None, warn_duplicates=True): """Extract skeleton IDs from input. Will turn annotations and neuron names into skeleton IDs. Parameters ---------- x : int | str | CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList | DataFrame Your options are either:: 1. int or list of ints: - will be assumed to be skeleton IDs 2. str or list of str: - if convertible to int, will be interpreted as x - if starts with 'annotation:' will be assumed to be annotations - else will be assumed to be neuron names 3. For CatmaidNeuron/List or pandas.DataFrames/Series: - will look for ``skeleton_id`` attribute remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. warn_duplicates : bool, optional If True, will warn if duplicate skeleton IDs are found. Only applies to CatmaidNeuronLists. Returns ------- list List containing skeleton IDs as strings. """ remote_instance = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance, raise_error=False) if isinstance(x, (int, np.int64, np.int32)): return [str(x)] elif isinstance(x, str): try: int(x) return [str(x)] except BaseException: if x.startswith('annotation:') or x.startswith('annotations:'): an = x[x.index(':') + 1:] return fetch.get_skids_by_annotation(an, remote_instance=remote_instance) elif x.startswith('name:'): return fetch.get_skids_by_name(x[5:], remote_instance=remote_instance, allow_partial=False ).skeleton_id.tolist() else: return fetch.get_skids_by_name(x, remote_instance=remote_instance, allow_partial=False ).skeleton_id.tolist() elif isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray, set)): skids = [] for e in x: temp = eval_skids(e, remote_instance=remote_instance) if isinstance(temp, (list, np.ndarray)): skids += temp else: skids.append(temp) return sorted(set(skids), key=skids.index) elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): return [x.skeleton_id] elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): if len(x.skeleton_id) != len(set(x.skeleton_id)) and warn_duplicates: logger.warning('Duplicate skeleton IDs found in neuronlist. ' 'The function you are using might not respect ' 'fragments of the same neuron. For explanation see ' '' 'ectivity_analysis.html.') return list(x.skeleton_id) elif isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): if 'skeleton_id' not in x.columns: raise ValueError('Expect "skeleton_id" column in pandas DataFrames') return x.skeleton_id.tolist() elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): if == 'skeleton_id': return x.tolist() elif 'skeleton_id' in x: return [x.skeleton_id] else: raise ValueError('Unable to extract skeleton ID from Pandas ' 'series {0}'.format(x)) elif isinstance(x, type(None)): return None else: logger.error( 'Unable to extract x from type %s' % str(type(x))) raise TypeError('Unable to extract skids from type %s' % str(type(x)))
def eval_user_ids(x, user_list=None, remote_instance=None): """Check a list of users and turns them into user IDs. Always returns a list! Will attempt converting in the following order: (1) user ID (2) login name (3) last name (4) full name (5) first name Important --------- Last, first and full names are case-sensitive! Parameters ---------- x : int | str | list of either Users to check. user_list : pd.DataFrame, optional User list from :func:`~pymaid.get_user_list`. If you already have it, pass it along to save time. """ remote_instance = _eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if x and not isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)): x = [x] try: # Test if we have any non IDs (i.e. logins) in users user_ids = [int(u) for u in x] except BaseException: # Get list of users if we don't already have it if not user_list: user_list = fetch.get_user_list( remote_instance=remote_instance) # Now convert individual entries to user IDs user_ids = [] for u in x: try: user_ids.append(int(u)) except BaseException: for col in ['login', 'last_name', 'full_name', 'first_name']: found = [] if u in user_list[col].values: found = user_list[user_list[col] == u].id.tolist() break if not found: logger.warning( 'User "{0}" not found. Skipping...'.format(u)) elif len(found) > 1: logger.warning('Multiple matching entries for ' '"{0}" found. Skipping...'.format(u)) else: user_ids.append(int(found[0])) return user_ids def eval_node_ids(x, connectors=True, nodes=True): """Extract node or connector IDs. Parameters ---------- x : int | str | CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList | DataFrame Your options are either:: 1. int or list of ints will be assumed to be node IDs 2. str or list of str will be checked if convertible to int 3. For CatmaidNeuron/List or pandas.DataFrames will try to extract node IDs connectors : bool, optional If True will return connector IDs from neuron objects nodes : bool, optional If True will return node IDs from neuron objects Returns ------- list List containing nodes as strings. """ if isinstance(x, (int, np.int64, np.int32)): return [x] elif isinstance(x, str): try: return [int(x)] except BaseException: raise TypeError( 'Unable to extract node ID from string <%s>' % str(x)) elif isinstance(x, (set, list, np.ndarray)): # Check non-integer entries ids = [] for e in x: temp = eval_node_ids(e, connectors=connectors, nodes=nodes) if isinstance(temp, (list, np.ndarray)): ids += temp else: ids.append(temp) # Preserving the order after making a set is super costly # return sorted(set(ids), key=ids.index) return list(set(ids)) elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): to_return = [] if nodes: to_return += x.nodes.treenode_id.tolist() if connectors: to_return += x.connectors.connector_id.tolist() return to_return elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): to_return = [] for n in x: if nodes: to_return += n.nodes.treenode_id.tolist() if connectors: to_return += n.connectors.connector_id.tolist() return to_return elif isinstance(x, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): to_return = [] if nodes and 'node_id' in x: to_return += x.node_id.tolist() if connectors and 'connector_id' in x: to_return += x.connector_id.tolist() if 'connector_id' not in x and 'node_id' not in x: to_return = x.tolist() return to_return else: raise TypeError(f'Unable to extract node IDs from type {type(x)}') def _unpack_neurons(x, raise_on_error=True): """Unpack neurons and returns a list of individual neurons.""" neurons = [] if isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): for l in x: neurons += _unpack_neurons(l) elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): neurons.append(x) elif isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): neurons += x.neurons elif raise_on_error: raise TypeError('Unknown neuron format: "{}"'.format(type(x))) return neurons def _parse_objects(x, remote_instance=None): """Parse objects into different types. Returns ------- skids : list skdata : pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList dotprops : pd.DataFrame volumes : list points : list of arrays visuals : list of vispy visuals """ if not isinstance(x, list): x = [x] # If any list in x, flatten first if any([isinstance(i, list) for i in x]): # We need to be careful to preserve order because of colors y = [] for i in x: y += i if isinstance(i, list) else [i] x = y # Check for skeleton IDs skids = [] for ob in x: if isinstance(ob, (str, int)): try: skids.append(int(ob)) except BaseException: pass # Collect neuron objects and collate to single Neuronlist neuron_obj = [ob for ob in x if isinstance(ob, (core.CatmaidNeuron, core.CatmaidNeuronList))] skdata = core.CatmaidNeuronList(neuron_obj, make_copy=False) # Collect visuals if Visual is not None: visuals = [ob for ob in x if isinstance(ob, Visual)] else: # Best guess if vispy not installed visuals = [ob for ob in x if 'Visual' in str(type(x)) and 'vispy' in str(type(x))] # Collect dotprops dotprops = [ob for ob in x if isinstance(ob, core.Dotprops)] if len(dotprops) == 1: dotprops = dotprops[0] elif len(dotprops) == 0: dotprops = core.Dotprops() dotprops['gene_name'] = [] elif len(dotprops) > 1: dotprops = pd.concat(dotprops) # Collect and parse volumes volumes = [ob for ob in x if isinstance(ob, (core.Volume, str))] # Collect dataframes with X/Y/Z coordinates # Note: dotprops and volumes are instances of pd.DataFrames dataframes = [ob for ob in x if isinstance(ob, pd.DataFrame) and not isinstance(ob, (core.Dotprops, core.Volume))] if [d for d in dataframes if False in [c in d.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]]: logger.warning('DataFrames must have x, y and z columns.') # Filter to and extract x/y/z coordinates dataframes = [d for d in dataframes if False not in [c in d.columns for c in ['x', 'y', 'z']]] dataframes = [d[['x', 'y', 'z']].values for d in dataframes] # Collect arrays arrays = [ob.copy() for ob in x if isinstance(ob, np.ndarray)] # Remove arrays with wrong dimensions if [ob for ob in arrays if ob.shape[1] != 3]: logger.warning('Point objects need to be of shape (n,3).') arrays = [ob for ob in arrays if ob.shape[1] == 3] points = dataframes + arrays return skids, skdata, dotprops, volumes, points, visuals def __guess_sentiment(x): """Classify a list of words. Tries sorting words into either <type>, <nickname>, <tracer> or <generic> annotations. """ sent = [] for i, w in enumerate(x): # If word is a number, it's most likely something generic if w.isdigit(): sent.append('generic') elif w == 'neuron': # If there is a lonely "neuron" followed by a number, it's generic if i != len(x) and x[i + 1].isdigit(): sent.append('generic') # If not, it's probably type else: sent.append('type') # If there is a short, all upper case word after the generic information elif w.isupper() and len(w) > 1 and w.isalpha() and 'generic' in sent: # If there is no number in that word, it's probably tracer initials sent.append('tracer') else: # If the word is AFTER the generic number, it's probably a nickname if 'generic' in sent: sent.append('nickname') # If not, it's likely type information else: sent.append('type') return sent def parse_neuronname(x): """Parse neuron names into type, nickname, tracer and generic information. This works best if neuron name follows this convention:: {type} {generic} {nickname} {tracer initials} Parameters ---------- x : str | CatmaidNeuron Neuron name. Returns ------- type : str nickname : str tracer : str generic : str Examples -------- >>> pymaid.utils.parse_neuronname('AD1b2#7 3080184 Dust World JJ PS') ('AD1b2#7', 'Dust World', 'JJ PS', '3080184') """ if isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): x = x.neuron_name if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError('Unable to parse name: must be str, not {}'.format(type(x))) # Split name into single words words = x.split(' ') sentiments = __guess_sentiment(words) type_str = [w for w, s in zip(words, sentiments) if s == 'type'] nick_str = [w for w, s in zip(words, sentiments) if s == 'nickname'] tracer_str = [w for w, s in zip(words, sentiments) if s == 'tracer'] gen_str = [w for w, s in zip(words, sentiments) if s == 'generic'] return ' '.join(type_str), ' '.join(nick_str), ' '.join(tracer_str), ' '.join(gen_str)
