Fetching data from a CATMAID server

With minor exceptions, pymaid covers every API endpoint of your CATMAID server - i.e. you should be able to get all the data that your web browser shows (and more)

pymaid has >50 different functions that fetch various kinds of data from CATMAID. Too many to cover them all - instead this tutorial will try to give you a flavour by showcasing a few examples.

If you know what data you are after, head over to the API reference and search for keywords to find the appropriate function.

A quick primer

All functions that require neurons/skeleton IDs as inputs (e.g. get_neuron()) accept either:

  1. Skeleton ID(s) (int or str):

    n = pymaid.get_neuron(16)
    nl = pymaid.get_neuron([16, 57241])
  2. Neuron name(s) (str):

    n = pymaid.get_neuron('PN glomerulus DC3 57242 ML')
    nl = pymaid.get_neuron(['PN glomerulus DC3 57242 ML', 'PN glomerulus VA6 017 DB'])
  3. Annotation(s) (str):

    n = pymaid.get_neuron('annotation:glomerulus VA6')
    nl = pymaid.get_neuron(['annotation:glomerulus DC3', 'annotation:glomerulus VA6'])
  4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object:

    n = pymaid.get_neuron(16)
    cn_table = pymaid.get_partners(n)

By default, annotations and neuron names must match exactly. You can use regex on names and annotations, using a leading /:

# Get all neurons that have 'VA6' in their name
nl = pymaid.get_neuron('/VA6')

# Get all neurons annotated with a 'VA6'-containing annotation
nl = pymaid.get_neuron('annotation:/VA6')

# Get all skeleton IDs that have an annotation starting with 'AV1.R':
skids = pymaid.get_skids_by_annotation('/^AV1.R')

See here for detailed explanation of regex patterns.

Fetching neurons

One of the most basic thing is fetching neurons. First, we need to set up the connection to the CATMAID server. This should already look familiar - if not check out the quickstart tutorial <tutorial> first:

import pymaid
rm = pymaid.connect_catmaid()
INFO  : Global CATMAID instance set. Caching is ON. (pymaid)

Now that’s done, we can get going. In 99% of the cases, you will use pymaid.get_neurons() to fetch skeletons for analysis and visualization.

da1 = pymaid.get_neuron('annotation:glomerulus DA1 right')

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57316 2863105 ML 2863104 6774 470 280 None 1522064.50 [3245741] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57382 ML 57381 8243 382 195 None 1337348.75 [3364368] 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 61222 AJ 61221 8578 556 199 None 1353478.75 [3254492] 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57354 GA 57353 6985 370 225 None 1539364.25 [3254736] 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57324 LK JSL 57323 6223 481 256 None 1483462.50 [3251355] 1 nanometer
5 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57358 IJA 755022 7453 515 230 None 1401414.75 [3252148] 1 nanometer
6 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 27296 BH 27295 10216 507 304 None 1806000.25 [3005291] 1 nanometer
7 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mlALT DA1 vPN mlALTed Milk 18114... 1811442 11769 804 378 None 2169807.25 [6838672] 1 nanometer
8 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT DA1 lPN 57312 LK 57311 5543 463 211 None 1364103.25 [3059181] 1 nanometer
fig, ax = da1.plot2d(lw=1.5)

Fetching volumes

Lets also fetch a volume to put those neurons into context:

vol = pymaid.get_volume('v14.neuropil')
<navis.Volume(name=v14.neuropil, color=(120, 120, 120, 0.6), vertices.shape=(8997, 3), faces.shape=(18000, 3))>
# For visualization we rely on navis
import navis

# Make the volume more transparent
vol.color = (230, 230, 230, .2)

# Plot
fig, ax = navis.plot2d([da1, vol], lw=2)

# Rotate to frontal view
ax.elev = ax.azim = -90
ax.dist = 5

Obscure functions

Fetching skeletons and volumes is pretty standard, and fetching connectivity is covered in a separate tutorial. Let’s have a look at some more obscure functions.

