Source code for pymaid.fetch

# A collection of tools to remotely access a CATMAID server via its API
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

"""This module contains functions to request data from Catmaid server.

>>> import pymaid
>>> # HTTP_USER AND HTTP_PASSWORD are only necessary if your server requires a
>>> # http authentification
>>> myInstance = pymaid.CatmaidInstance('',
...                                     'api_token',
...                                     'http_user', # Omit if not required
...                                     'http_password')
>>> # Get skeletal data for two neurons
>>> neuron_list = pymaid.get_neuron(['12345', '67890'], myInstance)
>>> neuron_list[0]
type              <class 'pymaid.CatmaidNeuron'>
neuron_name                       Example neuron name
skeleton_id                                     12345
n_nodes                                          9924
n_connectors                                      437
n_branch_nodes                                    207
n_end_nodes                                       214
cable_length                                  1479.81
review_status                                      NA
annotations                                     False
igraph                                          False
tags                                             True
dtype: object


import datetime
import re
import urllib
import webbrowser

import navis as ns
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd

from .. import core, utils, config, cache
from navis import in_volume
from .landmarks import get_landmarks, get_landmark_groups, LandmarkMatcher, CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher
from .skeletons import get_skeleton_ids
from .annotations import get_annotation_graph, get_entity_graph, get_annotation_id
from .stack import get_stacks, get_stack_info, get_mirror_info

__all__ = ['get_annotation_details', 'get_annotation_id',
                  'get_annotation_list', 'get_annotations', 'get_annotation_graph',
                  'get_connector_details', 'get_connectors',
                  'get_contributor_statistics', 'get_edges', 'get_entity_graph',
                  'get_logs', 'get_names', 'get_neuron',
                  'get_neurons', 'get_neurons_in_bbox',
                  'get_neurons_in_volume', 'get_node_tags', 'get_node_details',
                  'get_nodes_in_volume', 'get_partners',
                  'get_partners_in_volume', 'get_paths', 'get_review',
                  'get_review_details', 'get_skids_by_annotation',
                  'get_skids_by_name', 'get_node_info',
                  'get_node_table', 'get_user_annotations',
                  'get_user_list', 'get_volume', 'has_soma', 'neuron_exists',
                  'get_connectors_between', 'url_to_coordinates',
                  'get_label_list', 'find_neurons',
                  'get_skid_from_node', 'get_transactions',
                  'get_nth_partners', 'find_nodes',
                  'get_node_location', 'get_annotated',
                  'get_origin', 'get_skids_by_origin',
                  'get_sampler', 'get_sampler_domains', 'get_sampler_counts',
                  'get_landmarks', 'get_landmark_groups',
                  'LandmarkMatcher', 'CrossProjectLandmarkMatcher',
                  'get_stacks', 'get_stack_info', 'get_mirror_info',

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_neuron(x, with_connectors=True, with_tags=True, with_history=False, with_merge_history=False, with_abutting=False, return_df=False, fetch_kwargs={}, init_kwargs={}, raise_missing=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve 3D skeleton data as CatmaidNeuron/List. Parameters ---------- x Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s), int or str 2. list of neuron name(s), str, exact match 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object with_connectors : bool, optional If True, will include connector data. Note: the CATMAID API endpoint does currently not support retrieving abutting connectors this way. Please use ``with_abutting=True`` to include abutting connectors. with_tags : bool, optional If True, will include node tags. with_history: bool, optional If True, the returned node data will contain creation date and last modified for each node. ATTENTION: if ``with_history=True``, nodes/connectors that have been moved since their creation will have multiple entries reflecting their changes in position! Each state has the date it was modified as creation date and the next state's date as last modified. The most up to date state has the original creation date as last modified. The creator_id is always the original creator though. with_abutting: bool, optional If True, will retrieve abutting connectors. For some reason they are not part of compact-json, so they have to be retrieved via a separate API endpoint -> will show up as connector type 3! return_df : bool, optional If True, a ``pandas.DataFrame`` instead of ``CatmaidNeuron``/``CatmaidNeuronList`` is returned. fetch_kwargs : dict, optional Above BOOLEAN parameters can also be passed as dict. This is then used in CatmaidNeuron objects to override implicitly set parameters! init_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed when initializing ``CatmaidNeuron``/``CatmaidNeuronList``. raise_missing : bool, optional If True and any of the queried neurons can not be found, raise an exception. Else just log a warning. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- :class:`~pymaid.CatmaidNeuron` For single neurons. :class:`~pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList` For a list of neurons. pandas.DataFrame If ``return_df=True`` Notes ----- The returned objects contain for each neuron:: neuron_name : str skeleton_id : str nodes / connectors : pandas.DataFrames containing node/connector ID, coordinates, parent nodes, etc. tags : dict containing the node tags: ``{'tag': [node_id, node_id, ...]}`` Dataframe column titles for ``nodes`` and ``connectors`` should be self-explanatory with the exception of ``relation`` in connector table. This columns describes the connection ("relation") from the neuron's node TO the connector:: connectors['relation'] 0 = "presynaptic_to" -> this is a presynapse for this neuron 1 = "postsynaptic_to" -> this is a postsynapse for this neuron 2 = "gapjunction_with" 3 = "abutting" (not returned by default) -1 = other (hypothetical as CATMAID does only return the above) Examples -------- >>> # Get a single neuron by skeleton id >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron(16) >>> # Get a bunch of neurons by annotation >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron('annotation:glomerulus DA1') """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Update from kwargs if available with_tags = fetch_kwargs.get('with_tags', with_tags) with_connectors = fetch_kwargs.get('with_connectors', with_connectors) with_history = fetch_kwargs.get('with_history', with_history) with_merge_history = fetch_kwargs.get('with_merge_history', with_merge_history) with_abutting = fetch_kwargs.get('with_abutting', with_abutting) return_df = fetch_kwargs.get('return_df', return_df) # Generate URLs to retrieve urls = [remote_instance._get_compact_details_url(s, with_history=str(with_history).lower(), with_tags=str(with_tags).lower(), with_connectors=str(with_connectors).lower(), with_merge_history=str(with_merge_history).lower()) for s in x] skdata = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Fetch neurons') # Retrieve abutting if with_abutting: urls = [remote_instance._get_connector_links_url(**{'skeleton_ids[0]': str(s), 'relation_type': 'abutting'}) for s in x] cn_data = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Fetch abutting cn') # Add abutting to other connectors in skdata with type == 3 for i, cn in enumerate(cn_data): if not with_history: skdata[i][1] += [[c[7], c[1], 3, c[2], c[3], c[4]] for c in cn['links']] else: skdata[i][1] += [[c[7], c[1], 3, c[2], c[3], c[4], c[8], None] for c in cn['links']] # Get neuron names names = get_names(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Parse column names node_cols = ['node_id', 'parent_id', 'creator_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'confidence'] cn_cols = ['node_id', 'connector_id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] if with_history: node_cols += ['last_modified', 'creation_date', 'still_on_skeleton'] cn_cols += ['last_modified', 'creation_date'] missing = [s for s, d in zip(x, skdata) if not d[0]] if missing: msg = 'The following skeleton ID(s) could not be found: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)) if raise_missing: raise ValueError(msg) else: logger.warning(msg) def make_node_table(x): """Generate node table (incl. correct data types).""" df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=node_cols).fillna(-1) # do not remove fillna return df.astype(config.node_dtypes) def make_cn_table(x): """Generate connector table (incl. correct data types).""" df = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=cn_cols) return df.astype(config.connector_dtypes) # Generate DataFrame containing all neurons df = pd.DataFrame([[names[str(x[i])], # neuron name str(x[i]), # skeleton ID make_node_table(n[0]), # nodes make_cn_table(n[1]), # connectors n[2] # tags as dictionary ] for i, n in enumerate(skdata) if n[0]], columns=['neuron_name', 'skeleton_id', 'nodes', 'connectors', 'tags']) if return_df: return df nl = core.CatmaidNeuronList(df, remote_instance=remote_instance, **init_kwargs) return nl[0] if len(nl) == 1 and len(x) == 1 else nl
# This is for legacy reasons -> will remove eventually get_neurons = get_neuron
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_arbor(x, node_flag=1, connector_flag=1, tag_flag=1, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve skeleton data for a list of skeleton ids. Similar to :func:`pymaid.get_neuron` but the connector data includes the whole chain:: node1 -> (link_confidence) -> connector -> (link_confidence) -> node2 This means that connectors can shop up multiple times (i.e. if they have multiple postsynaptic targets). Does include connector ``x, y, z`` coordinates! Parameters ---------- x Neurons to retrieve. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object connector_flag : 0 | 1, optional Set if connector data should be retrieved. tag_flag : 0 | 1, optional Set if tags should be retrieved. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a neuron:: neuron_name skeleton_id nodes connectors tags 0 str str DataFrame DataFrame dict 1 2 Notes ----- - nodes and connectors are pandas.DataFrames themselves - tags is a dict: ``{'tag': [node_id, node_id, ...]}`` Dataframe (df) column titles should be self explanatory with these exception: - ``df['relation_1']`` describes node1 to/from connector - ``df['relation_2']`` describes node2 to/from connector - ``relation`` can be: ``0`` (presynaptic), ``1`` (postsynaptic), ``2`` (gap junction) """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) skdata = [] for s in config.tqdm(x, desc='Retrieving arbors', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): # Create URL for retrieving example skeleton from server remote_compact_arbor_url = remote_instance._get_compact_arbor_url( s, node_flag, connector_flag, tag_flag) # Retrieve node_data for example skeleton arbor_data = remote_instance.fetch(remote_compact_arbor_url) skdata.append(arbor_data) logger.debug('%s retrieved' % str(s)) names = get_names(x, remote_instance) df = pd.DataFrame([[ names[str(x[i])], str(x[i]), pd.DataFrame(n[0], columns=['node_id', 'parent_id', 'creator_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'confidence']), pd.DataFrame(n[1], columns=['node_1', 'link_confidence', 'connector_id', 'link_confidence', 'node_2', 'other_skeleton_id', 'relation_1', 'relation_2']), n[2]] for i, n in enumerate(skdata) ], columns=['neuron_name', 'skeleton_id', 'nodes', 'connectors', 'tags'], dtype=object ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_partners_in_volume(x, volume, syn_threshold=None, min_size=2, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve the synaptic/gap junction partners within a CATMAID Volume. Important --------- Connectivity (total number of connections) returned is restricted to that volume. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to check. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object volume : str | list of str | navis.Volume Name of the CATMAID volume to test OR volume dict with {'vertices':[],'faces':[]} as returned by e.g. :func:`~pymaid.get_volume()`. syn_threshold : int, optional Synapse threshold. This threshold is applied to the TOTAL number of synapses across all neurons! min_size : int, optional Minimum node count of partner (default = 2 -> hide single-node partner). remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a neuron and the number of synapses with the query neurons:: neuron_name skeleton_id num_nodes relation skid1 skid2 ... 1 name1 skid1 node_count1 upstream n_syn n_syn .. 2 name2 skid2 node_count2 downstream n_syn n_syn . 3 name3 skid3 node_count3 gapjunction n_syn n_syn . - Relation can be: upstream (incoming), downstream (outgoing) of the neurons of interest or gap junction - partners can show up multiple times if they are e.g. pre- AND postsynaptic - the number of connections between two partners is restricted to the volume See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_neurons_in_volume` Get all neurons within given volume. :func:`~pymaid.filter_connectivity` Filter connectivity table or adjacency matrix by volume(s) or to parts of neuron(s). """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # First, get list of connectors cn_data = get_connectors(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Find out which connectors are in the volume of interest if isinstance(volume, str): volume = get_volume(volume, remote_instance=remote_instance) elif isinstance(volume, (list, np.ndarray)): for i in range(len(volume)): if isinstance(volume[i], str): volume[i] = get_volume(volume[i], remote_instance=remote_instance) iv = in_volume(cn_data[['x', 'y', 'z']], volume) # Get the subset of connectors within the volume cn_in_volume = cn_data[iv].copy()'{} unique connectors in volume. Reconstructing connectivity' '...'.format(len(cn_in_volume.connector_id.unique()))) # Get details for connectors in volume cn_details = get_connector_details(cn_in_volume.connector_id.unique(), remote_instance=remote_instance) # Filter those connectors that don't have a presynaptic node cn_details = cn_details[~cn_details.presynaptic_to.isnull()] # Now reconstruct connectivity table from connector details # Some connectors may be connected to the same neuron multiple times # In those cases there will be more node IDs in "postsynaptic_to_node" # than there are skeleton IDs in "postsynaptic_to". Then we need to map # node IDs to neurons mismatch = cn_details[cn_details.postsynaptic_to.apply( len) < cn_details.postsynaptic_to_node.apply(len)] match = cn_details[cn_details.postsynaptic_to.apply( len) >= cn_details.postsynaptic_to_node.apply(len)] if not mismatch.empty:'Retrieving additional details for {0} ' 'connectors'.format(mismatch.shape[0])) tn_to_skid = get_skid_from_node([tn for l in mismatch.postsynaptic_to_node.values for tn in l], remote_instance=remote_instance) else: tn_to_skid = [] # Now collect edges edges = [[cn.presynaptic_to, skid] for cn in match.itertuples() for skid in cn.postsynaptic_to] edges += [[cn.presynaptic_to, tn_to_skid[tn]] for cn in mismatch.itertuples() for tn in cn.postsynaptic_to_node] # Turn edges into synaptic connections unique_edges, counts = np.unique(edges, return_counts=True, axis=0) unique_skids = np.unique(edges).astype(str) unique_edges = unique_edges.astype(str) # Create empty adj_mat adj_mat = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(unique_skids), len(unique_skids))), columns=unique_skids, index=unique_skids) for i, e in enumerate(config.tqdm(unique_edges, disable=config.pbar_hide, desc='Adj. matrix', leave=config.pbar_leave)): # using here speeds things up tremendously! adj_mat.loc[str(e[0]), str(e[1])] = counts[i] # There is a chance that our original neurons haven't made it through # filtering (i.e. they don't have partners in the volume ). We will simply # add these rows and columns and set them to 0 missing = [n for n in x if n not in adj_mat.columns] for n in missing: adj_mat[n] = 0 missing = [n for n in x if n not in adj_mat.index] for n in missing: adj_mat.loc[n] = [0 for i in range(adj_mat.shape[1])] # Generate connectivity table all_upstream = adj_mat.T[adj_mat.T[x].sum(axis=1) > 0][x] all_upstream['skeleton_id'] = all_upstream.index all_upstream['relation'] = 'upstream' all_downstream = adj_mat[adj_mat[x].sum(axis=1) > 0][x] all_downstream['skeleton_id'] = all_downstream.index all_downstream['relation'] = 'downstream' # Merge tables df = pd.concat([all_upstream, all_downstream], axis=0, ignore_index=True) # We will use this to get name and size of neurons'Collecting additional info for {0} neurons'.format( len(df.skeleton_id.unique()))) review = get_review(df.skeleton_id.unique(), remote_instance=remote_instance) num_nodes = review.set_index('skeleton_id').total_node_count.to_dict() names = get_names(df.skeleton_id.unique(), remote_instance=remote_instance) df['neuron_name'] = df['num_nodes'] = df['total'] = df[x].sum(axis=1) # Filter for min size df = df[df.num_nodes >= min_size] # Filter for synapse threshold if syn_threshold: df = df[ >= syn_threshold] # Reorder columns df = df[['neuron_name', 'skeleton_id', 'num_nodes', 'relation', 'total'] + x] df.sort_values(['relation', 'total'], inplace=True, ascending=False) return df.