Source code for pymaid.cluster

#    This script is part of pymaid (
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Schlegel
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

import os
import json
import colorsys
import math

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import navis as ns
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
import scipy.spatial

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from . import fetch, core, utils, config

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

__all__ = sorted(['cluster_by_connectivity', 'cluster_by_synapse_placement',
                  'cluster_xyz', 'ClustResults'])

[docs] def cluster_by_connectivity(x, similarity='vertex_normalized', upstream=True, downstream=True, threshold=1, include_skids=None, exclude_skids=None, min_nodes=2, connectivity_table=None, cluster_kws={}, skip_missing=True, remote_instance=None): r"""Cluster neurons based on connectivity. This functions offers a selection of metrics to compare connectivity: .. list-table:: :widths: 15 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Metric - Explanation * - matching_index - Number of shared partners divided by total number of partners. * - matching_index_synapses - Number of shared synapses (i.e. number of connections from/onto the same partners) divided by total number of synapses. Attention: this metric is tricky when there is a disparity of total number of connections between neuron A and B. For example, consider 100/200 and 1/50 shared/total synapse: 101/250 results in a fairly high matching index of 0.404. * - matching_index_weighted_synapses - Similar to *matching_index_synapses* but slightly less prone to above mentioned error as it uses the percentage of shared synapses: .. math:: S = \\frac{\\text{NeuronA}_{\\text{ shared synapses}}}{\\text{NeuronA}_{\\text{ total synapses}}} \\times \\frac{\\text{NeuronB}_{\\text{ shared synapses}}}{\\text{NeuronB}_{\\text{ total synapses}}} * - vertex - Matching index that rewards shared and punishes non-shared partners. Based on `Jarrell et al., 2012 <>`_: .. math:: f(x,y) = min(x,y) - C1 \\times max(x,y) \\times \\exp(-C2 * min(x,y)) Final score is the sum of :math:`f(x,y)` over all edges x, y between neurons A+B and their partners. C1 determines how negatively a case where one edge is much stronger than another is punished. C2 determines the point where the similarity switches from negative to positive. C1 and C2 default to 0.5 and 1, respectively, but can be changed by passing them in a dictionary as `cluster_kws`. * - vertex_normalized - This is *vertex* similarity normalized by the lowest (total dissimilarity) and highest (all edge weights the same) achievable score. Parameters ---------- x Neurons as single or list of either: 1. skeleton IDs (int or str) 2. neuron name (str, exact match) 3. annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object similarity : 'matching_index' | 'matching_index_synapses' | 'matching_index_weighted_synapses' | 'vertex' | vertex_normalized', optional Metric used to compare connectivity. See notes for detailed explanation. upstream : bool, optional If True, upstream partners will be considered. downstream : bool, optional If True, downstream partners will be considered. threshold : int, optional Only partners with more this synapses are used for comparison. This threshold applies to the *total* number of connections from/to all neurons in ``x``. min_nodes : int, optional Minimum number of nodes for a partners to be considered. include_skids : see ``x``, optional If filter_skids is not empty, only neurons whose skids are in filter_skids will be considered when calculating similarity score. exclude_skids : see ``x``, optional Neurons to exclude from calculation of connectivity similarity. connectivity_table : pd.DataFrame, optional Connectivity table, e.g. from :func:`~pymaid.get_partners`. If provided, will use this instead of querying CATMAID server. Filters still apply! skip_missing : bool, optional If True, neurons that don't have connectivity data (i.e. no up-/ and/or downstream partners after filtering) will be skipped. If False, will keep them but they will have similarity ``nan``. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed, will try using globally defined. Returns ------- :class:`pymaid.ClustResults` Custom cluster results class holding the distance matrix and contains wrappers e.g. to plot dendograms. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # Cluster a set of neurons by their inputs (ignore small fragments) >>> res = pymaid.cluster_by_connectivity('annotation:PBG6 P-EN right', ... upstream=True, downstream=False, ... threshold=1, min_nodes=500) >>> # Get the similarity matrix >>> print(res.sim_mat) >>> # Plot a dendrogram >>> fig = res.plot_dendrogram() >>> """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Extract skids from CatmaidNeuron, CatmaidNeuronList, DataFrame or Series neurons = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Make sure neurons are strings, not integers neurons = [str(n) for n in list(set(neurons))] directions = [] if upstream is True: directions.append('upstream') if downstream is True: directions.append('downstream') if isinstance(connectivity_table, type(None)): # Retrieve connectivity and apply filters connectivity = fetch.get_partners(neurons, directions=directions, remote_instance=remote_instance, min_size=min_nodes, threshold=threshold) else: connectivity = connectivity_table[(connectivity_table.num_nodes >= min_nodes) & ( >= threshold)] if not isinstance(include_skids, type(None)) or not isinstance(exclude_skids, type(None)):'Filtering connectivity. ' '%i entries before filtering' % (connectivity.shape[0])) if not isinstance(include_skids, type(None)): connectivity = connectivity[ connectivity.skeleton_id.isin(utils.eval_skids(include_skids, remote_instance=remote_instance))] if not isinstance(exclude_skids, type(None)): connectivity = connectivity[ ~connectivity.skeleton_id.isin(utils.eval_skids(exclude_skids, remote_instance=remote_instance))]'{} entries after filtering'.format(connectivity.shape[0])) # Calc number of partners used for calculating matching score (i.e. ratio of input to outputs)! # This is AFTER filtering! Total number of partners can be altered! n_partners = {n: {r: connectivity[(connectivity[str(n)] > 0) & (connectivity.relation == r)].shape[0] for r in directions} for n in neurons} # Make sure all neurons have connectivity data to calculate similarity no_data = [n for n in neurons if sum(n_partners[n].values()) == 0] if no_data: w = '{} neuron(s) without connectivity data found.'.format(len(no_data)) if skip_missing: w += ' Skipped: {}'.format(', '.join(no_data)) neurons = list(set(neurons) - set(no_data)) else: w += ' These neurons might have "NaN" similarities.' logger.warning(w) # Retrieve names logger.debug('Retrieving neuron names') neuron_names = fetch.get_names(list(set(neurons + connectivity.skeleton_id.tolist())), remote_instance=remote_instance) matching_scores = {} if similarity in ['vertex_normalized', 'vertex']: vertex_score = True else: vertex_score = False # Calculate connectivity similarity by direction for d in directions: this_cn = connectivity[connectivity.relation == d] # Prepare connectivity subsets: cn_subsets = {n: this_cn[n] > 0 for n in neurons}'Calculating {} similarity scores'.format(d)) matching_scores[d] = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(neurons), len(neurons))), index=neurons, columns=neurons) if this_cn.shape[0] == 0: logger.warning('No {} partners found: filtered?'.format(d)) combinations = [(nA, nB, this_cn, vertex_score, cn_subsets[nA], cn_subsets[nB], cluster_kws) for nA in neurons for nB in neurons] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max(1, os.cpu_count())) as e: futures =, combinations) matching_indices = [n for n in config.tqdm(futures, total=len(combinations), desc=d, disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)] for i, v in enumerate(combinations): matching_scores[d].loc[v[0], v[1] ] = matching_indices[i][similarity] # Attention! Averaging over incoming and outgoing pairing scores will # give weird results with - for example - sensory/motor neurons # that have predominantly either only up- or downstream partners! # To compensate, the ratio of upstream to downstream partners (after # applying filters!) is considered! # Ratio is applied to neuronA of A-B comparison -> will be reversed at B-A # comparison'Finalizing scores') dist_matrix = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((len(neurons), len(neurons))), index=neurons, columns=neurons) for neuronA in neurons: for neuronB in neurons: if len(directions) == 1: dist_matrix[neuronA][neuronB] = matching_scores[ directions[0]][neuronA][neuronB] else: try: r_inputs = n_partners[neuronA][ 'upstream'] / (n_partners[neuronA]['upstream'] + n_partners[neuronA]['downstream']) r_outputs = 1 - r_inputs except BaseException(): logger.warning('Failed