[docs] def shorten_name(x, max_len=30): """Shorten a neuron name by iteratively removing non-essential bits. Prioritises generic -> tracer -> nickname -> type information when removing until target length is reached. This works best if neuron name follows this convention:: {type} {generic} {nickname} {tracers} Parameters ---------- x : str | CatmaidNeuron Neuron name. max_len : int, optional Max length of shortened name. Returns ------- shortened name : str Examples -------- >>> pymaid.shorten_name('AD1b2#7 3080184 Dust World JJ PS', 30) 'AD1b2#7 Dust World [..]' """ if isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): x = x.neuron_name # Split into individual words and guess their type words = x.split(' ') sentiments = __guess_sentiment(words) # Make sure we're working on a copy of the original neuron name short = str(x) ty = ['generic', 'tracer', 'nickname', 'type'] # Iteratively remove generic -> tracer -> nickname -> type information for t, (w, sent) in itertools.product(ty, zip(words[::-1], sentiments[::-1])): # Stop if we are below max length if len(short) <= max_len: break # Stop if there is only a single word left elif len(short.replace('[..]', '').strip().split(' ')) == 1: break # Skip if this word is not of the right sentiment elif t != sent: continue # Remove this word short = short.replace(w, '[..]').strip() # Make sure to merge consecutive '[..]' while '[..] [..]' in short: short = short.replace('[..] [..]', '[..]') return short
def to_float(x): """Convert input to float.""" try: return float(x) except ValueError: return None except BaseException: raise class DataFrameBuilder: def __init__( self, columns: tp.Sequence[tp.Hashable], dtypes: tp.Optional[tp.Sequence] = None ): self.columns: tp.Dict[tp.Hashable, list] = {c: [] for c in columns} self.dtypes: tp.Optional[list] = list(dtypes) if dtypes else None if dtypes is not None and len(dtypes) != len(self.columns): raise ValueError() def _check_len(self, row: tp.Collection): """Raise an error if row is of incorrect length. Parameters ---------- row : Collection Row to be added (as dict or sequence). Raises ------ ValueError If row length does not match number of columns. """ if len(row) != len(self.columns): raise ValueError( f"Row length ({len(row)}) does not match number of columns ({len(self.columns)})" ) def append_row(self, row: tp.Sequence): """Append a sequence to the rows. Parameters ---------- row : Sequence Must be same length as number of columns. Returns ------- self """ self._check_len(row) for item, col in zip(row, self.columns.values()): col.append(item) return self def append_dict(self, row: tp.Dict[tp.Hashable, tp.Any]): """Append a dict to the rows. Parameters ---------- row : dict[tp.Hashable, tp.Any] Keys must match columns. Returns ------- self """ self._check_len(row) for k, v in row.items(): self.columns[k].append(v) return self def build(self, index_col=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Build the dataframe. Parameters ---------- index_col : Hashable, optional Which column to use as the index, by default None (i.e. numeric index in insertion order). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ cols = dict() index = None for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(self.columns.items()): dtype = self.dtypes[idx] if self.dtypes else None v2 = pd.Series(v, dtype=dtype, name=k) if k == index_col: index = v2 else: cols[k] = v2 df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(cols) if index is not None: df.index = index return df def clean_points( df: pd.DataFrame, fmt: tp.Union[str, tp.Callable[[str], tp.Hashable]], dims="xyz" ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract points from a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe, some of whose columns represent points. fmt : tp.Union[str, tp.Callable[[str], tp.Hashable]] Either a format string (e.g. ``"point_{}_1"``), or a callable which takes a string and returns a column name. When a dimension name (like ``"x"``) is passed to the format string, or the callable, the result should be the name of a column in ``df``. dims : str, optional Dimension name order, by default "xyz" Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The column index will be the dimensions given in ``dims``. Call ``.to_numpy()`` to convert into a numpy array. """ if isinstance(fmt, str): fmt_c = lambda s: fmt.format(s) else: fmt_c = fmt cols = {fmt_c(d): d for d in dims} return df[list(cols)].rename(columns=cols)