Calculating user contributions

When gearing up for publication, you will find that due to the collaborative approach of CATMAID a great many people will have contributed to the data you would like to publish. In order to come up with a sensible author list, it is useful to quantify how much a user has contributed to the reconstruction of a set of neurons. CATMAID provides you a broad summary of contributions e.g. via the selection table. Pymaid let’s you fetch that data and more.

First, let’s get a set of olfactory projection neurons to demonstrate user statistics on:

import pymaid

# Initialize connection
rm = pymaid.connect_catmaid()

# Fetch some neurons
nl = pymaid.get_neurons('annotation:glomerulus DA1 right')
INFO  : Found 9 skeletons with matching annotation(s) (pymaid)

First some basic stats:

cont = pymaid.get_contributor_statistics(nl, separate=True)
skeleton_id n_nodes node_contributors n_presynapses pre_contributors n_postsynapses post_contributors review_contributors multiuser_review_minutes construction_minutes min_review_minutes
0 61221 7875 {'adamjohn': 2442, 'ranftp': 4109, 'ratliffj':... 404 {'hsuj': 1, 'adamjohn': 10, 'ranftp': 249, 'ha... 128 {'ranftp': 89, 'alij': 1, 'koppenhaverb': 5, '... {'ratliffj': 2834, 'masoodpanahn': 84, 'koppen... 165 416 135
1 27295 9975 {'koppenhaverb': 102, 'robertsr': 53, 'lovef':... 412 {'robertsr': 32, 'alij': 6, 'schlegelp': 205, ... 59 {'alij': 2, 'heatha': 2, 'hallouc': 2, 'schleg... {'schlegelp': 517, 'adesinaa': 2586, 'kmecoval... 367 502 313
2 57323 4585 {'kmecoval': 2194, 'robertsr': 159, 'koppenhav... 361 {'calles': 2, 'michaelLingelbach': 1, 'kmecova... 76 {'vallas': 1, 'ranftp': 1, 'edmondsona': 20, '... {'ratliffj': 2116, 'kmecoval': 350, 'masoodpan... 176 208 84
3 57311 4882 {'kmecoval': 1376, 'robertsr': 24, 'lovef': 75... 371 {'robertsr': 18, 'lovef': 220, 'jamasba': 4, '... 58 {'robertsr': 10, 'ranftp': 1, 'heatha': 1, 'lo... {'mooree': 2308, 'adamjohn': 1231, 'kmecoval':... 390 241 163
4 57353 4898 {'kmecoval': 1054, 'hsuj': 1, 'koppenhaverb': ... 302 {'hsuj': 1, 'robertsr': 13, 'kmecoval': 17, 's... 24 {'robertsr': 7, 'kmecoval': 2, 'meechank': 13,... {'adamjohn': 1843, 'sharifin': 1231, 'masoodpa... 177 247 101

For convencience, there is another function that shows contributions per-user instead of per-neuron:

by_user = pymaid.get_user_contributions(nl)
user nodes presynapses postsynapses nodes_reviewed
0 robertsr 14527 1038 481 4729
1 ranftp 5927 401 132 0
2 kmecoval 5204 87 4 5177
3 hallouc 4267 61 11 8047
4 michaelLingelbach 4253 1 0 0

Sometimes the plain number of nodes (or cable length) are not very helpful. Did a person trace mostly backbone (fast) or did they scramble tracing fine terminal branches (slow)? Personally, I consider time invested to be a better metric:

time_inv = pymaid.get_time_invested(nl)
total creation edition review
robertsr 1113 690 420 198
hallouc 627 183 180 333
koppenhaverb 378 108 15 144
ranftp 357 219 189 0
kmecoval 333 147 72 126

Notice how the order of contributors changes whether we look at e.g. nodes created vs total time invested?

pymaid.get_time_invested() takes timestamps from node creation, edits and reviews and calculates the time invested in minutes. In brief, pymaid sums up the minutes in which a user has performed 10+ actions. You can tweak this behaviour - have a look at the documentation!

Compartmentalizing contributions

You might end up publishing only reconstructions in a certain neuropil. In that case will want to subset contribution accordingly.

Let’s first prune the projection neurons to the lateral horn

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

lh = pymaid.get_volume('LH_R')
lh.color = (240,240,240,.5)

nl_lh = nl.prune_by_volume(lh, inplace=False)

fig, ax = pymaid.plot2d([nl_lh, lh], connectors=False, linewidth=1.5)

You must not use pymaid.get_user_contributions() or pymaid.get_contributor_statistics() with neuron fragments as they are not “fragment-safe”. That’s because these functions use only skeleton IDs to query the CATMAID server which is totally oblivious to the local changes to these neurons.