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_nth_partners(x, n_circles=1, min_pre=2, min_post=2, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve Nth partners. Partners that are directly (``n_circles = 1``) or via N "hops" (``n_circles>1``) connected to a set of seed neurons. Parameters ---------- x Seed neurons for which to retrieve partners. Can be: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object n_circles : int, optional Number of circles around your seed neurons. min_pre/min_post : int, optional Synapse threshold. Set to -1 to not get any pre-/post synaptic partners. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame each row represents a partner:: neuron_name skeleton_id 0 name1 123 1 name2 456 2 ... ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_circles_of_hell_url() post = {'n_circles': n_circles, 'min_pre': min_pre, 'min_post': min_post} post.update({'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(x)}) # Returns list of skids [0] and names dict [1] resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) # If no neurons returned, return empty DataFrame if resp[1]: # Generate DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(resp[1], orient='index').reset_index() df.columns = ['skeleton_id', 'neuron_name'] else: df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['skeleton_id', 'neuron_name']) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_partners(x, threshold=1, min_size=2, filt=[], min_confidence=1, directions=['incoming', 'outgoing', 'gapjunctions', 'attachments'], remote_instance=None): """Retrieve partners connected by synapses, gap junctions or attachments. Note ---- This function treats multiple fragments with the same skeleton ID (e.g. from splits into axon & dendrites) as a single neuron when fetching data from the server. For "fragmented" connectivity use :func:`~pymaid.cn_table_from_connectors` instead. Parameters ---------- x Neurons for which to retrieve partners. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object threshold : int, optional Minimum # of links (synapses/gap-junctions/etc). min_size : int, optional Minimum node count of partner (default=2 to hide single-node partners). filt : list of str, optional Filters partners for neuron names (must be exact) or skeleton_ids. min_confidence : int | None, optional If set, edges with lower confidence will be ignored. Applied before ``threshold``. directions : 'incoming' | 'outgoing' | 'gapjunctions' | 'attachments', optional Use to restrict to either up- or downstream partners. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a neuron and the number of synapses with the query neurons:: neuron_name skeleton_id num_nodes relation total skid1 skid2 ... 0 name1 skid1 node_count1 upstream n_syn n_syn ... 1 name2 skid2 node_count2 downstream n_syn n_syn .. 2 name3 skid3 node_count3 gapjunction n_syn n_syn . ... ``relation`` can be ``'upstream'`` (incoming), ``'downstream'`` (outgoing), ``'attachment'`` or ``'gapjunction'`` (gap junction). Warning ------- By default, will exclude single node partners! Set ``min_size=1`` to return ALL partners including placeholder nodes. Notes ----- Partners can show up multiple times if they are e.g. pre- AND postsynaptic! Examples -------- >>> example_skids = [16, 201, 150, 20] >>> cn = pymaid.get_partners(example_skids) >>> # Get only upstream partners >>> subset = cn[ cn.relation == 'upstream' ] >>> # Get partners with more than e.g. 5 synapses across all neurons >>> subset2 = cn[ cn[example_skids].sum(axis=1) > 5 ] >>> # Combine above conditions (watch parentheses!) >>> subset3 = cn[(cn.relation=='upstream') & ... (cn[example_skids].sum(axis=1) > 5)] See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.adjacency_matrix` Use if you need an adjacency matrix instead of a table. :func:`~pymaid.get_partners_in_volume` Use if you only want connectivity within a given volume. :func:`~pymaid.filter_connectivity` Use to restrict connector table to given part of a neuron or a volume. :func:`~cn_table_from_connectors` Returns "fragmented" connectivity. Use e.g. if you are working with multiple fragments from the same neuron. """ if not isinstance(min_confidence, (float, int)) or min_confidence < 0 or min_confidence > 5: raise ValueError('min_confidence must be 0-5.') # This maps CATMAID JSON relations to more relatable terms (I think) relations = {'incoming': 'upstream', 'outgoing': 'downstream', 'gapjunctions': 'gapjunction', 'attachments': 'attachment'} # Catch some easy mistakes regarding relations: repl = {v: k for k, v in relations.items()} directions = [repl.get(d, d) for d in directions] wrong_dir = set(directions) - set(relations.keys()) if wrong_dir: raise ValueError('Unknown direction "{}". Please use a combination ' 'of "{}"'.format(', '.join(wrong_dir), ', '.join(relations.keys()))) remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) x = np.array(x).astype(str) remote_connectivity_url = remote_instance._get_connectivity_url() connectivity_post = {} connectivity_post['boolean_op'] = 'OR' connectivity_post['with_nodes'] = False for i, skid in enumerate(x): tag = 'source_skeleton_ids[{0}]'.format(i) connectivity_post[tag] = skid'Fetching connectivity table for {} neurons'.format(len(x))) connectivity_data = remote_instance.fetch(remote_connectivity_url, post=connectivity_post) # Delete directions that we don't want connectivity_data.update( {d: [] for d in connectivity_data if d not in directions}) # Get neurons' names names = get_names([n for d in connectivity_data for n in connectivity_data[ d]] + list(x), remote_instance=remote_instance) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['neuron_name', 'skeleton_id', 'num_nodes', 'relation'] + list(x)) # Number of synapses is returned as list of links with 0-5 confidence: # {'skid': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]} # This is being collapsed into a single value before returning it. for d in relations: if d not in connectivity_data: continue df_temp = pd.DataFrame([[ names[str(n)], str(n), int(connectivity_data[d][n]['num_nodes']), relations[d]] + [sum(connectivity_data[d][n]['skids'].get(s, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])[min_confidence - 1:]) for s in x] for i, n in enumerate(connectivity_data[d]) ], columns=['neuron_name', 'skeleton_id', 'num_nodes', 'relation'] + [str(s) for s in x], dtype=object ) df = pd.concat([df, df_temp], axis=0) df['total'] = df[x].sum(axis=1).values # Now filter for synapse threshold and size df = df[(df.num_nodes >= min_size) & ( >= threshold)] df.sort_values(['relation', 'total'], inplace=True, ascending=False) if filt: if not isinstance(filt, (list, np.ndarray)): filt = [filt] filt = [str(s) for s in filt] df = df[df.skeleton_id.isin(filt) | df.neuron_name.isin(filt)] df.datatype = 'connectivity_table' # Return reindexed concatenated dataframe df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)'Done. Found {0} pre-, {1} postsynaptic and {2} gap ' 'junction-connected neurons'.format( *[df[df.relation == r].shape[0] for r in ['upstream', 'downstream', 'gapjunction']])) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_names(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve neuron names for a list of skeleton ids. Parameters ---------- x Neurons for wich to retrieve names. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional Either pass directly to function or define globally as ``remote_instance``. Returns ------- dict ``{skid1: 'neuron_name', skid2: 'neuron_name', ...}`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) x = list(set(x)) remote_get_names_url = remote_instance._get_neuronnames() get_names_postdata = {} get_names_postdata['self.project_id'] = remote_instance.project_id for i in range(len(x)): key = 'skids[%i]' % i get_names_postdata[key] = x[i] names = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_names_url, post=get_names_postdata) logger.debug('Names for {} of {} skeleton IDs retrieved'.format(len(names), len(x))) return names
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_node_details(x, chunk_size=10000, convert_ts=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve detailed info for nodes and/or connectors. Parameters ---------- x : list | CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList List of node ids: can be node or connector IDs! If CatmaidNeuron/List will get both, nodes and connectors! chunk_size : int, optional Querying large number of nodes will result in server errors. We will thus query them in amenable bouts. convert_ts : bool, optional If True, will convert timestamps from strings to datetime objects. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a node:: node_id creation_time creator edition_time ... 0 1 editor reviewers review_times 0 1 """ if isinstance(x, (core.CatmaidNeuron, core.CatmaidNeuronList)): node_ids = np.append(x.nodes.node_id.values, x.connectors.connector_id.values) elif not isinstance(x, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): node_ids = [x] else: node_ids = x remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) logger.debug('Retrieving details for {} nodes...'.format(len(node_ids))) urls = [] post = [] for ix in range(0, len(node_ids), chunk_size): urls.append(remote_instance._get_node_info_url()) post.append({'node_ids[{}]'.format(k): tn for k, tn in enumerate(node_ids[ix:ix + chunk_size])}) # Get responses resp = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post, desc='Chunks') # Merge into a single dictionary data = {k: d[k] for d in resp for k in d} # Generate dataframe data_columns = ['creation_time', 'user', 'edition_time', 'editor', 'reviewers', 'review_times'] df = pd.DataFrame( [[e] + [d[k] for k in data_columns] for e, d in data.items()], columns=['node_id'] + data_columns, dtype=object ) # Rename column 'user' to 'creator' df.rename({'user': 'creator'}, axis='columns', inplace=True) if convert_ts: df['creation_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.creation_time, format="ISO8601") df['edition_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.edition_time, format="ISO8601") df['review_times'] = df.review_times.apply(lambda x: [pd.to_datetime(d, format="ISO8601") for d in x]) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_skid_from_node(node_ids, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve skeleton IDs from a list of nodes. Parameters ---------- node_ids : int | list of int Node ID(s) to retrieve skeleton IDs for. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{node_id: skeleton_ID, ...}``. If node does not exists, ``skeleton_ID`` will be ``None``. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) node_ids = utils.eval_node_ids(node_ids, connectors=False, nodes=True) if not isinstance(node_ids, (list, np.ndarray)): node_ids = [node_ids] urls = [remote_instance._get_skid_from_tnid(tn) for tn in node_ids] data = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Fetch skids') return {node_ids[i]: d.get('skeleton_id', None) for i, d in enumerate(data)}
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_node_table(x, include_details=True, convert_ts=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve node table(s) for a list of neurons. Parameters ---------- x Catmaid Neuron(s) as single or list of either: 1. skeleton IDs (int or str) 2. neuron name (str, exact match) 3. annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object include_details : bool, optional If True, tags and reviewer are included in the table. For larger lists, it is recommended to set this to False to improve performance. convert_ts : bool, optional If True, will convert edition timestamp to pandas datetime. Set to False to improve performance. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a node:: skeleton_id node_id parent_id confidence x y z ... 0 1 2 ... radius creator last_edition reviewers tag 0 1 2 """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance)'Retrieving {} node table(s)...'.format(len(x))) user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() # Generate URLs to retrieve urls = [] for skid in x: remote_nodes_list_url = remote_instance._get_skeleton_nodes_url(skid) urls.append(remote_nodes_list_url) node_list = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Get tables')'{} nodes retrieved. Creating table..' '.'.format(sum([len(nl[0]) for nl in node_list]))) all_tables = [] for i, nl in enumerate(config.tqdm(node_list, desc='Creating table', leave=config.pbar_leave, disable=config.pbar_hide)): this_df = pd.DataFrame(nl[0], columns=['node_id', 'parent_node_id', 'confidence', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'radius', 'creator', 'last_edited'] ) # Parent IDs can be `None` here - we will set them to -1 this_df.loc[this_df.parent_node_id.isnull(), 'parent_node_id'] = -1 this_df['parent_node_id'] = this_df.parent_node_id.astype(int) # Keep track of skeleton ID this_df['skeleton_id'] = x[i] if include_details: tag_dict = {} for t in nl[2]: tag_dict[t[0]] = tag_dict.get(t[0], []) + [t[1]] reviewer_dict = {} for r in nl[1]: reviewer_dict[r[0]] = reviewer_dict.get(r[0], []) + [user_dict.get(r[1])] this_df['reviewers'] = this_df['tags'] = all_tables.append(this_df) # Concatenate all DataFrames tn_table = pd.concat(all_tables, axis=0, ignore_index=True) # Replace creator_id with their login and make it a categorical tn_table['creator'] ='category') # Replace timestamp with datetime object if convert_ts: tn_table['last_edited'] = pd.to_datetime(tn_table.last_edited, utc=True, unit='s') return tn_table
