Source code for pymaid.upload

# A collection of tools to remotely access a CATMAID server via its API
#    Copyright (C) 2017 Philipp Schlegel
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

""" This module contains functions to push data to a Catmaid server.

from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timezone
import json
import numbers
import os
import tempfile
import traceback

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import navis as ns
import requests
import seaborn as sns

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from . import (core, utils, config, cache, fetch, client)

__all__ = sorted(['add_annotations', 'remove_annotations',
                  'add_tags', 'delete_tags',
                  'add_meta_annotations', 'remove_meta_annotations',
                  'upload_neuron', 'upload_volume',
                  'update_radii', 'replace_skeleton',
                  'join_skeletons', 'join_nodes',
                  'link_connector', 'delete_nodes',
                  'add_connector', 'transfer_neuron',
                  'differential_upload', 'move_nodes',
                  'push_new_root', 'add_node',
                  'delete_volume', 'set_nodes_reviewed'])

# Set up logging
logger = config.get_logger(__name__)

[docs] @cache.never_cache def upload_volume(x, name, comments=None, remote_instance=None): """Upload volume/mesh to CatmaidInstance. Parameters ---------- x : Volume | dict Volume to export. Can be:: - pymaid.Volume - dict: { 'faces': array-like, 'vertices': array-like } name : str Name of volume. If ``None`` will use the Volume's ``.name`` property. comments : str, optional Comments to upload. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. """ if isinstance(x, ns.Volume): verts = x.vertices.astype(int).tolist() faces = x.faces.astype(int).tolist() elif isinstance(x, dict): verts = x['vertices'].astype(int).tolist() faces = x['faces'].astype(int).tolist() else: raise TypeError('Expected navis or pymaid Volume or dictionary, ' 'got "{}"'.format(type(x))) if not isinstance(name, str) and isinstance(x, ns.Volume): name = getattr(x, 'name', 'not named') remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) postdata = {'title': name, 'type': 'trimesh', 'mesh': json.dumps([verts, faces]), 'comment': comments if comments else '' } url = remote_instance._upload_volume_url() response = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=postdata) if 'success' in response and response['success'] is True: pass else: logger.error('Error exporting volume {}'.format(name)) return response
@cache.never_cache def delete_volume(x, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Delete volume from Catmaid Instance. Parameters ---------- x : int | str Name (str) or ID (int) of volume to delete. no_prompt : bool, optional If True, will skip prompt to confirm deletion. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(x, (str, int, np.integer)): raise TypeError('Expected volume name (str) or ID (int), ' 'got "{}"'.format(type(x))) # First, get volume IDs get_volumes_url = remote_instance._get_volumes() resp = remote_instance.fetch(get_volumes_url) all_vols = pd.DataFrame(resp['data'], columns=resp['columns']) # Get volume name + ID if isinstance(x, (int, np.integer)): id2name = all_vols.set_index('id').name.to_dict() if x not in id2name: raise ValueError('Volume "{}" not found'.format(x)) vol_name = id2name[x] vol_id = x elif isinstance(x, str): name2id = all_vols.set_index('name').id.to_dict() if x not in name2id: raise ValueError('Volume "{}" not found'.format(x)) vol_name = x vol_id = name2id[x] if not no_prompt: # Now prompt answer = "" q = 'Please confirm deletion of Volume "{}" (ID {}) [Y/N] '.format(vol_name, vol_id) while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return url = remote_instance._get_volume_details(vol_id) req = remote_instance._session.delete(url) req.raise_for_status() resp = req.json() if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error deleting volume {}: {}'.format(x, resp)) return resp