to calculate input/output ratio ' 'for skeleton ID #{} assuming 50/50 ' '(probably "division-by-0" error)'.format(neuronA)) r_inputs = 0.5 r_outputs = 0.5 dist_matrix[neuronA][neuronB] = matching_scores['upstream'][neuronA][ neuronB] * r_inputs + matching_scores['downstream'][neuronA][neuronB] * r_outputs'All done.') # Rename rows and columns # dist_matrix.columns = [neuron_names[str(n)] for n in dist_matrix.columns] # dist_matrix.index = [ neuron_names[str(n)] for n in dist_matrix.index ] results = ClustResults(dist_matrix, labels=[neuron_names[str( n)] for n in dist_matrix.columns], mat_type='similarity') if isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): results.neurons = x return results
def _unpack_connectivity_helper(x): """Helper function to unpack values from pool.""" return _calc_connectivity_matching_index(x[0], x[1], x[2], vertex_score=x[3], nA_cn=x[4], nB_cn=x[5], **x[6]) def _calc_connectivity_matching_index(neuronA, neuronB, connectivity, syn_threshold=1, min_nodes=1, **kwargs): """Calculate various connectivity similarity metrics. Parameters ---------- neuronA : skeleton ID neuronB : skeleton ID connectivity : pandas DataFrame Connectivity data as provided by :func:`pymaid.get_partners`. syn_threshold : int, optional Min number of synapses for a connection to be considered. Default = 1 min_nodes : int, optional Min number of nodes for a partner to be considered use this to filter fragments. Default = 1 vertex_score : bool, optional If False, no vertex score is returned (much faster!). Default = True nA_cn/nB_cn : list of bools Subsets of the connectivity that connect to either neuronA or neuronB -> if not provided, will be calculated -> time consuming Returns ------- dict Containing all initially described matching indices Notes ----- |matching_index = Number of shared partners divided by total | number of partners |matching_index_synapses = Number of shared synapses divided by total number | of synapses. Attention! matching_index_synapses | is tricky, because if neuronA has lots of | connections and neuronB only little, they will | still get a high matching index. | E.g. 100 of 200 / 1 of 50 = 101/250 | -> ``matching index = 0.404`` |matching_index_weighted_synapses = Similar to matching_index_synapses but | slightly less prone to above mentioned error: | % of shared synapses A * % of shared synapses | B * 2 / (% of shared synapses A + % of shared | synapses B) | -> value will be between 0 and 1; if one neuronB | has only few connections (percentage) to a shared | partner, the final value will also be small |vertex_normalized = Matching index that rewards shared and punishes | non-shared partners. Vertex similarity based on | Jarrell et al., 2012: | f(x,y) = min(x,y) - C1 * max(x,y) * e^(-C2 * min(x,y)) | x,y = edge weights to compare | vertex_similarity is the sum of f over all vertices | C1 determines how negatively a case where one edge | is much stronger than another is punished | C2 determines the point where the similarity | switches from negative to positive """ if min_nodes > 1: connectivity = connectivity[connectivity.num_nodes > min_nodes] vertex_score = kwargs.get('vertex_score', True) nA_cn = kwargs.get('nA_cn', connectivity[neuronA] >= syn_threshold) nB_cn = kwargs.get('nB_cn', connectivity[neuronB] >= syn_threshold) total = connectivity[nA_cn | nB_cn] n_total = total.shape[0] shared = connectivity[nA_cn & nB_cn] n_shared = shared.shape[0] shared_sum = shared.sum() n_synapses_sharedA = shared_sum[neuronA] n_synapses_sharedB = shared_sum[neuronB] n_synapses_shared = n_synapses_sharedA + n_synapses_sharedB total_sum = total.sum() n_synapses_totalA = total_sum[neuronA] n_synapses_totalB = total_sum[neuronB] n_synapses_total = n_synapses_totalA + n_synapses_totalB # Vertex similarity based on Jarrell et al., 2012 # f(x,y) = min(x,y) - C1 * max(x,y) * e^(-C2 * min(x,y)) # x,y = edge weights to compare # vertex_similarity is the sum of f over all vertices # C1 determines how negatively a case where one edge is much stronger than # another is punished # C2 determines the point where the similarity switches from negative to # positive C1 = kwargs.get('C1', 0.5) C2 = kwargs.get('C2', 1) vertex_similarity = 0 max_score = 0 similarity_indices = {} if vertex_score: # We only need the columns for neuronA and neuronB this_cn = total[[neuronA, neuronB]].astype(float) # Get min and max between both neurons this_max = np.max(this_cn, axis=1) this_min = np.min(this_cn, axis=1) # The