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_edges(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve edges between sets of neurons. Synaptic connections only! Parameters ---------- x Neurons for which to retrieve edges. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents an edge:: source target weight 1 2 3 """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) remote_get_edges_url = remote_instance._get_edges_url() get_edges_postdata = {} get_edges_postdata['confidence_threshold'] = '0' for i in range(len(x)): key = 'skeleton_ids[%i]' % i get_edges_postdata[key] = x[i] edges = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_edges_url, post=get_edges_postdata) df = pd.DataFrame([[e[0], e[1], sum(e[2])] for e in edges['edges']], columns=['source', 'target', 'weight'] ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_connectors(x, relation_type=None, tags=None, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve connectors based on a set of filters. Parameters ---------- x Neurons for which to retrieve connectors. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object 5. ``None`` if you want all fetch connectors that match other criteria relation_type : 'presynaptic_to' | 'postsynaptic_to' | 'gapjunction_with' | 'abutting' | 'attached_to', optional If provided, will filter for these connection types. tags : str | list of str, optional If provided, will filter connectors for tag(s). remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a connector:: connector_id x y z confidence creator ... 0 1 ... editor creation_time edition_time 0 1 ... Examples -------- Get all connectors for a single neuron: >>> cn = pymaid.get_connectors(16) Get every connector with a given tag: >>> tagged_cn = pymaid.get_connectors(None, tags='FML_sample') Get all tagged connectors for a set of neurons: >>> tagged_cn2 = pymaid.get_connectors('annotation:glomerulus DA1', tags='FML_sample') See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_connector_details` If you need details about the connectivity of a connector :func:`~pymaid.get_connectors_between` If you need to find the connectors between sets of neurons. :func:`~pymaid.get_connector_links` If you ned details about links for each connector. :func:`pymaid.find_nodes` Function to get nodes by tags, IDs or skeleton. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(x, type(None)): x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) remote_get_connectors_url = remote_instance._get_connectors_url() postdata = {'with_tags': 'true', 'with_partners': 'true'} # Add skeleton IDs filter (if applicable) if not isinstance(x, type(None)): postdata.update( {'skeleton_ids[{0}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(x)}) # Add tags filter (if applicable) if not isinstance(tags, type(None)): if not isinstance(tags, (list, np.ndarray)): tags = [tags] postdata.update({'tags[{0}]'.format(i): str(t) for i, t in enumerate(tags)}) # Add relation_type filter (if applicable) allowed_relations = ['presynaptic_to', 'postsynaptic_to', 'gapjunction_with', 'abutting', 'attached_to'] if not isinstance(relation_type, type(None)): if relation_type not in allowed_relations: raise ValueError('Unknown relation type "{0}". Must be in ' '{1}'.format(relation_type, allowed_relations)) postdata.update({'relation_type': relation_type}) data = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_connectors_url, post=postdata) # creator_id and editor_id will be replaced with logins later df = pd.DataFrame(data=data['connectors'], columns=['connector_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'confidence', 'creator_id', 'editor_id', 'creation_time', 'edition_time']) # Add tags df['tags'] = df.connector_id.astype(str).map(data['tags']) # Map hardwire connector type ID to their type name # ATTENTION: "attachment" can be part of any connector type rel_ids = {r['relation_id']: r for r in config.link_types} # Get connector type IDs cn_ids = {k: v[0][3] for k, v in data['partners'].items()} # Map type ID to relation (also note conversion of connector ID to integer) cn_type = {int(k): rel_ids.get(v, {'type': 'unknown'})['type'] for k, v in cn_ids.items()} # Map connector ID to connector type df['type'] = # Add creator login instead of id user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() df['creator'] = df['editor'] = df.drop(['creator_id', 'editor_id'], inplace=True, axis=1) # Convert timestamps to datetimes df['creation_time'] = df['creation_time'].apply( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp) df['edition_time'] = df['edition_time'].apply( datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp) df.datatype = 'connector_table' return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_connector_details(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve details on sets of connectors. Parameters ---------- x : list of connector IDs | CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList Connector ID(s) to retrieve details for. If CatmaidNeuron/List, will use their connectors. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a connector:: connector_id presynaptic_to postsynaptic_to ... 0 1 2 ... presynaptic_to_node postsynaptic_to_node 0 1 2 See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_connectors` If you just need the connector table (ID, x, y, z, creator, etc). :func:`~pymaid.get_connector_links` Get the same data but by link, not by connector. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) connector_ids = utils.eval_node_ids(x, connectors=True, nodes=False) connector_ids = list(set(connector_ids)) remote_get_connectors_url = remote_instance._get_connector_details_url() # Depending on DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS of your CATMAID server # (default = 1000), we have to cut requests into batches smaller than that DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS = min(50000, len(connector_ids)) connectors = [] with config.tqdm(total=len(connector_ids), desc='CN details', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave) as pbar: for b in range(0, len(connector_ids), DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS): get_connectors_postdata = {} for i, s in enumerate(connector_ids[b:b + DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS]): key = 'connector_ids[%i]' % i get_connectors_postdata[key] = s # connector_ids[i] connectors += remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_connectors_url, post=get_connectors_postdata) pbar.update(DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FIELDS)'Data for %i of %i unique connector IDs retrieved' % ( len(connectors), len(set(connector_ids)))) columns = ['connector_id', 'presynaptic_to', 'postsynaptic_to', 'presynaptic_to_node', 'postsynaptic_to_node'] df = pd.DataFrame([[cn[0]] + [cn[1][e] for e in columns[1:]] for cn in connectors], columns=columns, dtype=object ) return df
@cache.undo_on_error def get_connector_tags(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve tags on sets of connectors. Parameters ---------- x : list of connector IDs | CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList Connector ID(s) to retrieve details for. If CatmaidNeuron/List, will use their connectors. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns --------- dict Dictionary mapping tags (``str``) to connector IDs (``int``):: { tag1: [connector1_id, connector2_id, ...], tag2: [ ... ], ... } """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) connector_ids = utils.eval_node_ids(x, connectors=True, nodes=False) connector_ids = list(set(connector_ids)) remote_get_node_labels_url = remote_instance._get_node_labels_url() post = {'connector_ids': ','.join([str(tn) for tn in connector_ids])} resp = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_node_labels_url, post=post) cn_tags = {} for cnid in resp: cn_tags.update({tag: cn_tags.get(tag, []) + [int(cnid)] for tag in resp[cnid]}) return cn_tags
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_connectors_between(a, b, directional=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve connectors between sets of neurons. Important --------- This function does currently *not* return gap junctions between neurons. Notes ----- A connector can show up multiple times if it is connecting to more than one nodes of the same neuron. Parameters ---------- a,b Neurons for which to retrieve connectors. Can be: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object directional : bool, optional If True, only connectors a -> b are listed, otherwise it is a <-> b. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a connector:: connector_id connector_loc node1_id source_neuron ... 0 1 2 ... confidence1 creator1 node1_loc node2_id target_neuron ... 0 1 2 ... confidence2 creator2 node2_loc 0 1 2 See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_edges` If you just need the number of synapses between neurons, this is much faster. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) a = utils.eval_skids(a, remote_instance=remote_instance) b = utils.eval_skids(b, remote_instance=remote_instance) if len(a) == 0: raise ValueError('No source neurons provided') if len(b) == 0: raise ValueError('No target neurons provided') post = {'relation': 'presynaptic_to'} post.update({'skids1[{0}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(a)}) post.update({'skids2[{0}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(b)}) url = remote_instance._get_connectors_between_url() data = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) if not directional: post['relation'] = 'postsynaptic_to' data += remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['connector_id', 'connector_loc', 'node1_id', 'source_neuron', 'confidence1', 'creator1', 'node1_loc', 'node2_id', 'target_neuron', 'confidence2', 'creator2', 'node2_loc']) # Get user list and replace IDs with logins user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() df['creator1'] = df['creator1'].map(user_dict) df['creator2'] = df['creator2'].map(user_dict) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_review(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve review status for a set of neurons. Parameters ---------- x Neurons for which to get review status. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a neuron:: skeleton_id neuron_name total_node_count nodes_reviewed ... 0 1 ... percent_reviewed 0 1 ... See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_review_details` Gives you review status for individual nodes of a given neuron. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) remote_get_reviews_url = remote_instance._get_review_status_url() names = {} review_status = {} CHUNK_SIZE = 1000 with config.tqdm(total=len(x), disable=config.pbar_hide, desc='Rev. status', leave=config.pbar_leave) as pbar: for j in range(0, len(x), CHUNK_SIZE): get_review_postdata = {} for i in range(j, min(j + CHUNK_SIZE, len(x))): key = 'skeleton_ids[%i]' % i get_review_postdata[key] = str(x[i]) names.update(get_names(x[j:j + CHUNK_SIZE], remote_instance=remote_instance)) review_status.update(remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_reviews_url, post=get_review_postdata)) pbar.update(CHUNK_SIZE) df = pd.DataFrame([[s, names[str(s)], review_status[s][0], review_status[s][1], int(review_status[s][1] / review_status[s][0] * 100) ] for s in review_status], columns=['skeleton_id', 'neuron_name', 'total_node_count', 'nodes_reviewed', 'percent_reviewed'] ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_user_annotations(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve annotations used by given user(s). Parameters ---------- x User(s) to get annotation for. Can be either: 1. single or list of user IDs 2. single or list of user login names remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame (df) in which each row represents a single annotation:: annotation annotated_on times_used user_id annotation_id user_login 0 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)): x = [x] # Get user list user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() try: ids = [int(e) for e in x] except BaseException: ids = user_list.set_index('login').loc[x, 'id'].values # This works with neuron_id NOT skeleton_id # neuron_id can be requested via neuron_names url_list = list() postdata = list() iDisplayLength = 500 for u in ids: url_list.append(remote_instance._get_annotation_table_url()) postdata.append(dict(user_id=int(u), iDisplayLength=iDisplayLength)) # Get data annotations = [e['aaData'] for e in remote_instance.fetch( url_list, post=postdata, desc='Get annot')] # Add user login for i, u in enumerate(ids): for an in annotations[i]: an.append(user_dict.get(u, 'Anonymous')) # Now flatten the list of lists annotations = [an for sublist in annotations for an in sublist] # Create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(annotations, columns=['annotation', 'annotated_on', 'times_used', 'user_id', 'annotation_id', 'user_login'], dtype=object ) df['annotated_on'] = [datetime.datetime.strptime( d[:16], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for d in df['annotated_on'].values] return df.sort_values('times_used').reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_annotation_details(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve annotations for a set of neuron. Returns more details than :func:`~pymaid.get_annotations` but is slower. Contains timestamps and user IDs (same API as neuron navigator). Parameters ---------- x Neurons to get annotation details for. Can be either: 1. List of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. List of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. An annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a single annotation:: annotation skeleton_id time_annotated user_id annotation_id user 0 1 ... See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_annotations` Gives you annotations for a list of neurons (faster). Examples -------- >>> # Get annotations for a set of neurons >>> an = pymaid.get_annotation_details([ 12, 57003 ]) >>> # Get those for a single neuron >>> an[ an.skeleton_id == '57003' ] >>> # Get annotations given by set of users >>> an[ an.user.isin( ['schlegelp', 'lif'] )] >>> # Get most recent annotations >>> import datetime >>> an[ an.time_annotated >, 6, 1) ] """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # This works with neuron_id NOT skeleton_id # neuron_id can be requested via neuron_names url_list = list() postdata = list() neuron_ids = get_neuron_id(skids, remote_instance=remote_instance) for s in skids: nid = neuron_ids.get(str(s)) url_list.append(remote_instance._get_annotation_table_url()) postdata.append(dict(neuron_id=int(nid))) # Get data annotations = [e['aaData'] for e in remote_instance.fetch(url_list, post=postdata, desc='Get annot')] # Get user list user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() # Add skeleton ID and user login for i, s in enumerate(skids): for an in annotations[i]: an.insert(1, s) an.append(user_dict.get(an[4])) # Now flatten the list of lists annotations = [an for sublist in annotations for an in sublist] # Create dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(annotations, columns=['annotation', 'skeleton_id', 'time_annotated', 'times_used', 'user_id', 'annotation_id', 'user'], dtype=object ) # Times used appears to not be working (always shows "1") - remove it df.drop('times_used', inplace=True, axis=1) df['time_annotated'] = [datetime.datetime.strptime( d[:16], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for d in df['time_annotated'].values] return df.sort_values('annotation').reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_annotations(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve annotations for a list of skeleton ids. If a neuron has no annotations, it will not show up in returned dict! Notes ----- This API endpoint does not process more than 250 neurons at a time! Parameters ---------- x Neurons for which to retrieve annotations. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{skeleton_id: [annnotation, annotation], ...}`` See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_annotation_details` Gives you more detailed information about annotations of a set of neuron (includes timestamp and user) but is slower. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) remote_get_annotations_url = remote_instance._get_annotations_for_skid_list() get_annotations_postdata = {'metaannotations': 0, 'neuronnames': 0} for i in range(len(x)): key = 'skeleton_ids[%i]' % i get_annotations_postdata[key] = str(x[i]) annotation_list_temp = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_annotations_url, post=get_annotations_postdata) annotation_list = {} try: for skid in annotation_list_temp['skeletons']: annotation_list[skid] = [] # for entry in annotation_list_temp['skeletons'][skid]: for entry in annotation_list_temp['skeletons'][skid]['annotations']: annotation_id = entry['id'] annotation_list[skid].append( annotation_list_temp['annotations'][str(annotation_id)]) return(annotation_list) except BaseException: raise Exception( 'No annotations retrieved. Make sure that the skeleton IDs exist.')