For our purposes, pymaid.get_time_invested() and pymaid.get_team_contributions() are fragment-safe:

time_lh = pymaid.get_time_invested(nl_lh)
total creation edition review
robertsr 588 249 210 177
koppenhaverb 225 96 9 33
lovef 198 0 15 162
schlegelp 171 27 30 66
ranftp 105 69 39 0

There is currently no pymaid wrapper for the number of nodes/connectors/etc per user but that’s no problem:

node_details = pymaid.get_node_details(nl_lh.nodes.treenode_id.values)
connector_details = pymaid.get_node_details(nl_lh.connectors.connector_id.values)
node_id creation_time creator edition_time editor reviewers review_times
0 331812 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [53, 13] [2016-05-03 14:43:00, 2015-05-12 12:32:00]
1 331813 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00]
2 331814 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00]
3 331815 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00]
4 331816 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [53, 13] [2016-05-03 14:43:00, 2015-05-12 12:32:00]

Next, map user IDs to names:

user_list = pymaid.get_user_list().set_index('id').login.to_dict()

node_details['creator2'] =
connector_details['creator2'] =

node_id creation_time creator edition_time editor reviewers review_times creator2
0 331812 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [53, 13] [2016-05-03 14:43:00, 2015-05-12 12:32:00] adesinaa
1 331813 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00] adesinaa
2 331814 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00] adesinaa
3 331815 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [13, 53] [2015-05-12 12:32:00, 2016-05-03 14:43:00] adesinaa
4 331816 2015-05-12 12:31:00 13 2015-10-20 06:44:00 13 [53, 13] [2016-05-03 14:43:00, 2015-05-12 12:32:00] adesinaa

Group by user and count:

import pandas as pd

node_counts = node_details.groupby('creator2').node_id.count()
cn_counts = connector_details.groupby('creator2').node_id.count()

lh_counts = pd.concat([node_counts, cn_counts], axis=1, sort=True).fillna(0).astype(int)

lh_counts.columns=['nodes', 'connectors']

lh_counts.sort_values('nodes', ascending=False).head()
nodes connectors
robertsr 5527 1091
koppenhaverb 2847 0
ranftp 2496 349
jefferis 947 11
schlegelp 914 333

Contributions by date

You might find yourself in a situation where your neurons of interested have already been published in the past. In that case, you could consider crediting only reconstructions that have been done since.

For this, we need to subset neurons to nodes/connectors that have been created/reviewed/edited after a certain date:

import numpy as np

after_date = np.datetime64('2017-01-01')

# Get node details
node_details = pymaid.get_node_details(nl.nodes.treenode_id.values)
cn_details = pymaid.get_node_details(nl.connectors.connector_id.values)

# Subset to nodes/connectors created after given date
new_nodes = node_details[node_details.creation_time >= after_date].node_id.values
new_connectors = cn_details[cn_details.creation_time >= after_date].node_id.values

# Subset neurons to the new nodes/connectors
nl_new = nl.copy()
for n in nl_new:
    pymaid.subset_neuron(n, new_nodes, inplace=True, remove_disconnected=False)
    n.connectors = n.connectors[n.connectors.connector_id.isin(new_connectors)]

Let’s visualize this: old neuron in grey, recent additions in red.

fig, ax = pymaid.plot2d(nl, color=(.8,.8,.8), connectors=False)
_ = pymaid.plot2d(nl_new, color='r', ax=ax, connectors=False, linewidth=1)

Now that we have subset our neurons of interest, we can use pymaid.get_time_invested() and pymaid.get_team_contributions() just like we did before:

time_new = pymaid.get_time_invested(nl_new)
total creation edition review
robertsr 168 81 51 9
schlegelp 30 9 9 9
alij 6 0 0 0
sharifin 6 0 3 0
edmondsona 6 3 3 0

Relevant functions:

pymaid.get_contributor_statistics(x[, …])

Retrieve contributor statistics for given skeleton ids.

pymaid.get_user_contributions(x[, teams, …])

Return number of nodes and synapses contributed by each user.

pymaid.get_time_invested(x[, mode, by, …])

Calculate the time spent working on a set of neurons.

pymaid.get_team_contributions(teams[, …])

Get contributions by teams (nodes, reviews, connectors, time invested).