max possible score is when both synapse counts are the same: # in which case score = max(x,y) - C1 * max(x,y) * e^(-C2 * max(x,y)) max_score = this_max - C1 * this_max * np.exp(- C2 * this_max) # The smallest possible score is when either synapse count is 0: # in which case score = -C1 * max(a,b) min_score = -C1 * this_max # Implement: f(x,y) = min(x,y) - C1 * max(x,y) * e^(-C2 * min(x,y)) v_sim = this_min - C1 * this_max * np.exp(- C2 * this_min) # Sum over all partners vertex_similarity = v_sim.sum() similarity_indices['vertex'] = vertex_similarity try: similarity_indices['vertex_normalized'] = ( vertex_similarity - min_score.sum()) / (max_score.sum() - min_score.sum()) except BaseException: similarity_indices['vertex_normalized'] = 0 if n_total != 0: similarity_indices['matching_index'] = n_shared / n_total similarity_indices[ 'matching_index_synapses'] = n_synapses_shared / n_synapses_total if n_synapses_sharedA != 0 and n_synapses_sharedB != 0: similarity_indices['matching_index_weighted_synapses'] = ( n_synapses_sharedA / n_synapses_totalA) * (n_synapses_sharedB / n_synapses_totalB) else: # If no shared synapses at all: similarity_indices['matching_index_weighted_synapses'] = 0 else: similarity_indices['matching_index'] = 0 similarity_indices['matching_index_synapses'] = 0 similarity_indices['matching_index_weighted_synapses'] = 0 return similarity_indices def _unpack_synapse_helper(x): """Helper function to unpack values from pool.""" return _calc_synapse_similarity(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]) def _calc_synapse_similarity(cnA, cnB, sigma=2000, omega=2000, restrict_cn=None): """Calculate synapses similarity score. Synapse similarity score is calculated by calculating for each synapse of neuron A: (1) the distance to the closest (eucledian) synapse in neuron B and (2) comparing the synapse density around synapse A and B. This is type sensitive: presynapses will only be matched with presynapses, post with post, etc. The formula is described in Schlegel et al., eLife (2017). Parameters ---------- (cnA, cnB) : CatmaidNeuron connector tables sigma : int, optional Distance in nanometer that is considered to be "close". omega : int, optional Radius in nanometer over which to calculate synapse density. Returns ------- synapse_similarity_score """ all_values = [] # Get the connector types that we want to compare between neuron A and B if isinstance(restrict_cn, type(None)): # If no restrictions, get all cn types in neuron A cn_to_check = cnA.type.unique() else: # Intersect restricted connectors and actually available types cn_to_check = set(cnA.type.unique()) & set(restrict_cn) # Iterate over all types of connectors for r in cn_to_check: # Skip if either neuronA or neuronB don't have this synapse type if cnB[cnB.type == r].empty: all_values += [0] * cnA[cnA.type == r].shape[0] continue # Get inter-neuron matrix dist_mat = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(cnA[cnA.type == r][['x', 'y', 'z']], cnB[cnB.type == r][['x', 'y', 'z']]) # Get index of closest synapse in neuron B closest_ix = np.argmin(dist_mat, axis=1) # Get closest distances closest_dist = dist_mat.min(axis=1) # Get intra-neuron matrices for synapse density checking distA = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist( cnA[cnA.type == r][['x', 'y', 'z']]) distA = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(distA) distB = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist( cnB[cnB.type == r][['x', 'y', 'z']]) distB = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(distB) # Calculate number of synapses closer than OMEGA. This does count itself! closeA = (distA <= omega).sum(axis=1) closeB = (distB <= omega).sum(axis=1) # Now calculate the scores over all synapses for a in range(distA.shape[0]): this_synapse_value = math.exp(-1 * math.fabs(closeA[a] - closeB[closest_ix[a]]) / ( closeA[a] + closeB[closest_ix[a]])) * math.exp(-1 * (closest_dist[a]**2) / (2 * sigma**2)) all_values.append(this_synapse_value) score = sum(all_values) / len(all_values) return score