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def find_nodes(tags=None, node_ids=None, skeleton_ids=None, remote_instance=None): """Get nodes by tag (label), ID or associated skeleton. Search intersected (logical AND) across parameters but additive (logical OR) within each parameter (see examples). Parameters ---------- tags : str | list of str Use to restrict to nodes with given tags. node_ids : int | list of int Use to restrict to nodes with given IDs. skeleton_ids : str | int | CatmaidNeuron/List, optional Use to restrict to a set of neurons. Can be: 1. skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. neuron name(s) (str) 3. annotation(s): e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a node:: skeleton_id node_id parent_id x y z confidence ... 0 1 2 ... radius edition_time creator_id 0 1 2 See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.get_connectors` Function to get connectors by neurons and/or by tags. Examples -------- Get all nodes with a given tag >>> tagged = pymaid.find_nodes(tags='SCHLEGEL_LH') Get all nodes of a set of neurons with either of two tags >>> tagged = pymaid.find_nodes(tags=['SCHLEGEL_LH', 'SCHLEGEL_AL'], skeleton_ids='annotation:glomerulus DA1') """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_node_table_url() if all([isinstance(x, type(None)) for x in [tags, skeleton_ids, node_ids]]): answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Your search parameters will retrieve ALL " "nodes in the dataset. Proceed? " "[Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y':'Query cancelled') return post = {} if not isinstance(tags, type(None)): tags = utils._make_iterable(tags) post.update({'label_names[{}]'.format(i): t for i, t in enumerate(tags)}) if not isinstance(node_ids, type(None)): node_ids = utils._make_iterable(node_ids) post.update({'treenode_ids[{}]'.format(i): t for i, t in enumerate(node_ids)}) if not isinstance(skeleton_ids, type(None)): skeleton_ids = utils.eval_skids(skeleton_ids, remote_instance=remote_instance) post.update({'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skeleton_ids)}) # Fetch resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) # Format is [[ID, parent ID, x, y, z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, # edition_time, user_id], ...] df = pd.DataFrame(resp, columns=['node_id', 'parent_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'confidence', 'radius', 'skeleton_id', 'edition_time', 'creator_id']) # Reorder and return return df[['skeleton_id', 'node_id', 'parent_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'confidence', 'radius', 'edition_time', 'creator_id']]
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def has_soma(x, tag='soma', min_rad=500, return_ids=False, remote_instance=None): """Check if neuron(s) has soma. Parameters ---------- x Neurons which to check for a soma. Can be either: 1. skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. neuron name(s) (str) 3. annotation(s): e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object tag : str | None, optional Tag we expect the soma to have. Set to ``None`` if not applicable. min_rad : int, optional Minimum radius of soma. return_ids : bool, optional If True, will return node IDs of soma(s) found instead of simply if a soma has been found. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict If ``return_ids=False``:: {skid1: True, skid2: False, ...} If ``return_ids=True``:: {skid1: [node_id], skid2: [node_id], ...} """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_node_table_url() post = {'label_names[0]': tag} post.update({'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(x)}) # Fetch only nodes that have the soma label resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) # Format is [[ID, parent ID, x, y, z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, # edition_time, user_id], ...] if return_ids is False: by_skid = {int(s): False for s in x} for e in resp: by_skid[e[7]] = max(by_skid[e[7]], e[6] >= min_rad) else: by_skid = {int(s): [] for s in x} for e in resp: if e[6] >= min_rad: by_skid[e[7]].append(e[0]) return by_skid
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_annotated(x, include_sub_annotations=False, raise_not_found=True, allow_partial=False, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve entities (neurons + annotations) with given annotation(s). This works similar to CATMAID's neuron search widget: multiple annotations are intersected! Includes meta-annotations. Parameters ---------- x : str | list of str (Meta-)annotations(s) to search for. Like CATMAID's search widget, you can use regex to search for names by starting the query with a leading ``/``. Use a leading ``~`` (tilde) to indicate ``NOT`` condition. include_sub_annotations : bool, optional If True, will include entities that have annotations meta-annotated with ``x``. Does not work on `NOT` search conditions. allow_partial : bool, optional If True, partially matching annotations are searched too. raise_not_found : bool, optional If True raise Exception if no match for any of the query annotations is found. Else log warning. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents an entity:: id name skeleton_ids type 0 1 2 ... See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.find_neurons` Use to retrieve neurons by combining various search criteria. For example names, reviewers, annotations, etc. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) pos, neg = utils._eval_conditions(x) post = {'with_annotations': False} if pos: pos_ids = get_annotation_id(pos, allow_partial=allow_partial, raise_not_found=raise_not_found, remote_instance=remote_instance) post.update({'annotated_with[{}]'.format(i): n for i, n in enumerate(pos_ids.values())}) if include_sub_annotations: post.update({'sub_annotated_with[{}]'.format(i): n for i, n in enumerate(pos_ids.values())}) if neg: neg_ids = get_annotation_id(neg, allow_partial=allow_partial, raise_not_found=raise_not_found, remote_instance=remote_instance) post.update({'not_annotated_with[{}]'.format(i): n for i, n in enumerate(neg_ids.values())})'Searching for: {}'.format(','.join([str(s) for s in pos_ids]))) if neg:'..... and NOT: {}'.format(','.join([str(s) for s in neg_ids]))) urls = remote_instance._get_annotated_url() resp = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post, desc='Fetching') return pd.DataFrame(resp['entities'])
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_skids_by_name(names, allow_partial=True, raise_not_found=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve the all neurons with matching name. Parameters ---------- names : str | list of str Name(s) to search for. Like CATMAID's search widget, you can use regex to search for names by starting the query with a leading ``/``. allow_partial : bool, optional If True, partial matches are returned too. raise_not_found : bool, optional If True, will raise an exception of no matches for given name(s) are found. Else will return empty DataFrame. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a neuron:: name skeleton_id 0 1 2 ... See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.find_neurons` Use to retrieve neurons by combining various search criteria. For example names, reviewers, annotations, etc. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Only look for unique names names = list(set(utils._make_iterable(names, force_type=str))) # Prepare names for regex search on the backend post = [] for n in names: post.append({'name': n, 'with_annotations': False, 'name_exact': True}) # If we allow partial matches or are using regex, set exact_name to False if allow_partial or n.startswith('/'): post[-1]['name_exact'] = False urls = [remote_instance._get_annotated_url() for n in post] responses = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post, desc='Fetching names') neurons = [n for res in responses for n in res['entities'] if n['type'] == 'neuron'] df = pd.DataFrame([[n['name'], n['skeleton_ids'][0]] for n in neurons], columns=['name', 'skeleton_id']) if df.empty and raise_not_found: raise Exception('No matching name(s) found') return df.sort_values(['name']).drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_skids_by_annotation(annotations, allow_partial=False, intersect=False, raise_not_found=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve the neurons annotated with given annotation(s). Parameters ---------- annotations : str | list Single annotation or list of multiple annotations. Using a tilde (~) as prefix is interpreted as NOT. allow_partial : bool, optional If True, allow partial match of annotation. intersect : bool, optional If True, neurons must have ALL provided annotations. raise_not_found : bool, optional If True raise Exception if no match for any of the query annotations is found. Else log warning. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list ``[skid1, skid2, skid3, ...]`` See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.find_neurons` Use to retrieve neurons by combining various search criteria. For example names, reviewers, annotations, etc. :func:`pymaid.get_annotated` Use to retrieve entities (neurons and annotations). """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) annotations = utils._make_iterable(annotations) pos_an = [an for an in annotations if not an.startswith('~')] neg_an = [an[1:] for an in annotations if an.startswith('~')] # Placeholders in case we don't even ask for pos or neg pos_ids = {} neg_ids = {} if pos_an: pos_ids = get_annotation_id(pos_an, raise_not_found=raise_not_found, allow_partial=allow_partial, remote_instance=remote_instance) if neg_an: neg_ids = get_annotation_id(neg_an, raise_not_found=raise_not_found, allow_partial=allow_partial, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Collapse for intersection... if intersect: annotation_post = [{'annotated_with[{}]'.format(i): v for i, v in enumerate(list(pos_ids.values()))}] annotation_post[0].update({'not_annotated_with[{}]'.format(i): v for i, v in enumerate(list(neg_ids.values()))}) # ... or keep separate for no intersection else: annotation_post = [{'annotated_with': an} for an in pos_ids.values()] annotation_post += [{'not_annotated_with': an} for an in neg_ids.values()] # Need to clear empties annotation_post = [p for p in annotation_post if p] # Query server remote_annotated_url = [remote_instance._get_annotated_url() for _ in annotation_post] resp = remote_instance.fetch(remote_annotated_url, post=annotation_post) # Extract skids from responses annotated_skids = [e['skeleton_ids'][0] for r in resp for e in r['entities'] if e['type'] == 'neuron'] # Remove duplicates annotated_skids = list(set(annotated_skids)) logger.debug('Found {} neurons with matching annotation(s)'.format(len(annotated_skids))) return annotated_skids
@cache.undo_on_error def neuron_exists(x, remote_instance=None): """Check if neurons exist in CATMAID. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to check if they exist in Catmaid. Can be: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- bool : True if skeleton exists, False if not. If multiple neurons are queried, returns a dict ``{skid1: True, skid2: False, ...}`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) if len(x) > 1: return {n: neuron_exists(n, remote_instance=remote_instance) for n in x} else: x = x[0] remote_get_neuron_name = remote_instance._get_single_neuronname_url(x) response = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_neuron_name) if 'error' in response: return False else: return True
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_node_info(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve info for a set of nodes. Parameters ---------- x CatmaidNeuron | CatmaidNeuronList | list of node IDs Single or list of node IDs. If CatmaidNeuron/List, details for all it's nodes are requested. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a queried node:: node_id neuron_name skeleton_id skeleton_name neuron_id 0 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) node_ids = utils.eval_node_ids(x, connectors=False, nodes=True) urls = [remote_instance._get_single_node_info_url(tn) for tn in node_ids] data = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Get info') df = pd.DataFrame([[node_ids[i]] + list(n.values()) for i, n in enumerate(data)], columns=['node_id'] + list(data[0].keys()) ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_node_tags(node_ids, node_type, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve tags for a set of nodes OR connectors. Parameters ---------- node_ids Single or list of node or connector IDs. node_type : 'NODE' | 'CONNECTOR' Set which node type of IDs you have provided as they use different API endpoints! remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict dictionary containing tags for each node: ``{'nodeID': ['tag1', 'tag2', ...], 'nodeID' : [...], ...}`` Examples -------- >>> pymaid.get_node_tags(['6626578', '6633237'] ... 'NODE', ... remote_instance) {'6633237': ['ends'], '6626578': ['ends']} See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.add_tags` Use to add tags to nodes. :func:`pymaid.delete_tags` Use to delete node tags. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(node_ids, (list, np.ndarray)): node_ids = [node_ids] # Make sure node_ids are strings node_ids = [str(n) for n in node_ids] url = remote_instance._get_node_labels_url() if node_type in ['TREENODE', 'TREENODES', 'NODES', 'NODE']: key = 'treenode_ids' elif node_type in ['CONNECTOR', 'CONNECTORS']: key = 'connector_ids' else: raise TypeError(f'Unknown node_type parameter: {node_type}') POST = {key: ','.join([str(tn) for tn in node_ids])} return remote_instance.fetch(url, post=POST)
@cache.undo_on_error def get_segments(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve list of segments for a neuron just like the review widget. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to retrieve. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list List of node IDs, ordered by length. If multiple neurons are requested, returns a dict ``{skid: [], ...}``. See Also -------- ``CatmaidNeuron.segments`` ``CatmaidNeuron.short_segments`` Use these :class:`pymaid.CatmaidNeuron` attributes to access segments generated by pymaid (faster). """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) urls = [] post_data = [] for s in x: urls.append(remote_instance._get_review_details_url(s)) # For some reason this needs to fetched as POST (even though actual # POST data is not necessary) post_data.append({'placeholder': 0}) rdata = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post_data, desc='Get segs') if len(x) > 1: return {x[i]: [[tn['id'] for tn in arb['sequence']] for arb in rdata[i]] for i in range(len(x))} else: return [[tn['id'] for tn in arb['sequence']] for arb in rdata[0]]