Find out who contributed to the DA1 neurons we loaded above:

cont = pymaid.get_contributor_statistics(da1)

# `cont` is a pandas.Series containing e.g. nodes contributed
# Let's plot only people with >1000 nodes contributed
{k: v for k, v in cont.node_contributors.items() if v > 1000}

{'harrisonb': 2587,
 'jefferis': 2031,
 'schlegelp': 9977,
 'koppenhaverb': 3355,
 'ratliffj': 2177,
 'hallouc': 3328,
 'robertsr': 14537,
 'masoodpanahn': 1436,
 'kmecoval': 5203,
 'alij': 3740,
 'ranftp': 5930,
 'fisherc': 2286,
 'imtiazs': 2029,
 'adamjohn': 2791,
 'allredg': 1696,
 'michaelLingelbach': 4253}

Have any of these nodes been imported (as opposed to being manually placed):

iinfo = pymaid.get_import_info(da1)
Fetching info: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.37s/it]
{'2863104': {'n_imported_treenodes': 1524},
 '57381': {'n_imported_treenodes': 502},
 '61221': {'n_imported_treenodes': 679},
 '57353': {'n_imported_treenodes': 1005},
 '57323': {'n_imported_treenodes': 951},
 '755022': {'n_imported_treenodes': 1271},
 '27295': {'n_imported_treenodes': 1161},
 '1811442': {'n_imported_treenodes': 916},
 '57311': {'n_imported_treenodes': 608}}

Looks like some parts of these neurons have been imported.

Last but not least, let’s check who has reviewed these neurons:

rev = pymaid.get_review_details(da1)

# `rev` is a DataFrame that contains timestamps of when a user has reviewed a given node
node_id imtiazs masoodpanahn kmecoval fisherc ratliffj helmickl alij sharifin robertsr ... meechank edmondsona jamasba schlegelp calles hallouc adesinaa lovef mooree skeleton_id
0 3047214 2016-05-04 21:05:00 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT 2863104
1 3047212 2016-05-04 21:05:00 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT 2863104
2 3047210 2016-05-04 21:05:00 NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT ... NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT NaT 2863104

3 rows × 24 columns

Scaling things up

So far, the examples have pulled only a small amount of data but pymaid scales really well. Let’s demonstrate how to fetch all neurons in the FAFB dataset, shall we?

First we need to compile a list of neurons above a certain size and with a soma using pymaid.find_neurons():

all_fafb = pymaid.find_neurons(min_size=1000, only_soma=True)
INFO  : Get all neurons with >= 1000 nodes (pymaid)
INFO  : Found 7920 neurons matching the search parameters (pymaid)

all_fafb is now a list of 7920 neurons. At the moment these neurons only consist of skeleton ID and a name - any other data such as nodes or connectors are not (yet) loaded. Note the NAs:

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron PD5g1_L#3 8880132 ECM Tarly family left 8880131 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron KCaBx 12719 CF 10190852 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron aSP-g type tract crossing alpha lobe neuron 98... 983054 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Multiglomerular mALT l2PN VM1+VP2+VP3+23 LTS 0... 32793 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer

The not-yet-available data is lazily loaded on request:

node_id parent_id creator_id x y z radius confidence type
0 38680419 38680415 127 649397.0 128668.0 170760.0 51.0 5 slab
1 38680424 38680419 127 649497.0 128728.0 170840.0 51.0 5 slab
2 38680426 38680424 127 649733.0 128876.0 170920.0 51.0 5 slab
3 38680436 38680432 127 649945.0 129012.0 171040.0 51.0 5 slab
4 38680432 38680426 127 649901.0 128984.0 171000.0 51.0 5 slab

Note how the first neuron is now the only one with more detailed info in the summary:

type name skeleton_id n_nodes n_connectors n_branches n_leafs cable_length soma units
0 CatmaidNeuron PD5g1_L#3 8880132 ECM Tarly family left 8880131 3129 96 126 None 883607 [38712262] 1 nanometer
1 CatmaidNeuron KCaBx 12719 CF 10190852 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
2 CatmaidNeuron aSP-g type tract crossing alpha lobe neuron 98... 983054 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
3 CatmaidNeuron Uniglomerular mALT VA6 adPN 017 DB 16 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer
4 CatmaidNeuron Multiglomerular mALT l2PN VM1+VP2+VP3+23 LTS 0... 32793 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 nanometer

So in theory, you now have about ~8k neurons to work with. But while the lazy loading is neat, it is also rather slow because it is done sequentially (i.e. one neuron at a time). If you want skeleton information (nodes + connectors) for all these neurons, you are best off triggering a full download which will use parallel threads:

[ ]:

By default, pymaid uses 100 parallel threads to fetch that data. On slow internet connections, this can cause errors. To reduce the maximum number of parallel threads, you can do this:

[ ]:
rm.max_threads = 10

That’s it for now. Check out the API reference for a full list of available functions.