[docs] def cluster_by_synapse_placement(x, sigma=2000, omega=2000, mu_score=True, restrict_cn=None, remote_instance=None): """Cluster neurons based on their synapse placement. Distances score is calculated by calculating for each synapse of neuron A: (1) the Eucledian distance to the closest synapse in neuron B and (2) comparing the synapse density around synapse A and B. This is type-sensitive: presynapses will only be matched with presynapses, post with post, etc. The formula is described in `Schlegel et al., eLife (2017) <>`_: .. math:: f(i_{s},j_{k}) = \\exp(\\frac{-d^{2}_{sk}}{2\\sigma^{2}}) \\exp(-\\frac{|n(i_{s})-n(j_{k})|}{n(i_{s})+n(j_{k})}) The synapse similarity score for neurons i and j being the average of :math:`f(i_{s},j_{k})` over all synapses s of i. Synapse k is the closest synapse of the same sign (pre/post) in neuron j to synapse s. :math:`d^{2}_{sk}` is the eucledian distance between these distances. Variable :math:`\\sigma` (``sigma``) determines what distance between s and k is considered "close". :math:`n(i_{s})` and :math:`n(j_{k})` are defined as the number of synapses of neuron i/j that are within given radius :math:`\\omega` (``omega``) of synapse s and j, respectively (same sign only). This esnures that in cases of a strong disparity between :math:`n(i_{s})` and :math:`n(j_{k})`, the synapse similarity will be close to zero even if the distance between s and k is very small. Parameters ---------- x Neurons as single or list of either: 1. skeleton IDs (int or str) 2. neuron name (str, exact match) 3. annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object sigma : int, optional Distance in nanometer between synapses that is considered to be "close". omega : int, optional Radius in nanometer over which to calculate synapse density. mu_score : bool, optional If True, score is calculated as mean between A->B and B->A comparison. restrict_cn : int | list | None, optional Restrict to given connector types: - 0: presynapses - 1: postsynapses - 2: gap junctions - 3: abutting connectors If None, will use all connectors. Use either single integer or list. E.g. ``restrict_cn=[0, 1]`` to use only pre- and postsynapses. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed, will try using globally defined. Need to provide if neurons are only skids or annotation(s). Returns ------- :class:`~pymaid.ClustResults` Object that contains distance matrix and methods to plot dendrograms. """ if not isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) neurons = fetch.get_neuron(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) else: neurons = x # If single value, turn into list if not isinstance(restrict_cn, (type(None), list, set, np.ndarray)): restrict_cn = [restrict_cn] sim_matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(neurons), len(neurons))), index=neurons.skeleton_id, columns=neurons.skeleton_id) combinations = [(nA.connectors, nB.connectors, sigma, omega, restrict_cn) for nA in neurons for nB in neurons] comb_skids = [(nA.skeleton_id, nB.skeleton_id) for nA in neurons for nB in neurons] with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max(1, os.cpu_count())) as e: futures =, combinations) scores = [n for n in config.tqdm(futures, total=len(combinations), desc='Processing', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)] for i, v in enumerate(combinations): sim_matrix.loc[comb_skids[i][0], comb_skids[i][1]] = scores[i] if mu_score: sim_matrix = (sim_matrix + sim_matrix.T) / 2 res = ClustResults(sim_matrix, mat_type='similarity', labels=[ neurons.skid[str(s)].neuron_name for s in sim_matrix.columns]) res.neurons = neurons return res
def cluster_xyz(x, labels=None): """Thin wrapper for ``scipy.scipy.spatial.distance``. Takes a list of x,y,z coordinates and calculates EUCLEDIAN distance matrix. Parameters ---------- x : pandas.DataFrame Must contain ``x``,``y``,``z`` columns. labels : list of str, optional Labels for each leaf of the dendrogram (e.g. connector ids). Returns ------- :class:`pymaid.ClustResults` Contains distance matrix and methods to generate plots. Examples -------- This examples assumes you understand the basics of using pymaid: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron(16) >>> rs = pymaid.cluster_xyz(n.connectors, ... labels=n.connectors.connector_id.values) >>> rs.plot_matrix() >>> """ # Generate numpy array containing x, y, z coordinates try: s = x[['x', 'y', 'z']].values except BaseException: logger.error('Please provide dataframe connector data of ' 'exactly a single neuron') return # Calculate euclidean distance matrix condensed_dist_mat = scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(s, 'euclidean') squared_dist_mat = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(condensed_dist_mat) return ClustResults(squared_dist_mat, labels=labels, mat_type='distance')