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_review_details(x, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve review status (reviewer + timestamp) by node for given neuron. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to get review-details for. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame DataFrame in which each row respresents a node:: node_id skeleton_id reviewer1 reviewer2 reviewer 3 0 12345 12345123 datetime NaT datetime 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) node_list = [] urls = [] post_data = [] for s in x: urls.append(remote_instance._get_review_details_url(s)) # For some reason this needs to fetched as POST (even though actual # POST data is not necessary) post_data.append({'placeholder': 0}) rdata = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post_data, desc='Get rev stats') for i, neuron in enumerate(rdata): # There is a small chance that nodes are counted twice but not # tracking node_id speeds up this extraction a LOT # node_ids = [] for arbor in neuron: node_list += [(n['id'], x[i], n['rids']) for n in arbor['sequence'] if n['rids']] tn_to_skid = {n[0]: n[1] for n in node_list} node_dict = {n[0]: {u[0]: datetime.datetime.strptime( u[1][:16], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for u in n[2]} for n in node_list} user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(node_dict, orient='index').fillna(np.nan) df.columns = df['skeleton_id'] = [tn_to_skid[tn] for tn in df.index.values] = 'node_id' df = df.reset_index(drop=False) # Make sure we didn't count nodes twice df = df[~df.duplicated('node_id')] return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_logs(operations=[], entries=50, display_start=0, search="", remote_instance=None): """Retrieve logs (same data as in log widget). Parameters ---------- operations : list of str, optional If empty, all operations will be queried from server possible operations: 'join_skeleton', 'change_confidence', 'rename_neuron', 'create_neuron', 'create_skeleton', 'remove_neuron', 'split_skeleton', 'reroot_skeleton', 'reset_reviews', 'move_skeleton' entries : int, optional Number of entries to retrieve. display_start : int, optional Sets range of entries to return: ``display_start`` to ``display_start + entries``. search : str, optional Use to filter results for e.g. a specific skeleton ID or neuron name. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a single operation:: user operation timestamp x y z explanation 0 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not operations: operations = [-1] elif not isinstance(operations, (list, np.ndarray)): operations = [operations] logs = [] for op in operations: get_logs_postdata = {'sEcho': 6, 'iColumns': 7, 'iDisplayStart': display_start, 'iDisplayLength': entries, 'mDataProp_0': 0, 'sSearch_0': '', 'bRegex_0': False, 'bSearchable_0': False, 'bSortable_0': True, 'mDataProp_1': 1, 'sSearch_1': '', 'bRegex_1': False, 'bSearchable_1': False, 'bSortable_1': True, 'mDataProp_2': 2, 'sSearch_2': '', 'bRegex_2': False, 'bSearchable_2': False, 'bSortable_2': True, 'mDataProp_3': 3, 'sSearch_3': '', 'bRegex_3': False, 'bSearchable_3': False, 'bSortable_3': False, 'mDataProp_4': 4, 'sSearch_4': '', 'bRegex_4': False, 'bSearchable_4': False, 'bSortable_4': False, 'mDataProp_5': 5, 'sSearch_5': '', 'bRegex_5': False, 'bSearchable_5': False, 'bSortable_5': False, 'mDataProp_6': 6, 'sSearch_6': '', 'bRegex_6': False, 'bSearchable_6': False, 'bSortable_6': False, 'sSearch': '', 'bRegex': False, 'iSortCol_0': 2, 'sSortDir_0': 'desc', 'iSortingCols': 1, 'self.project_id': remote_instance.project_id, 'operation_type': op, 'search_freetext': search} remote_get_logs_url = remote_instance._get_logs_url() logs += remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_logs_url, post=get_logs_postdata)['aaData'] df = pd.DataFrame(logs, columns=['user', 'operation', 'timestamp', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'explanation'] ) df['timestamp'] = [datetime.datetime.strptime( d[:16], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for d in df['timestamp'].values] return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_contributor_statistics(x, separate=False, max_threads=500, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve contributor statistics for given skeleton ids. By default, stats are given over all neurons. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to get contributor stats for. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object separate : bool, optional If True, stats are given per neuron. max_threads : int, optional Maximum parallel data requests. Overrides ``CatmaidInstance.max_threads``. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series Series, if ``separate=False``. DataFrame, if ``separate=True``:: skeleton_id node_contributors multiuser_review_minutes .. 1 2 3 post_contributors construction_minutes min_review_minutes .. 1 2 3 n_postsynapses n_presynapses pre_contributors n_nodes .. 1 2 3 review_contributors 1 2 3 Examples -------- >>> # Plot contributions as pie chart >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> cont = pymaid.get_contributor_statistics("annotation:uPN right") >>> plt.subplot(131, aspect=1) >>> ax1 = plt.pie(cont.node_contributors.values(), ... labels=cont.node_contributors.keys(), ... autopct='%.0f%%' ) >>> plt.subplot(132, aspect=1) >>> ax2 = plt.pie(cont.pre_contributors.values(), ... labels=cont.pre_contributors.keys(), ... autopct='%.0f%%' ) >>> plt.subplot(133, aspect=1) >>> ax3 = plt.pie(cont.post_contributors.values(), ... labels=cont.post_contributors.keys(), ... autopct='%.0f%%' ) >>> """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) columns = ['skeleton_id', 'n_nodes', 'node_contributors', 'n_presynapses', 'pre_contributors', 'n_postsynapses', 'post_contributors', 'review_contributors', 'multiuser_review_minutes', 'construction_minutes', 'min_review_minutes'] user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() if not separate: with config.tqdm(total=len(x), desc='Contr. stats', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave) as pbar: stats = [] for j in range(0, len(x), max_threads): pbar.update(j) get_statistics_postdata = {} for i in range(j, min(len(x), j + max_threads)): key = 'skids[%i]' % i get_statistics_postdata[key] = x[i] remote_get_statistics_url = remote_instance._get_contributions_url() stats.append(remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_statistics_url, post=get_statistics_postdata)) # Now generate DataFrame node_contributors = {user_dict.get(int(u)): sum([st['node_contributors'][u] for st in stats if u in st[ 'node_contributors']]) for st in stats for u in st['node_contributors']} pre_contributors = {user_dict.get(int(u)): sum([st['pre_contributors'][u] for st in stats if u in st[ 'pre_contributors']]) for st in stats for u in st['pre_contributors']} post_contributors = {user_dict.get(int(u)): sum([st['post_contributors'][u] for st in stats if u in st[ 'post_contributors']]) for st in stats for u in st['post_contributors']} review_contributors = {user_dict.get(int(u)): sum([st['review_contributors'][u] for st in stats if u in st[ 'review_contributors']]) for st in stats for u in st['review_contributors']} df = pd.Series([ x, sum([st['n_nodes'] for st in stats]), node_contributors, sum([st['n_pre'] for st in stats]), pre_contributors, sum([st['n_post'] for st in stats]), post_contributors, review_contributors, sum([st['multiuser_review_minutes'] for st in stats]), sum([st['construction_minutes'] for st in stats]), sum([st['min_review_minutes'] for st in stats]) ], index=columns, dtype=object ) else: get_statistics_postdata = [{'skids[0]': s} for s in x] remote_get_statistics_url = [ remote_instance._get_contributions_url() for s in x] stats = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_statistics_url, post=get_statistics_postdata, desc='Get contrib.') df = pd.DataFrame([[ s, stats[i]['n_nodes'], {user_dict.get(int(u)): stats[i]['node_contributors'][u] for u in stats[i]['node_contributors']}, stats[i]['n_pre'], {user_dict.get(int(u)): stats[i]['pre_contributors'][u] for u in stats[i]['pre_contributors']}, stats[i]['n_post'], {user_dict.get(int(u)): stats[i]['post_contributors'][u] for u in stats[i]['post_contributors']}, {user_dict.get(int(u)): stats[i]['review_contributors'][u] for u in stats[i]['review_contributors']}, stats[i]['multiuser_review_minutes'], stats[i]['construction_minutes'], stats[i]['min_review_minutes'] ] for i, s in enumerate(x)], columns=columns, dtype=object ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_history(start_date=( - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).isoformat(),, split=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieves CATMAID project history. If the time window is too large, the connection might time out which will result in an error! Make sure ``split=True`` to avoid that. Parameters ---------- start_date : datetime | str | tuple, optional, default=last week dates can be either: - ```` - ``datetime.datetime`` - str ``'YYYY-MM-DD'``, e.g. ``'2016-03-09'`` - tuple ``(YYYY, MM, DD)``, e.g. ``(2016, 3, 9)`` end_date : datetime | str | tuple, optional, default=today See start_date. split : bool, optional If True, history will be requested in bouts of 6 months. Useful if you want to look at a very big time window as this can lead to gateway timeout. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.Series A pandas.Series with the following entries:: { cable : DataFrame containing cable created in nm. Rows = users, columns = dates connector_links : DataFrame containing connector links created. Rows = users, columns = dates reviewed : DataFrame containing nodes reviewed. Rows = users, columns = dates user_details : user-list (see pymaid.get_user_list()) nodes : DataFrame containing nodes created by user. } Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # Plot cable created by all users over time >>> hist.cable.T.plot() >>> >>> # Collapse users and plot sum of cable over time >>> hist.cable.sum(0).plot() >>> >>> # Plot single users cable (index by user login name) >>> hist.cable.loc['schlegelp'].T.plot() >>> >>> # Sum up cable created this week by all users >>> hist.cable.values.sum() >>> # Get number of active (non-zero) users >>> active_users = hist.cable.astype(bool).sum(axis=0) See Also ------- :func:`~pymaid.get_user_stats` Returns a summary of user stats as table. :func:`~pymaid.plot_history` Quick way to plot history over time. """ def _constructor_helper(data, key, days): """ Helper to extract variable from data returned by CATMAID server """ temp = [] for d in days: try: temp.append(data[d][key]) except BaseException: temp.append(0) return temp remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(start_date, start_date = start_date.isoformat() elif isinstance(start_date, datetime.datetime): start_date = start_date.isoformat()[:10] elif isinstance(start_date, (tuple, list)): start_date =[0], start_date[ 1], start_date[2]).isoformat() if isinstance(end_date, end_date = end_date.isoformat() elif isinstance(end_date, datetime.datetime): end_date = end_date.isoformat()[:10] elif isinstance(end_date, (tuple, list)): end_date =[0], end_date[ 1], end_date[2]).isoformat() rounds = [] if split: start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() 'Retrieving %i days of history in bouts!' % (end - start).days) # First make big bouts of roughly 6 months each while start < (end - datetime.timedelta(days=6 * 30)): rounds.append((start.isoformat(), (start + datetime.timedelta(days=6 * 30)).isoformat())) start += datetime.timedelta(days=6 * 30) # Append the last bit if start < end: rounds.append((start.isoformat(), end.isoformat())) else: rounds = [(start_date, end_date)] data = [] for r in config.tqdm(rounds, desc='Retrieving history', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): get_history_GET_data = {'pid': remote_instance.project_id, 'start_date': r[0], 'end_date': r[1] } remote_get_history_url = remote_instance._get_history_url() remote_get_history_url += f'?{urllib.parse.urlencode(get_history_GET_data)}' logger.debug(f'Retrieving user history from {r[0]} to {r[1]}.') data.append(remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_history_url)) # Now merge data into a single dict stats = dict(data[0]) for d in data: stats['days'] += [e for e in d['days'] if e not in stats['days']] stats['daysformatted'] += [e for e in d['daysformatted'] if e not in stats['daysformatted']] for u in d['stats_table']: stats['stats_table'][u].update(d['stats_table'][u]) user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance).set_index('id') user_list.index = user_list.index.astype(str) user_dict = user_list.login.to_dict() df = pd.Series([ pd.DataFrame([_constructor_helper(stats['stats_table'][u], 'new_cable_length', stats['days']) for u in stats['stats_table']], index=[user_dict.get(u, f'Anonymous{i}') for i, u in enumerate(stats['stats_table'].keys())], columns=pd.to_datetime([datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y%m%d').date() for d in stats['days']])), pd.DataFrame([_constructor_helper(stats['stats_table'][u], 'new_treenodes', stats['days']) for u in stats['stats_table']], index=[user_dict.get(u, f'Anonymous{i}') for i, u in enumerate(stats['stats_table'].keys())], columns=pd.to_datetime([datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y%m%d').date() for d in stats['days']])), pd.DataFrame([_constructor_helper(stats['stats_table'][u], 'new_connectors', stats['days']) for u in stats['stats_table']], index=[user_dict.get(u, f'Anonymous{i}') for i, u in enumerate(stats['stats_table'].keys())], columns=pd.to_datetime([datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y%m%d').date() for d in stats['days']])), pd.DataFrame([_constructor_helper(stats['stats_table'][u], 'new_reviewed_nodes', stats['days']) for u in stats['stats_table']], index=[user_dict.get(u, f'Anonymous{i}') for i, u in enumerate(stats['stats_table'].keys())], columns=pd.to_datetime([datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y%m%d').date() for d in stats['days']])), user_list.reset_index(drop=True) ], index=['cable', 'nodes', 'connector_links', 'reviewed', 'user_details'] ) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_nodes_in_volume(*x, coord_format='NM', resolution=(4, 4, 50), remote_instance=None): """Retrieve nodes and connectors in given bounding box. Please note that there is a cap on the number of nodes returned that is hard wired into the CATMAID server's settings. Parameters ---------- *x Coordinates defining the bounding box. Can be either: - 1d list of coordinates: left, right, top, bottom, z1, z2 - 2d list of coordinates: [[left, right], [top, bottom], [z1, z2]] - pymaid.Volume Can be given in nm or pixels. coord_format : str, optional Define whether provided coordinates are in nanometer ('NM') or in pixels/slices ('PIXEL'). resolution : tuple of floats, optional x/y/z resolution in nm [default = (4, 4, 50)] Used to transform to nm if limits are given in pixels. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- nodes : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row is a node:: node_id parent_id x y z confidence radius skeleton_id edition_time user_id 0 1 2 connectors : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row is a connector:: connector_id x y z confidence edition_time user_id partners 0 1 2 ``partners`` are lists of:: [node_id, relation_id, link_confidence, link_edition_time, link_id] truncated : bool If True, lists are truncated due to node limit reached. relation_map : dict Map for ``relation_id`` in connector's ``partner`` column. Examples -------- Get (truncated) lists of nodes and connectors in the bounding box of the AL: >>> al = pymaid.get_volume('AL_R') >>> nodes, connectors, truncated, relation_map = pymaid.get_nodes_in_volume(al) >>> truncated True """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(x[0], ns.Volume): x = x[0].bbox # Flatten the list of coordinates coords = np.array(x).flatten() if coords.shape[0] != 6: raise ValueError('Must provide 6 coordinates (left, right, top, ' 'bottom, z1, z1), got {}'.format(coords.shape[0])) # Extract coords left, right, top, bottom, z1, z2 = coords # Set resolution to 1:1 if coordinates are already in nm if coord_format == 'NM': resolution = (1, 1, 1) remote_nodes_list = remote_instance._get_node_list_url() node_list_postdata = { 'left': left * resolution[0], 'right': right * resolution[0], 'top': top * resolution[1], 'bottom': bottom * resolution[1], 'z1': z1 * resolution[2], 'z2': z2 * resolution[2], # Atnid seems to be related to fetching the active node too # -> will be ignored if atnid = -1 'atnid': -1, 'labels': False, # 'limit': 3500, # this doesn't do anything -> hard wired into server settings } node_data = remote_instance.fetch(remote_nodes_list, post=node_list_postdata) tn = pd.DataFrame(node_data[0], columns=['node_id', 'parent_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'confidence', 'radius', 'skeleton_id', 'edition_time', 'user_id']) # Fix parent ID tn.loc[tn.parent_id.isnull(), 'parent_id'] = -1 tn['parent_id'] = tn.parent_id.astype(int).astype(object) tn.loc[tn.parent_id < 0, 'parent_id'] = None tn['edition_time'] = pd.to_datetime(tn.edition_time, unit='s', utc=True) cn = pd.DataFrame(node_data[1], columns=['connector_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'confidence', 'edition_time', 'user_id', 'partners']) cn['edition_time'] = pd.to_datetime(cn.edition_time, unit='s', utc=True) node_limit_reached = node_data[3] relation_map = node_data[4] return tn, cn, node_limit_reached, relation_map
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def find_neurons(names=None, annotations=None, volumes=None, users=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, reviewed_by=None, skids=None, intersect=False, partial_match=False, only_soma=False, min_size=1, minimum_cont=None, remote_instance=None): """Find neurons matching given search criteria. Warning ------- Depending on the parameters, this can take quite a while! Also: by default, will return single-node neurons! Use the ``min_size`` parameter to change that behaviour. Parameters ---------- names : str | list of str Neuron name(s) to search for. annotations : str | list of str Annotation(s) to search for. volumes : str | navis.Volume | list of either CATMAID volume(s) to look into. This uses :func:`~pymaid.get_neurons_in_volumes` and will look for neurons within the **bounding box** of given volume(s). users : int | str | list of either, optional User ID(s) (int) or login(s) (str). reviewed_by : int | str | list of either, optional User ID(s) (int) or login(s) (str) of reviewer. from_date : datetime | list of integers, optional Format: [year, month, day]. Return neurons created after this date. This works ONLY if also querying by ``users`` or ``reviewed_by``! to_date : datetime | list of integers, optional Format: [year, month, day]. Return neurons created before this date. This works ONLY if also querying by ``users`` or ``reviewed_by``! skids : list of skids, optional Can be a list of skids, a CatmaidNeuronList or pandas DataFrame with "skeleton_id" column. intersect : bool, optional If multiple search criteria are provided, neurons have to meet all of them in order to be returned. This is first applied WITHIN search criteria (works for multiple ``annotations``, ``volumes``, ``users`` and ``reviewed_by``) and then ACROSS critera! partial_match : bool, optional If True, partial matches for *names* AND *annotations* are allowed. minimum_cont : int, optional If looking for specific ``users``: minimum contribution (in nodes) to a neuron in order for it to be counted. Only applicable if ``users`` is provided. If multiple users are provided contribution is calculated across all users. Minimum contribution does NOT take start and end dates into account! This is applied AFTER intersecting! min_size : int, optional Minimum size (in nodes) for neurons to be returned. The lower this value, the longer it will take to filter. only_soma : bool, optional If True, only neurons with a soma are returned. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using globally defined CatmaidInstance. Returns ------- :class:`~pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList` Examples -------- >>> # Simple request for neurons with given annotations >>> to_find = ['glomerulus DA1', 'glomerulus DL4'] >>> skids = pymaid.find_neurons(annotations=to_find) >>> # Get only neurons that have both annotations >>> skids = pymaid.find_neurons(annotations=to_find, intersect=True) >>> # Get all neurons with more than 1000 nodes >>> skids = pymaid.find_neurons(min_size=1000) >>> # Get all neurons that have been traced recently by given user >>> skids = pymaid.find_neurons(users='schlegelp', ... from_date=[2017, 10, 1]) >>> # Get all neurons traced by a given user within a certain volume >>> skids = pymaid.find_neurons(users='schlegelp', ... minimum_cont=1000, ... volumes='LH_R') """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Fist, we have to prepare a whole lot of parameters if users: users = utils.eval_user_ids(users, remote_instance=remote_instance) if reviewed_by: reviewed_by = utils.eval_user_ids( reviewed_by, remote_instance=remote_instance) if annotations and not isinstance(annotations, (list, np.ndarray)): annotations = [annotations] if names and not isinstance(names, (list, np.ndarray)): names = [names] if volumes and not isinstance(volumes, (list, np.ndarray)): volumes = [volumes] # Bring dates into the correct format if from_date and not to_date: today = to_date = (today.year, today.month, elif to_date and not from_date: from_date = (1900, 1, 1) if isinstance(from_date, from_date = [from_date.year, from_date.month,] if isinstance(to_date, to_date = [to_date.year, to_date.month,] # Warn if from/to_date are used without also querying by user or reviewer if from_date and not (users or reviewed_by): logger.warning('Start/End dates can only be used for queries against ' '<users> or <reviewed_by>') # Now go over all parameters and get sets of skids sets_of_skids = [] if not isinstance(skids, type(None)): skids = utils.eval_skids(skids, remote_instance=remote_instance) sets_of_skids.append(set(skids)) # Get skids by name if names: urls = [remote_instance._get_annotated_url() for n in names] post_data = [{'name': str(n), 'with_annotations': False, 'name_exact': not partial_match} for n in names] results = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post_data, desc='Get names') this_name = [] for i, r in enumerate(results): for e in r['entities']: if partial_match and e['type'] == 'neuron' and names[i].lower() in e['name'].lower(): this_name.append(e['skeleton_ids'][0]) if not partial_match and e['type'] == 'neuron' and e['name'] == names[i]: this_name.append(e['skeleton_ids'][0]) sets_of_skids.append(set(this_name)) # Get skids by annotation if annotations: annotation_ids = get_annotation_id(annotations, allow_partial=partial_match, remote_instance=remote_instance) if not annotation_ids: raise Exception('No matching annotation(s) found!') if partial_match is True: logger.debug('Found {0} id(s) (partial matches ' 'included)'.format(len(annotation_ids))) else: logger.debug('Found id(s): %s | Unable to retrieve: %i' % ( str(annotation_ids), len(annotations) - len(annotation_ids))) urls = [remote_instance._get_annotated_url() for an in annotation_ids] post_data = [{'annotated_with': str(an), 'with_annotations': 'false'} for an in annotation_ids.values()] results = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post_data, desc='Get annot') annotated = [set([e['skeleton_ids'][0] for e in res['entities'] if e['type'] == 'neuron']) for res in results] # Intersect within search criteria if applicable if intersect: sets_of_skids.append(set.intersection(*annotated)) else: sets_of_skids.append(set.union(*annotated)) # Get skids by user if users: urls = [remote_instance._get_list_skeletons_url() for u in users] GET_data = [{'nodecount_gt': min_size - 1, 'created_by': u} for u in users] if from_date and to_date: dates = {'from': ''.join(['{0:02d}'.format(d) for d in from_date]), 'to': ''.join(['{0:02d}'.format(d) for d in to_date])} GET_data = [{**d, **dates} for d in GET_data] urls = [u + '?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(g) for u, g in zip(urls, GET_data)] results = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Get users') # Intersect within search criteria if applicable if intersect: sets_of_skids.append(set.intersection(*[set(res) for res in results])) else: sets_of_skids.append(set.union(*[set(res) for res in results])) # Get skids by reviewer if reviewed_by: urls = [remote_instance._get_list_skeletons_url() for u in reviewed_by] GET_data = [{'nodecount_gt': min_size - 1, 'reviewed_by': u} for u in reviewed_by] if from_date and to_date: dates = {'from': ''.join(['{0:02d}'.format(d) for d in from_date]), 'to': ''.join(['{0:02d}'.format(d) for d in to_date])} GET_data = [{**d, **dates} for d in GET_data] urls = [u + '?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(g) for u, g in zip(urls, GET_data)] results = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Get reviewers') # Intersect within search criteria if applicable if intersect: sets_of_skids.append(set.intersection(*[set(res) for res in results])) else: sets_of_skids.append(set.union(*[set(res) for res in results])) # Get by volume if volumes: temp = [] for v in config.tqdm(volumes, desc='Get by vols', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): if not isinstance(v, ns.Volume): vol = get_volume(v, remote_instance) else: vol = v temp.append(set(get_neurons_in_bbox(vol.bbox, remote_instance=remote_instance))) # Intersect within search criteria if applicable if intersect: sets_of_skids.append(set.intersection(*temp)) else: sets_of_skids.append(set.union(*temp)) # Get neurons by size if only min_size and no other no parameters were # provided if False not in [isinstance(param, type(None)) for param in [names, annotations, volumes, users, reviewed_by, skids]]: # Make sure people don't accidentally request ALL neurons in the # dataset if min_size <= 1: answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Your search parameters will retrieve ALL " "neurons in the dataset. Proceed? " "[Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y':'Query cancelled') return 'Get all neurons with >= {0} nodes'.format(min_size)) get_skeleton_list_GET_data = {'nodecount_gt': min_size - 1} remote_get_list_url = remote_instance._get_list_skeletons_url() remote_get_list_url += '?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode( get_skeleton_list_GET_data) these_neurons = set(remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_list_url)) sets_of_skids.append(these_neurons) # Now intersect/merge ACROSS search criteria if intersect:'Intersecting by search parameters') skids = list(set.intersection(*sets_of_skids)) else: skids = list(set.union(*sets_of_skids)) # Filtering by size was already done for users and reviewed_by and dates # If we queried by annotations, names or volumes we need to do this # explicitly here if min_size > 1 and (volumes or annotations or names):'Filtering neurons for size') get_skeleton_list_GET_data = {'nodecount_gt': min_size - 1} remote_get_list_url = remote_instance._get_list_skeletons_url() remote_get_list_url += '?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode( get_skeleton_list_GET_data) neurons_by_size = set(remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_list_url)) skids = set.intersection(set(skids), neurons_by_size) nl = core.CatmaidNeuronList(list(skids), remote_instance=remote_instance) if only_soma: hs = has_soma(nl, return_ids=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) nl = core.CatmaidNeuronList([n for n in nl if hs[int(n.skeleton_id)]]) if users and minimum_cont: nl.get_skeletons(skip_existing=True) nl = core.CatmaidNeuronList([n for n in nl if n.nodes[n.nodes.creator_id.isin(users)].shape[0] >= minimum_cont], remote_instance=remote_instance) if nl.empty: logger.warning( 'No neurons matching the search parameters were found') else:'Found {len(nl)} neurons matching the search parameters') nl.get_names() return nl
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_neurons_in_volume(volumes, min_nodes=2, min_cable=1, intersect=False, only_soma=False, remote_instance=None): """Retrieves neurons with processes within CATMAID volumes. This function uses the **BOUNDING BOX** around volume as proxy and queries for neurons that are within that volume. See examples on how to work around this. Warning ------- Depending on the number of nodes in that volume, this can take quite a while! Also: by default, will NOT return single-node neurons - use the ``min_nodes`` parameter to change that behaviour. Parameters ---------- volumes : str | navis.Volume | list of either Single or list of CATMAID volumes. min_nodes : int, optional Minimum node count for a neuron within given volume(s). min_cable : int, optional Minimum cable length [nm] for a neuron within given volume(s). intersect : bool, optional If multiple volumes are provided, this parameter determines if neurons have to be in all of the volumes or just a single. only_soma : bool, optional If True, only neurons with a soma will be returned. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list ``[skeleton_id, skeleton_id, ...]`` See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.get_partners_in_volume` Get only partners that make connections within a given volume. :func:`pymaid.find_neurons` Use to retrieve neurons by combining various search criteria. For example names, reviewers, annotations, etc. Examples -------- >>> # Get a volume >>> lh = pymaid.get_volume('LH_R') >>> # Get neurons within the bounding box of a volume >>> skids = pymaid.get_neurons_in_volume(lh, min_nodes=10) >>> # Retrieve 3D skeletons of these neurons >>> lh_neurons = pymaid.get_neurons(skids) >>> # Prune by volume >>> lh_pruned = lh_neurons.copy() >>> lh_pruned.prune_by_volume(lh) >>> # Filter neurons with more than 100um of cable in the volume >>> n = lh_neurons[lh_pruned.cable_length > 100] """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(volumes, (list, np.ndarray)): volumes = [volumes] for i, v in enumerate(volumes): if not isinstance(v, ns.Volume): volumes[i] = get_volume(v) neurons = [] for v in volumes:'Retrieving neurons in volume {0}'.format( temp = get_neurons_in_bbox(v, min_nodes=min_nodes, min_cable=min_cable, remote_instance=remote_instance) if not intersect: neurons += list(temp) else: neurons += [temp] if intersect: # Filter for neurons that show up in all neuropils neurons = [n for l in neurons for n in l if False not in [n in v for v in neurons]] # Need to do this in case we have several volumes neurons = list(set(neurons)) if only_soma: soma = has_soma(neurons, remote_instance=remote_instance) neurons = [n for n in neurons if soma[n] is True]'Done. {0} unique neurons found in volume(s) ' '{1}'.format(len(neurons), ','.join([ for v in volumes]))) return neurons