[docs] class ClustResults: """Class to handle, analyze and plot similarity/distance matrices. Contains thin wrappers for ``scipy.cluster``. Attributes ---------- dist_mat : Distance matrix (0=similar, 1=dissimilar) sim_mat : Similarity matrix (0=dissimilar, 1=similar) linkage : Hierarchical clustering. Run :func:`pymaid.ClustResults.cluster` to generate linkage. By default, WARD's algorithm is used. leafs : list of skids Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # Get a bunch of neurons >>> nl = pymaid.get_neuron('annotation:glomerulus DA1') >>> # Perform connectivity clustering >>> res = pymaid.cluster_by_connectivity(nl) >>> # `res` is a ClustResults object with handy methods: >>> res.plot_matrix() >>> >>> # Extract 5 clusters >>> res.get_clusters(5, criterion = 'maxclust') """ _PERM_MAT_TYPES = ['similarity', 'distance']
[docs] def __init__(self, mat, labels=None, mat_type='distance'): """Initialize class instance. Parameters ---------- mat : numpy.array | pandas.DataFrame Distance or similarity matrix. labels : list, optional Labels for matrix. mat_type : 'distance' | 'similarity', default = 'distance' Sets the type of input matrix: - 'similarity' = high values are more similar - 'distance' = low values are more similar The "missing" matrix type will be computed. For clustering, plotting, etc. distance matrices are used. """ if mat_type not in ClustResults._PERM_MAT_TYPES: raise ValueError('Matrix type "{0}" unkown.'.format(mat_type)) if mat_type == 'similarity': self.dist_mat = self._invert_mat(mat) self.sim_mat = mat else: self.dist_mat = mat self.sim_mat = self._invert_mat(mat) self.labels = labels self.mat_type = mat_type if isinstance(labels, type(None)) and isinstance(mat, pd.DataFrame): self.labels = mat.columns.tolist()
def __getattr__(self, key): if key == 'linkage': self.cluster() return self.linkage elif key == 'condensed_dist_mat': return scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(self.dist_mat, checks=False) elif key in ['leafs', 'leaves']: return self.get_leafs() elif key == 'cophenet': return self.calc_cophenet() elif key == 'agg_coeff': return self.calc_agg_coeff() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return 'ClustResults of {} items at {}'.format(self.sim_mat.shape[0], hex(id(self))) def get_leafs(self, use_labels=False): """Retrieve leaf labels. Parameters ---------- use_labels : bool, optional If True, self.labels will be returned. If False, will use either columns (if matrix is pandas DataFrame) or indices (if matrix is np.ndarray) """ if isinstance(self.dist_mat, pd.DataFrame): if use_labels: return [self.labels[i] for i in scipy.cluster.hierarchy.leaves_list(self.linkage)] else: return [self.dist_mat.columns.tolist()[i] for i in scipy.cluster.hierarchy.leaves_list(self.linkage)] else: return scipy.cluster.hierarchy.leaves_list(self.linkage) def calc_cophenet(self): """Return Cophenetic Correlation coefficient of your clustering. This (very very briefly) compares (correlates) the actual pairwise distances of all your samples to those implied by the hierarchical clustering. The closer the value is to 1, the better the clustering preserves the original distances. """ return scipy.cluster.hierarchy.cophenet(self.linkage, self.condensed_dist_mat) def calc_agg_coeff(self): """Return the agglomerative coefficient. This measures the clustering structure of the linkage matrix. Because it grows with the number of observations, this measure should not be used to compare datasets of very different sizes. For each observation i, denote by m(i) its dissimilarity to the first cluster it is merged with, divided by the dissimilarity of the merger in the final step of the algorithm. The agglomerative coefficient is the average of all 1 - m(i). """ # Turn into pandas DataFrame for fancy indexing Z = pd.DataFrame(self.linkage, columns=[ 'obs1', 'obs2', 'dist', 'n_org']) # Get all distances at which an original observation is merged all_dist = Z[(Z.obs1.isin(self.leafs)) | (Z.obs2.isin(self.leafs))].dist.values # Divide all distances by last merger all_dist /= self.linkage[-1][2] # Calc final coefficient coeff = np.mean(1 - all_dist) return coeff def _invert_mat(self, sim_mat): """ Inverts matrix.""" if isinstance(sim_mat, pd.DataFrame): return (sim_mat - sim_mat.max().max()) * -1 else: return (sim_mat - sim_mat.max()) * -1 def cluster(self, method='ward'): """Cluster distance matrix. This will automatically be called when attribute linkage is requested for the first time. Parameters ---------- method : str, optional Clustering method (see scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage for reference) """ # Use condensed distance matrix - otherwise clustering thinks we are # passing observations instead of final scores self.linkage = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(self.condensed_dist_mat, method=method) # Save method in case we want to look it up later self.cluster_method = method'Clustering done using method "{0}"'.format(method)) def plot_dendrogram(self, color_threshold=None, return_dendrogram=False, labels=None, fig=None, **kwargs): """Plot dendrogram using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- color_threshold : int | float, optional Coloring threshold for dendrogram. return_dendrogram : bool, optional If True, dendrogram object is returned instead of figure. labels : list of str, dict Labels in order of original observation or dictionary with mapping original labels. kwargs Passed to ``scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram()`` Returns ------- matplotlib.figure If ``return_dendrogram=False`. sciyp.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram If ``return_dendrogram=True``. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(labels, type(None)): labels = self.labels elif isinstance(labels, dict): labels = [labels[l] for l in self.labels] if not fig: fig = plt.figure() dn_kwargs = {'leaf_rotation': 90, 'above_threshold_color': 'k'} dn_kwargs.update(kwargs) dn = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram(self.linkage, color_threshold=color_threshold, labels=labels, **dn_kwargs) 'Use to render dendrogram.') ax = plt.gca() ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) try: plt.tight_layout() except BaseException: pass if return_dendrogram: return dn else: return fig def plot_matrix2(self, **kwargs): """Plot distance matrix and dendrogram using seaborn. Parameters ---------- kwargs dict Keyword arguments to be passed to seaborn.clustermap. See Returns ------- seaborn.clustermap """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt try: import seaborn as sns except BaseException: raise ImportError('Need seaborn package installed.') cg = sns.clustermap(self.dist_mat, row_linkage=self.linkage, col_linkage=self.linkage, **kwargs) # Rotate labels plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=90) plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=0) # Make labels smaller plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), fontsize=4) plt.setp(cg.ax_heatmap.yaxis.get_majorticklabels(), fontsize=4) # Increase padding cg.fig.subplots_adjust(right=.8, top=.95, bottom=.2) 'Use to render figure.') return cg def plot_matrix(self): """Plot distance matrix and dendrogram using matplotlib. Returns ------- matplotlib figure """ import pylab # Compute and plot first dendrogram for all nodes. fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.1, 0.2, 0.6]) Z1 = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram( self.linkage, orientation='left', labels=self.labels) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) # Compute and plot second dendrogram. ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.71, 0.6, 0.2]) Z2 = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.dendrogram( self.linkage, labels=self.labels) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) # Plot distance matrix. axmatrix = fig.add_axes([0.3, 0.1, 0.6, 0.6]) idx1 = Z1['leaves'] idx2 = Z2['leaves'] D = self.dist_mat.copy() if isinstance(D, pd.DataFrame): D = D.values D = D[idx1, :] D = D[:, idx2] im = axmatrix.matshow( D, aspect='auto', origin='lower', axmatrix.set_xticks([]) axmatrix.set_yticks([]) # Plot colorbar. axcolor = fig.add_axes([0.91, 0.1, 0.02, 0.6]) pylab.colorbar(im, cax=axcolor) 'Use to render figure.') return fig def plot3d(self, k=5, criterion='maxclust', **kwargs): """Plot neuron using :func:`pymaid.plot.plot3d`. Will only work if the ClustResult instance has neurons attached to it. Parameters ---------- k : int | float criterion : 'maxclust' | 'distance', optional If ``maxclust``, ``k`` clusters will be formed. If ``distance`` clusters will be created at threshold ``k``. **kwargs Will be passed to ``pymaid.plot3d()``. See ``help(plot.plot3d)`` for a list of keywords. See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.plot3d` Function called to generate 3d plot. """ if 'neurons' not in self.