@cache.undo_on_error def get_neurons_in_bbox(bbox, unit='NM', min_nodes=1, min_cable=1, remote_instance=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve neurons with processes within a defined box volume. Parameters ---------- bbox : list-like | dict | navis.Volume Coordinates of the bounding box. Can be either: 1. List/np.array: ``[[left, right], [top, bottom], [z1, z2]]`` 2. Dictionary ``{'left': int|float, 'right': ..., ...}`` unit : 'NM' | 'PIXEL' Unit of your coordinates. Attention: 'PIXEL' will also assume that Z1/Z2 is in slices. By default, xyz resolution of 4x4x40nm per pixel is assumed. Pass e.g. ``res=[8, 8, 40]`` as keyword argument to override this. min_nodes : int, optional Minimum node count for a neuron within given bounding box. min_cable : int, optional Minimum cable length [nm] for a neuron within given bounding box. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list ``[skeleton_id, skeleton_id, ...]`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(bbox, ns.Volume): bbox = bbox.bbox if isinstance(bbox, dict): bbox = np.array([[bbox['left'], bbox['right']], [bbox['top'], bbox['bottom']], [bbox['z1'], bbox['z2']] ]) bbox = np.asarray(bbox) if bbox.shape == (2, 3): bbox = bbox.T if unit == 'PIXEL': res = np.asarray(kwargs.get('res', [4, 4, 40])).reshape(3, 1) bbox *= res url = remote_instance._get_skeletons_in_bbox(minx=min(bbox[0]), maxx=max(bbox[0]), miny=min(bbox[1]), maxy=max(bbox[1]), minz=min(bbox[2]), maxz=max(bbox[2]), min_nodes=min_nodes, min_cable=min_cable) return remote_instance.fetch(url)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_user_list(remote_instance=None): """Get list of users. Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------ pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a user:: id login full_name first_name last_name color 0 1 ... Examples -------- >>> user_list = pymaid.get_user_list() >>> # To search for e.g. user ID 22 >>> user_list.set_index('id', inplace=True) >>> user_list.loc[22] id 22 login mustermannm full_name Michaela Mustermann first_name Michael last_name Mustermann color [0.91389, 0.877853, 1.0] >>> user_list.reset_index(inplace=True) >>> # To convert into a classic dict >>> d = user_list.set_index('id').T.to_dict() >>> d[22]['first_name'] ... Michaela """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) user_list = remote_instance.fetch(remote_instance._get_user_list_url()) # It appears that for public CATMAID instances (like VFB) where the users # are masked, the user-list endpoint can return just a single dictionary # instead of a list of dicts. if isinstance(user_list, dict): user_list = [user_list] # The user list can contain different entries # Here we define alternative field names columns = [('id', 'userid'), ('login', 'username'), ('full_name', 'long_name'), ('first_name', ), ('last_name', ), ('color', )] data = [] for user in user_list: row = [] for col in columns: value = None for key in col: if key in user: value = user[key] break row.append(value) data.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[c[0] for c in columns]) df.sort_values(['login', 'id'], inplace=True) df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_paths(sources, targets, n_hops=2, min_synapses=1, return_graph=False, remove_isolated=False, remote_instance=None): """Fetch paths between two sets of neurons. Parameters ---------- sources Source neurons. targets Target neurons. ``sources`` and ``targets`` can be: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation as e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object n_hops : int | list | range, optional Number of hops allowed between sources and targets. Direct connection would be 1 hop. 1. int, e.g. ``n_hops=3`` will return paths with EXACTLY 3 hops 2. list, e.g. ``n_hops=[2,4]`` will return all paths with 2 and 4 hops 3. range, e.g. ``n_hops=range(2,4)`` will be converted to a list and return paths with 2 and 3 hops. min_synapses : int, optional Minimum number of synpases between source and target. return_graph : bool, optional If True, will return NetworkX Graph (see below). remove_isolated : bool, optional Remove isolated nodes from NetworkX Graph. Only relevant if ``return_graph=True``. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- paths : list List of skeleton IDs that constitute paths from sources to targets:: [[source1, ..., target1], [source2, ..., target2], ...] networkx.DiGraph Only if ``return_graph=True``. Graph contains all neurons that connect sources and targets. **Important**: Does only contain edges that connect sources and targets via max ``n_hops``! Other edges have been removed. Examples -------- >>> # This assumes that you have already set up a CatmaidInstance >>> import networkx as nx >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> g, paths = pymaid.get_paths(['annotation:glomerulus DA1'], ... ['2333007']) >>> g <networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph at 0x127d12390> >>> paths [['57381', '4376732', '2333007'], ['57323', '630823', '2333007'], ... >>> nx.draw(g) >>> """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) sources = utils.eval_skids(sources, remote_instance=remote_instance) targets = utils.eval_skids(targets, remote_instance=remote_instance) targets = utils._make_iterable(targets).astype(int) sources = utils._make_iterable(sources).astype(int) if isinstance(n_hops, (int, np.integer)): n_hops = [n_hops] if not utils._is_iterable(n_hops): raise TypeError('Expected `n_hops` to be iterable or integer, got ' f'"{type(n_hops)}"') if min(n_hops) <= 0: raise ValueError('n_hops must not be <= 0') # We need to query to endpoints: # First get the neurons involved response = [] url = remote_instance._get_graph_dps_url() for h in range(1, max(n_hops) + 1): if h == 1: response += list(sources) + list(targets) continue post_data = { 'n_hops': h, 'min_synapses': min_synapses } for i, s in enumerate(sources): post_data['sources[%i]' % i] = s for i, t in enumerate(targets): post_data['targets[%i]' % i] = t # Response is just a set of skeleton IDs response += remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post_data) # Get unique edges skids = np.unique(np.asarray(response).astype(int)) # Now get edges between those neurons edges = get_edges(skids, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Turn neurons into an NetworkX graph g = ns.network2nx(edges, threshold=min_synapses) # Get all paths between sources and targets all_paths = [p for s in sources for t in targets for p in nx.all_simple_paths(g, s, t, cutoff=max(n_hops)) if len(p) - 1 in n_hops] if not return_graph: return all_paths # Turn into edges edges_to_keep = set([e for l in all_paths for e in nx.utils.pairwise(l)]) # Remove edges g.remove_edges_from([e for e in g.edges if e not in edges_to_keep]) if remove_isolated: # Remove isolated nodes g.remove_nodes_from(list(nx.isolates(g))) return all_paths, g
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_volume(volume_name=None, color=(120, 120, 120, .6), combine_vols=False, remote_instance=None): """Retrieves volume (mesh). Parameters ---------- volume_name : int | str | list of str or int Name(s) (as ``str``) or ID (as ``int``) of the volume to import. Names must be EXACT! If ``volume_name=None``, will return list of all available CATMAID volumes. If list of volume names, will return a dictionary ``{name: Volume, ... }`` color : tuple, optional (R, G, B, alpha) values used by :func:`~pymaid.plot3d`. combine_vols : bool, optional If True and multiple volumes are requested, the will be combined into a single volume. remote_instance : CATMAIDInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- navis.Volume If ``volume_name`` is list of volumes, returns a dictionary of Volumes: ``{name1: Volume1, name2: Volume2, ...}`` Examples -------- >>> import pymaid >>> rm = CatmaidInstance('server_url', 'api_token', 'http_user', 'http_pw') >>> # Retrieve volume >>> vol = pymaid.get_volume('LH_R') >>> # Plot volume >>> vol.plot3d() """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(volume_name, type(None)):'Retrieving list of available volumes.') elif not isinstance(volume_name, (int, str, list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('Volume name must be id (int), str or list of either, not {}.'.format(type(volume_name))) volume_names = utils._make_iterable(volume_name) # First, get volume IDs get_volumes_url = remote_instance._get_volumes() response = remote_instance.fetch(get_volumes_url) all_vols = pd.DataFrame(response['data'], columns=response['columns']) if isinstance(volume_name, type(None)): return all_vols req_vols = all_vols[( | (] volume_ids = if len(volume_ids) < len(volume_names): not_found = set(volume_names).difference(set( | set( raise Exception( 'No volume(s) found for: {}'.format(','.join(not_found))) url_list = [remote_instance._get_volume_details(v) for v in volume_ids] # Get data responses = remote_instance.fetch(url_list, desc='Volumes') # Generate volume(s) from responses volumes = {} for r in responses: mesh_str = r['mesh'] mesh_name = r['name'] mesh_id = r['id'] mesh_type ='<(.*?) ', mesh_str).group(1) # Now reverse engineer the mesh if mesh_type == 'IndexedTriangleSet': t ="index='(.*?)'", mesh_str).group(1).split(' ') faces = [(int(t[i]), int(t[i + 1]), int(t[i + 2])) for i in range(0, len(t) - 2, 3)] v ="point='(.*?)'", mesh_str).group(1).split(' ') vertices = [(float(v[i]), float(v[i + 1]), float(v[i + 2])) for i in range(0, len(v) - 2, 3)] elif mesh_type == 'IndexedFaceSet': # For this type, each face is indexed and an index of -1 indicates # the end of this face set t ="coordIndex='(.*?)'", mesh_str).group(1).split(' ') faces = [] this_face = [] for f in t: if int(f) != -1: this_face.append(int(f)) else: faces.append(this_face) this_face = [] # Make sure the last face is also appended faces.append(this_face) v ="point='(.*?)'", mesh_str).group(1).split(' ') vertices = [(float(v[i]), float(v[i + 1]), float(v[i + 2])) for i in range(0, len(v) - 2, 3)] else: logger.error("Unknown volume type: %s" % mesh_type) raise Exception("Unknown volume type: %s" % mesh_type) # In this format vertices are not unique - i.e. a given vertex defined # by its x/y/z position shows up as many times as it participates in # a face. # Fortunately, navis.Volume being a subclass of trimesh.Trimesh takes # care of the deduplication v = ns.Volume(name=mesh_name, volume_id=mesh_id, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, color=color) volumes[mesh_name] = v # Return just the volume if a single one was requested if len(volumes) == 1: return list(volumes.values())[0] return volumes
@cache.undo_on_error def get_annotation_list(remote_instance=None): """Get a list of all annotations in the project. Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents an annotation:: name id users 0 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) an = remote_instance.fetch(remote_instance._get_annotation_list())[ 'annotations'] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(an) return df
[docs] def url_to_coordinates(coords, stack_id, active_skeleton_id=None, active_node_id=None, zoom=0, tool='tracingtool', open_browser=False, remote_instance=None): """Generate URL to a location. Parameters ---------- coords : list | np.ndarray | pandas.DataFrame ``x``, ``y``, ``z`` coordinates. stack_id : int | list/array of ints ID of the image stack you want to link to. Depending on your setup this parameter might be overriden by local user settings. active_skeleton_id : int | list/array of ints, optional Skeleton ID of the neuron that should be selected. active_node_id : int | list/array of ints, optional Node/Connector ID of the node that should be active. zoom : int, optional tool : str, optional open_browser : bool, optional If True will open *all* generated URLs as new tabs in the standard webbrowser. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- str | list of str URL(s) to the coordinates provided. Examples -------- >>> # Get URL for a single coordinate >>> url = pymaid.url_to_coordinates([1000, 1000, 1000], stack_id=5) >>> # Get URLs for all low-confidence nodes of a neuron >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron(27295) >>> low_c = n.nodes.loc[n.nodes.confidence < 5] >>> urls = pymaid.url_to_coordinates(low_c[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, ... stack_id=5, ... active_node_id=low_c.node_id.values) """ def gen_url(c, stid, nid, sid): """ This function generates the actual urls """ GET_data = {'pid': remote_instance.project_id, 'xp': int(c[0]), 'yp': int(c[1]), 'zp': int(c[2]), 'tool': tool, 'sid0': stid, 's0': zoom } if sid: GET_data['active_skeleton_id'] = sid if nid: GET_data['active_node_id'] = nid return(remote_instance.make_url('?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(GET_data))) def list_helper(x): """ Helper function to turn variables into lists matching length of coordinates """ if not isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray)): return [x] * len(coords) elif len(x) != len(coords): raise ValueError('Parameters must be the same shape as coords.') else: return x remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(coords, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): try: coords = coords[['x', 'y', 'z']].values except BaseException: raise ValueError( 'Pandas DataFrames must have "x","y" and "z" columns.') elif isinstance(coords, list): coords = np.array(coords) if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray) and coords.ndim > 1: stack_id = list_helper(stack_id) active_skeleton_id = list_helper(active_skeleton_id) active_node_id = list_helper(active_node_id) urls = [gen_url(c, stid, nid, sid) for c, stid, nid, sid in zip(coords, stack_id, active_node_id, active_skeleton_id)] if open_browser: for u in urls: webbrowser.open_new_tab(u) return urls else: url = gen_url(coords, stack_id, active_node_id, active_skeleton_id) if open_browser: webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) return url
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_node_location(x, sort=True, remote_instance=None): """Retrieves location for a set of nodes or connectors. Parameters ---------- x : int | list of int Node ID(s). sort : bool, optional If True, will sort returned DataFrame to be in the same order as input data. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not provided, will search for globally defined remote instance. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a node:: node_id x y z 0 1 ... """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_node_ids(x, connectors=True, nodes=True) url = remote_instance._get_node_location_url() post = {'node_ids[{}]'.format(i): n for i, n in enumerate(x)} data = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['node_id', 'x', 'y', 'z']) if sort: df = df.set_index('node_id').loc[x].reset_index(drop=False) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_label_list(remote_instance=None): """Retrieves all labels (node tags only) in a project. Parameters ---------- remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not provided, will search for globally defined remote instance. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame in which each row represents a label:: label_id tag skeleton_id node_id 0 1 ... Examples -------- >>> # Get all labels >>> labels = pymaid.get_label_list() >>> # Get all nodes with a given tag >>> nodes = labels[labels.tag == 'my_label'].node_id >>> # Get neuron that have at least a single node with a given tag >>> neurons = labels[ labels.tag == 'my_label' ].skeleton_id.unique() """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) labels = remote_instance.fetch(remote_instance._get_label_list_url()) return pd.DataFrame(labels, columns=['label_id', 'tag', 'skeleton_id', 'node_id'])
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_transactions(range_start=None, range_length=25, remote_instance=None): """Retrieve individual transactions with server. **This API endpoint is extremely slow!** Parameters ---------- range_start : int, optional Start of table. Transactions are returned in chronological order (most recent transactions first) range_length : int, optional End of table. If None, will return all. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not provided, will search for globally defined CatmaidInstance. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame listing individual transactions:: change_type execution_time label ... 0 Backend 2017-12-26 03:37:00 labels.update ... 1 Backend 2017-12-26 03:37:00 treenodes.create ... 2 Backend 2017-12-26 03:37:00 treenodes.create ... 3 Backend 2017-12-26 03:37:00 treenodes.create ... 4 Backend 2017-12-26 03:32:00 treenodes.create ... project_id transaction_id user_id user 0 1 404899166 151 dacksa 1 1 404899165 151 dacksa 2 1 404899164 151 dacksa 3 1 404899163 151 dacksa 4 1 404899162 151 dacksa """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) remote_transactions_url = remote_instance._get_transactions_url() desc = {'range_start': range_start, 'range_length': range_length} desc = {k: v for k, v in desc.items() if v is not None} remote_transactions_url += '?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(desc) data = remote_instance.fetch(remote_transactions_url) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data['transactions']) user_list = get_user_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) user_dict = user_list.set_index('id').login.to_dict() df['user'] = df['execution_time'] = [datetime.datetime.strptime( d[:16], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') for d in df['execution_time'].values] return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_neuron_id(x, remote_instance=None): """Get neuron ID(s) for given skeleton(s). Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List Skeleton IDs for which to get neuron IDs. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{skeleton_id (str): neuron_id (int), ... }`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_neuron_ids_url() post = {'model_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skids)} resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) return resp
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_cable_lengths(x, chunk_size=500, remote_instance=None): """Get cable lengths directly from Catmaid Server. Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List Skeleton IDs for which to get cable lengths. chunk_size : int, optional Retrieves cable in chunks of given size. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{skeleton_id (str): cable [nm] (int), ... }`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_neuron_cable_url() cable = {} for i in config.trange(0, len(skids), int(chunk_size), desc='Fetching chunks'): chunk = skids[i: i + chunk_size] post = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(chunk)} resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) cable.update(resp) return cable
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_connectors_in_bbox(bbox, unit='NM', limit=None, restrict_to=False, ret='COORDS', remote_instance=None, **kwargs): """Retrieves connectors within given bounding box. Parameters ---------- bbox : list-like | dict | pymaid.Volume Coordinates of the bounding box. Can be either: 1. List/np.array: ``[[left, right], [top, bottom], [z1, z2]]`` 2. Dictionary ``{'left': int|float, 'right': ..., ...}`` unit : 'NM' | 'PIXEL' Unit of your coordinates. Attention: 'PIXEL' will also assume that Z1/Z2 is in slices. By default, a X/Y resolution of 3.8nm and a Z resolution of 35nm is assumed. Pass 'xy_res' and 'z_res' as ``**kwargs`` to override this. limit : int, optional Limit the number of connectors returned. restrict_to : list, optional List of skeleton IDs to return connectors for. ret : 'IDS' |'COORDS' | 'LINKS' Connector data to be returned. See below for explanation. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame If ``ret="COORDS"`` (default): DataFrame in which each row represents a connector: connector_id x y z 0 1 .. list If ``ret="IDS"``: list of connector IDs. pandas.DataFrame If ``ret="LINKS"``: DataFrame in which each row represents a connector. Please note that connectors can show up multiple times - once for each link. connector_id x y z skeleton confidence creator_id .. 0 1 .. .. connected_node creation_time edition_time relation_id 0 1 .. """ if ret.upper() not in ['IDS', 'COORDS', 'LINKS']: raise ValueError('"ret" must be "IDS", "COORDS" or "LINKS"') remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(bbox, ns.Volume): bbox = bbox.bbox if isinstance(bbox, dict): bbox = np.array([[bbox['left'], bbox['right']], [bbox['top'], bbox['bottom']], [bbox['z1'], bbox['z2']] ]) if not isinstance(bbox, np.ndarray): bbox = np.array(bbox) if unit == 'PIXEL': bbox[[0, 1], :] = bbox[[0, 1], :] * kwargs.get('xy_res', 4) bbox[[2], :] = bbox[[2], :] * kwargs.get('z_res', 40) url = remote_instance._get_connector_in_bbox_url() post = dict(minx=min(bbox[0]), maxx=max(bbox[0]), miny=min(bbox[1]), maxy=max(bbox[1]), minz=min(bbox[2]), maxz=max(bbox[2]), limit=limit if limit else 0 ) if ret.upper() in ['COORDS', 'LINKS']: # post['with_links'] = True post['with_locations'] = True if ret.upper() == 'LINKS': post['with_links'] = True if restrict_to: restrict_to = utils._make_iterable(restrict_to) post.update({'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(restrict_to)}) data = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) if ret.upper() == 'IDS': return data data = pd.DataFrame(data) if ret.upper() == 'COORDS': data.columns = ['connector_id', 'x', 'y', 'z'] else: data.columns = ['connector_id', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'skeleton', 'confidence', 'creator_id', 'connected_node', 'creation_time', 'edition_time', 'relation_id'] return data
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_connectivity_counts(x, source_relations=['presynaptic_to'], target_relations=['postsynaptic_to'], count_partner_links=True, remote_instance=None): """Fetch number of connections of a given type for a set of neurons. Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List Skeleton IDs for which to get cable lengths. source_relations : str | list of str, optional A list of pre-connector relations. target_relations : str | list of str, optional A list of post-connector relations. Default settings count the number of outgoing connections for the input neurons. count_partner_links : bool, optional Whether to count partner links or links to a connector. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance If not passed directly, will try using global. Examples -------- # Get the count of all outgoing connections (default): >>> counts = pymaid.get_connectivity_counts('annotation:glomerulus DA1') # Get both incoming and outgoing connections: >>> counts = pymaid.get_connectivity_counts('annotation:glomerulus DA1', ... source_relations=['presynaptic_to', ... 'postsynaptic_to'], ... target_relations=['postsynaptic_to', ... 'presynaptic_to']) Returns ------- dict Dictionary with server response. {'connectivity': {skid1: {relation_ID: count}, skid2: {relation_ID: count}}, 'relations': {relation_ID: relation_name}} """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_connectivity_counts_url() source_relations = utils._make_iterable(source_relations) target_relations = utils._make_iterable(target_relations) post = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skids)} post.update({'source_relations[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(source_relations)}) post.update({'target_relations[{}]'.format(i): t for i, t in enumerate(target_relations)}) return remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post)
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_import_info(x, with_nodes=False, chunk_size=500, remote_instance=None): """Get count of imported nodes for given neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List Skeleton IDs for which to get import info. with_nodes : bool, optional Whether to include IDs of all imported nodes. chunk_size : int, optional Retrieves data in chunks of this size. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_import_info_url() info = {} for i in config.trange(0, len(skids), int(chunk_size), desc='Fetching info'): chunk = skids[i: i + chunk_size] post = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(chunk)} post['with_treenodes'] = with_nodes resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) info.update(resp) return info
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_origin(x, chunk_size=500, remote_instance=None): """Get origin of given neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List Skeleton IDs for which to get their origin. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict {'data_sources': {'1': {'name': None, 'source_project_id': 1, 'url': 'https://.../tracing/fafb/v14-seg-li-190805.0'}}, 'origins': {'13348203': {'data_source_id': 1, 'source_id': 13348108}}} """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_skeleton_origin_url() post = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skids)} resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) return resp
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_skids_by_origin(source_ids, source_url, source_project_id, remote_instance=None): """Get skeleton IDs by origin. Parameters ---------- source_ids : list of int Source IDs to search for. source_url : str Source url to search for. source_project_id : int Source project ID to search for. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict {'source_id': skeleton_id} """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) source_ids = utils._make_iterable(source_ids) url = remote_instance._get_skeleton_by_origin_url() post = {'source_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(source_ids)} post['source_url'] = source_url post['source_project_id'] = source_project_id resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) return resp
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_sampler(x=None, remote_instance=None): """Get list of reconstruction samplers. Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List | None, optional Skeleton IDs for which to get samplers. If ``None`` will return all samplers. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing all samplers. Returns empty DataFrame if no samplers. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(x, type(None)): url = remote_instance._get_sampler_list_url() else: skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) GET = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skids)} url = remote_instance._get_sampler_list_url(**GET) resp = remote_instance.fetch(url) if not resp: return pd.DataFrame([]) # Turn into DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(resp) # Convert timestamps df['creation_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.creation_time, unit='s', utc=True) df['edition_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.edition_time, unit='s', utc=True) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_sampler_domains(sampler, remote_instance=None): """Get list of domains for given sampler. Parameters ---------- sampler : int ID of sampler to fetch domains for. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame containing domains for given sampler. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_sampler_domains_url(sampler) resp = remote_instance.fetch(url) # Turn into DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(resp) # Convert timestamps df['creation_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.creation_time, unit='s', utc=True) df['edition_time'] = pd.to_datetime(df.edition_time, unit='s', utc=True) return df
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_sampler_counts(x, remote_instance=None): """Get number of reconstruction samplers for a set of neurons. Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List | None, optional Skeleton IDs for which to get sampler counts. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict ``{skeleton_id: count, ...}`` """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) url = remote_instance._get_sampler_counts_url() post = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(skids)} resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) return resp
[docs] @cache.undo_on_error def get_skeleton_change(x, chunk_size=50, remote_instance=None): """Get split and merge history of skeletons. Parameters ---------- x : list-like | CatmaidNeuron/List | None, optional Skeleton IDs for which to get split/merge history. chunk_size : int, optional Change history will be queried in chunks. Reduce the number if you experience problems. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list List of unique skeleton paths in historic order, newest last:: [[skid1, skid2, ..., skidN], ...] """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) change = [] with config.tqdm(desc='Fetching change', total=len(skids), disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave) as pbar: chunks = [skids[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(skids), chunk_size)] for ch in chunks: # Generate URLs GET = {'skeleton_ids[{}]'.format(i): s for i, s in enumerate(ch)} url = remote_instance._get_skeleton_change_url(**GET) # Fetch data resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, disable_pbar=True) change += resp # Update progress bar pbar.update(len(ch)) return change