__dict__: logger.error( 'This works only with cluster results from neurons') return None cmap = self.get_colormap(k=k, criterion=criterion) kwargs.update({'color': cmap}) return ns.plot3d(self.neurons, **kwargs) def to_selection(self, fname='cluster.json', k=5, criterion='maxclust'): """Convert clustered neurons into json file. This file can be loaded into CATMAID selection table. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Filename to save selection to. k : int | float criterion : 'maxclust' | 'distance', optional If ``maxclust``, ``k`` clusters will be formed. If ``distance`` clusters will be created at threshold ``k``. See Also -------- :func:`pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList.to_selection` Turn CatmaidNeuronList into CATMAID-readable selection. :func:`pymaid.CatmaidNeuronList.from_selection` CatmaidNeuronList from CATMAID selection. """ cmap = self.get_colormap(k=k, criterion=criterion) # Convert to 0-255 cmap = {n: [int(v * 255) for v in cmap[n]] for n in cmap} data = [dict(skeleton_id=int(n), color="#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format( cmap[n][0], cmap[n][1], cmap[n][2]), opacity=1 ) for n in cmap] with open(fname, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile)'Selection saved as %s in %s' % (fname, os.getcwd())) return def get_colormap(self, k=5, criterion='maxclust'): """Generate colormap based on clustering. Parameters ---------- k : int | float criterion : 'maxclust' | 'distance', optional If ``maxclust``, ``k`` clusters will be formed. If ``distance`` clusters will be created at threshold ``k``. Returns ------- dict {'skeleton_id': (r,g,b),...} """ cl = self.get_clusters(k, criterion, return_type='indices') cl = [[self.dist_mat.index.tolist()[i] for i in l] for l in cl] colors = [colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(1 / len(cl) * i, 1, 1) for i in range(len(cl) + 1)] return {n: colors[i] for i in range(len(cl)) for n in cl[i]} def get_clusters(self, k, criterion='maxclust', return_type='labels'): """Get get clusters. Thin wrapper for ``scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster``. Parameters ---------- k : int | float criterion : 'maxclust' | 'distance', optional If ``maxclust``, ``k`` clusters will be formed. If ``distance`` clusters will be created at threshold. ``k``. return_type : 'labels' | 'indices' | 'columns' | 'rows' Determines what to construct the clusters of. 'labels' only works if labels are provided. 'indices' refers to index in distance matrix. 'columns'/'rows' works if distance matrix is pandas DataFrame Returns ------- list list of clusters ``[[leaf1, leaf5], [leaf2, ...], ...]`` """ cl = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster( self.linkage, k, criterion=criterion) if self.labels and return_type.lower() == 'labels': return [[self.labels[j] for j in range(len(cl)) if cl[j] == i] for i in range(min(cl), max(cl) + 1)] elif return_type.lower() == 'rows': return [[self.dist_mat.columns.tolist()[j] for j in range(len(cl)) if cl[j] == i] for i in range(min(cl), max(cl) + 1)] elif return_type.lower() == 'columns': return [[self.dist_mat.index.tolist()[j] for j in range(len(cl)) if cl[j] == i] for i in range(min(cl), max(cl) + 1)] else: return [[j for j in range(len(cl)) if cl[j] == i] for i in range(min(cl), max(cl) + 1)] def to_tree(self): """Turn linkage to ete3 tree. See Also -------- Ete3 homepage Returns ------- ete 3 tree """ try: import ete3 except BaseException: raise ImportError( 'Please install ete3 package to use this function.') max_dist = self.linkage[-1][2] n_original_obs = self.dist_mat.shape[0] list_of_childs = {n_original_obs + i: e[:2] for i, e in enumerate(self.linkage)} list_of_parents = {int(e[0]): int(n_original_obs + i) for i, e in enumerate(self.linkage)} list_of_parents.update( {int(e[1]): int(n_original_obs + i) for i, e in enumerate(self.linkage)}) total_dist = {n_original_obs + i: e[2] for i, e in enumerate(self.linkage)} # Process total distance into distances between nodes (root = 0) dist_to_parent = { n: max_dist - total_dist[list_of_parents[n]] for n in list_of_parents} names = {i: n for i, n in enumerate(self.dist_mat.columns.tolist())} # Create empty tree tree = ete3.Tree() # Start with root node root = sorted(list(list_of_childs.keys()), reverse=True)[0] treenodes = {root: tree.add_child()} for k in sorted(list(list_of_childs.keys()), reverse=True): e = list_of_childs[k] treenodes[e[0]] = treenodes[k].add_child( dist=dist_to_parent[e[0]], name=names.get(e[0], None)) treenodes[e[1]] = treenodes[k].add_child( dist=dist_to_parent[e[1]], name=names.get(e[1], None)) return tree