[docs] def transfer_neuron(x, source_instance, target_instance, move_tags=False, move_annotations=False, move_connectors=False, force_id=False, no_prompt=False): """Copy neuron(s) from one CatmaidInstance to another. Note that skeleton, node and connector IDs will change (see server response for old->new mapping). Also: node confidences are currently not transferred. Parameters ---------- x : Skeleton ID(s) Neuron(s) to move from ``source_instance`` to ``target_instance``. source_instance : CatmaidInstance Instance that the neuron(s) currently live in. target_instance : CatmaidInstance Instance to copy the neuron(s) to. move_tags : bool, optional If True, will upload node tags from ``x.tags``. move_annotations : bool, optional If True will upload annotations from ``x.annotations``. move_connectors : bool, optional If True will upload connectors from ``x.connectors``. force_id : bool, optional If True and neuron/skeleton IDs already exist in target instance, they will be replaced. **Use this with extrem caution as this will destroy the existing skeleton!** no_prompt : bool, optional If True, will not prompt before transferring neurons! Returns ------- dict Server response with new skeleton/node IDs:: { 'neuron_id': new neuron ID, 'skeleton_id': new skeleton ID, 'node_id_map': {'old_node_id': new_node_id, ...}, 'annotations': if import_annotations=True, 'tags': if tags=True } """ # TODOs: # - move node confidences if not isinstance(source_instance, client.CatmaidInstance): raise TypeError('"source_instance" must be CatmaidInstance not "{}"'.format(type(source_instance))) if not isinstance(target_instance, client.CatmaidInstance): raise TypeError('"target_instance" must be CatmaidInstance not "{}"'.format(type(target_instance))) if source_instance == target_instance: raise ValueError('source_instance must the same as target_instance') # We can't use the decorator in this case because the remote instances are # not a "remote_instance" keyword argument old_caching = source_instance.caching source_instance.caching = False try: skids = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=source_instance) neurons = fetch.get_neurons(skids, remote_instance=source_instance) if not isinstance(neurons, core.CatmaidNeuronList): neurons = core.CatmaidNeuronList(neurons) if move_annotations: neurons.get_annotations() except BaseException: raise finally: source_instance.caching = old_caching if not no_prompt: summary = neurons.summary()[['name', 'id', 'n_nodes']] if move_connectors: summary['n_connectors'] = neurons.n_connectors if move_tags: summary['n_tags'] = [len(n.tags) for n in neurons] if move_annotations: summary['n_annotations'] = [len(n.annotations) for n in neurons] print(summary.to_string()) q = 'Transferring above neurons from {} (project ID {}) to {} (project ID {}). Proceed? [Y/N] ' q = q.format(source_instance.server, source_instance.project_id, target_instance.server, target_instance.project_id) answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return return upload_neuron(neurons, import_tags=move_tags, import_annotations=move_annotations, import_connectors=move_connectors, skeleton_id=neurons.skeleton_id.astype(int) if force_id else None, force_id=force_id, source_id=neurons.skeleton_id.astype(int), source_project_id=source_instance.project_id, source_url=source_instance.server, remote_instance=target_instance)
[docs] @cache.never_cache def upload_neuron(x, import_tags=False, import_annotations=False, import_connectors=False, reuse_existing_connectors=True, skeleton_id=None, neuron_id=None, force_id=False, source_id=None, source_project_id=None, source_url=None, source_type=None, remote_instance=None): """Export (upload) neurons to CatmaidInstance. Note that skeleton, node and connector IDs will change (see server response for old->new mapping). Neuron to import must not have more than one skeleton (i.e. disconnected components = more than one root node). Parameters ---------- x : CatmaidNeuron/List Neurons to upload. import_tags : bool, optional If True, will upload node tags from ``x.tags``. import_annotations : bool, optional If True will upload annotations from ``x.annotations``. import_connectors : bool, optional If True will upload connectors from ``x.connectors``. reuse_existing_connectors : bool, optional Only matters when import_connectors is True. If True will look in the remote_instance at the location of each of ``x``'s connectors, and if present, ``x`` will be linked to that existing connector instead of a new (duplicate) connector being created at that location. If False all of ``x.connectors`` are uploaded as new. skeleton_id : int, optional Use this to set the Id of the new skeleton(s). If not provided will will generate a new ID upon export. neuron_id : int, optional Use this to associate the new skeleton(s) with an existing neuron. force_id : bool, optional If True and neuron/skeleton IDs already exist in project, their instances will be replaced. If False and you pass ``neuron_id`` or ``skeleton_id`` that already exist, an error will be thrown. source_id : int, optional source_project_id : int, optional source_url : str, optional source_type : "skeleton" | "segmentation", optional ``source_{}`` are optional fields that will be associated with the newly uploaded neuron to help keep track of neurons' origins. You can use :func:`~pymaid.get_origin`, :func:`~pymaid.get_skids_by_origin` and :func:`~pymaid.find_neurons` to look up neurons by their origin. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional CatmaidInstance to upload to. If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response with new skeleton/node IDs:: { 'neuron_id': new neuron ID, 'skeleton_id': new skeleton ID, 'node_id_map': {'old_node_id': new_node_id, ...}, 'annotations': if import_annotations=True, 'tags': if tags=True } """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(x, ns.NeuronList): # Check if any neurons are only single nodes if any(x.n_nodes <= 1) and (not isinstance(skeleton_id, type(None)) or not isinstance(neuron_id, type(None))): raise ValueError('Single-node neurons can currently not be uploaded ' 'with a given skeleton or neuron ID.') vars = dict(neuron_id=neuron_id, skeleton_id=skeleton_id, source_id=source_id, source_project_id=source_project_id, source_url=source_url, source_type=source_type) # Parse variables that require unique values for each neuron for k in ['neuron_id', 'skeleton_id', 'source_id']: if not isinstance(vars[k], (type(None), bool)): # Make sure it is iterable vars[k] = list(utils._make_iterable(vars[k])) if len(vars[k]) != len(x): raise ValueError('Must provide "{}" for each uploaded neuron.'.format(k)) else: vars[k] = [vars[k]] * len(x) # Parse variables that can (but don't have to) be the same for all neurons for k in ['source_project_id', 'source_url', 'source_type']: if not utils._is_iterable(vars[k]): vars[k] = [vars[k]] * len(x) elif len(vars[k]) != len(x): raise ValueError('Must provide "{}" for each uploaded neuron.'.format(k)) # Check if any neurons has multiple skeletons many = [ for n in x if n.n_skeletons > 1] if many: logger.warning('Neurons with multiple disconnected skeletons' 'found: {}'.format(', '.join(many))) answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Fragments will be joined before import. " "Continue? [Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y': logger.warning('Import cancelled.') return x = ns.heal_skeleton(x, min_size=0, inplace=False) resp = { upload_neuron(n, neuron_id=vars['neuron_id'][i], skeleton_id=vars['skeleton_id'][i], import_tags=import_tags, import_annotations=import_annotations, import_connectors=import_connectors, force_id=force_id, source_id=vars['source_id'][i], source_project_id=vars['source_project_id'][i], source_url=vars['source_url'][i], source_type=vars['source_type'][i], remote_instance=remote_instance) for i, n in config.tqdm(enumerate(x), desc='Uploading', total=len(x), disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)} errors = {n: r for n, r in resp.items() if 'error' in r} if errors: logger.error('{} error(s) during upload. Check neuron(s): ' '{}'.format(len(errors), ','.join(errors.keys()))) return resp if not isinstance(x, ns.TreeNeuron): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuron/List, got "{}"'.format(type(x))) if x.nodes.empty: raise ValueError('{} #{}: Unable to upload neuron without nodes'.format(, if x.n_skeletons > 1: logger.warning('Neuron has multiple disconnected skeletons. Will heal' ' fragments before import!') x = ns.heal_skeleton(x, min_size=0, inplace=False) if source_type and source_type not in ['skeleton', 'segmentation']: raise ValueError('Expected source_type to be "skeleton" or ' '"segmentation", got "{}"'.format(source_type)) for v, n, t in zip([source_id, source_url, source_project_id], ['source_id', 'source_url', 'source_project_id'], [(int, np.integer), str, (int, np.integer)]): if not isinstance(v, (type(None), t)): raise TypeError('{} must be None or {}, got {}'.format(n, t, type(v))) # Check if any neurons are only single nodes # -> these need to be uploaded differently if x.n_nodes <= 1: if not isinstance(skeleton_id, type(None)) or not isinstance(neuron_id, type(None)): raise ValueError('Single-node neurons can currently not be uploaded ' 'with a given skeleton or neuron ID.') node = x.nodes.iloc[0] vars = dict(coords=node[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, parent_id=None, remote_instance=remote_instance) if hasattr(node, 'confidence'): vars['confidence'] = node.confidence if node.confidence else None if hasattr(node, 'radius'): vars['radius'] = node.radius resp = add_node(**vars) # If error is returned if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error uploading neuron "{}"'.format( return resp # Add node ID map to match with normal upload resp['node_id_map'] = {node.node_id: resp['treenode_id']} else: import_url = remote_instance._import_skeleton_url() import_post = {'neuron_id': neuron_id, 'skeleton_id': skeleton_id, 'name':, 'force': force_id, 'auto_id': False} # Add ID fields for k, v in zip(['source_id', 'source_url', 'source_project_id', 'source_type'], [source_id, source_url, source_project_id, source_type]): if v: import_post[k] = v f = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'temp.swc') # Keep SWC node map swc_map = ns.write_swc(x, filepath=f, export_connectors=False, labels=False, return_node_map=True) with open(f, 'rb') as file: # Large files can cause a 504 Gateway timeout. In that case, we want # to have a log of it without interrupting potential subsequent uploads. try: resp = remote_instance.fetch(import_url, post=import_post, files={'file': file}) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: if 'gateway time-out' in str(err).lower(): logger.debug('Gateway time-out while uploading {}. Retrying..'.format( try: resp = remote_instance.fetch(import_url, post=import_post, files={'file': file}) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: logger.error('Timeout uploading neuron "{}"'.format( return {'error': err} except BaseException: raise else: # Any other error should just raise raise except BaseException: raise # If error is returned if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error uploading neuron "{}"'.format( return resp # Exporting to SWC changes the node IDs -> we will revert this in the # response of the server n_map = {n: resp['node_id_map'].get(str(swc_map[n]), None) for n in swc_map} resp['node_id_map'] = n_map if import_tags and getattr(x, 'tags', {}): # Map old to new nodes tags = {t: [resp['node_id_map'][n] for n in v] for t, v in x.tags.items()} # Invert tag dictionary: map node ID -> list of tags ntags = {} for t in tags: ntags.update({n: ntags.get(n, []) + [t] for n in tags[t]}) resp['tags'] = add_tags(list(ntags.keys()), ntags, 'NODE', remote_instance=remote_instance) # Make sure to not access `.annotations` directly to not trigger # fetching annotations if import_annotations and '_annotations' in x.__dict__: an = x.__dict__.get('_annotations', []) resp['annotations'] = add_annotations(resp['skeleton_id'], an, remote_instance=remote_instance) if import_connectors and x.has_connectors and not x.connectors.empty: # Connectors that make multiple links onto the neuron will be listed # more than once but only want to upload them once connectors_no_duplicates = x.connectors.drop_duplicates(subset=['connector_id']) # First create new connectors cn_resp = add_connector(connectors_no_duplicates[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, check_existing=reuse_existing_connectors, remote_instance=remote_instance) resp['connector_response'] = cn_resp # Create old to new IDs map cn_map = {old: new['connector_id'] for old, new in zip(connectors_no_duplicates.connector_id.values, cn_resp)} # Add map to server response resp['connector_id_map'] = cn_map # Hard-coded relation map rl_map = config.compact_skeleton_relations # Link connectors links = [[resp['node_id_map'][n.node_id], cn_map[n.connector_id], rl_map[n.type]] for n in x.connectors.itertuples()] ln_resp = link_connector(links, remote_instance=remote_instance) resp['link_response'] = ln_resp if import_tags and getattr(x, 'connector_tags', {}): # Map old to new connectors cn_tags = {t: [cn_map[n] for n in v] for t, v in x.connector_tags.items()} # Invert connector tag dictionary: map connctor ID -> list of tags ctags = {} for t in cn_tags: ctags.update({n: ctags.get(n, []) + [t] for n in cn_tags[t]}) resp['connector_tags'] = add_tags(list(ctags.keys()), ctags, 'CONNECTOR', override_existing=True, remote_instance=remote_instance) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def differential_upload(x, skeleton_id=None, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Upload only changes made to a neuron. In brief, this function takes the input neuron ``x``, compares with its live version on the server and makes incremental changes: 1. Remove nodes not present in ``x`` from live neuron 2. Add nodes present in ``x`` but not in live neuron 3. Move nodes present in ``x`` and live neuron that have changed positions .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Parameters ---------- x : CatmaidNeuron/List Neurons to upload. skeleton_id : int, optional Use this to set the target live neuron. If not provided will will use ``x.skeleton_id``. no_prompt : bool, optional If True, will not prompt before uploading changes! remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional CatmaidInstance to upload to. If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- None If everything went well. dict On error, returns dict with server response. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): if len(x) > 1: raise ValueError('Expected a single CatmaidNeuron, got {}'.format(len(x))) x = x[0] if not isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuron, got "{}"'.format(x)) skeleton_id = x.skeleton_id if not skeleton_id else skeleton_id # Check if neuron actually exist if not fetch.neuron_exists(skeleton_id, remote_instance=remote_instance): raise ValueError('No neuron with skeleton ID {} found on {} (PID )'.format(skeleton_id, remote_instance.server, remote_instance.project_id)) # Get live neuron live = fetch.get_neuron(skeleton_id, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Generate report on differences report = _diff_report(a=x, b=live) if not report['nodes_mutual']: raise ValueError('Input and live neuron have no nodes in common!') if not no_prompt: q = 'Neuron "{}" (#{}) on {} (PID {}) will have:\n{} nodes deleted\n' \ '{} nodes moved\n{} nodes added\nPlease confirm [Y/N] ' q = q.format(,, remote_instance.server, remote_instance.project_id, len(report['nodes_b_only']), len(report['nodes_moved']), len(report['nodes_a_only'])) answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return # We need to reroot our input neuron to one of the mutual nodes so that # the fragments we're attaching later have their roots at a node adjacent # to the live neuron. if not set(x.root) & set(report['nodes_mutual']): x.reroot(report['nodes_mutual'][0], inplace=True) # First off: delete extra nodes # If any of this is a sequence of connected nodes, we have to delete # them sequentially anyway - so we'll just go through the pain in any # event if report['nodes_b_only']: for n in config.tqdm(report['nodes_b_only'], desc='Removing nodes', leave=config.pbar_leave, disable=config.pbar_hide): resp = delete_nodes(n, 'NODE', no_prompt=True, remote_instance=remote_instance) if 'error' in resp: # Error is already logged by delete_nodes return resp # Next add additional nodes if report['nodes_a_only']: # Generate a neuron consisting only of nodes to be added x_ss = ns.subset_neuron(x, report['nodes_a_only'], inplace=False) # Turn disconnected trees into separate neurons frags = ns.break_fragments(x_ss) # Upload each fragment and connect to live neuron for f in config.tqdm(frags, desc='Uploading & Joining', leave=config.pbar_leave, disable=config.pbar_hide): # Single nodes can't be uploaded as SWC neurons if f.nodes.shape[0] == 1: parent_id = x.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[f.root[0], 'parent_id'] coords = f.nodes.iloc[0][['x', 'y', 'z']].values radius = f.nodes.iloc[0].radius resp = add_node(coords, parent_id=parent_id, radius=radius, remote_instance=remote_instance) else: # Keep track of new skeleton and node IDs nmap = upload_neuron(f, remote_instance=remote_instance) if 'error' in nmap: # Error is already logged by upload_neuron return nmap # Now connect this fragment's root with it's former parent in # the input neuron (which is a mutual node) looser_node = nmap['node_id_map'][f.root[0]] winner_node = x.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[f.root[0], 'parent_id'] resp = join_nodes(winner_node, looser_node, no_prompt=True, remote_instance=remote_instance) if 'error' in resp: # Error is already logged by join_nodes return resp # Last but not least: move nodes if report['nodes_moved']: # Generate new positions new_locs = x.nodes.loc[x.nodes.node_id.isin(report['nodes_moved']), ['node_id', 'x', 'y', 'z']].values resp = move_nodes(new_locs, node_type='NODE', no_prompt=True, remote_instance=remote_instance) if 'error' in resp: # Error is already logged by move_nodes return resp return
[docs] @cache.never_cache def replace_skeleton(x, skeleton_id=None, force_mapping=False, cold_run=False, remote_instance=None): """Replace skeleton in CatmaidInstance. This will override existing skeleton data and tries to map back tags and connectors. Requires user to have import and API token write access privileges! Connectors are re-connected by: For each connector, 1. Get node this connector is connected to in current skeleton. 2. Get distance to the nodes up- and downstream of it as proxy for sampling resolution. 3. Find the closest node in new skeleton. 4. Connect automatically if closest node within sampling resolution. Else flag and return connector as "requires manual review". Node tags are mapped back by: For each tagged node: 1. Get distance to the nodes up- and downstream of it as proxy for sampling resolution. 2. Find the closest node in new skeleton. 3. Map tag automatically if closest node is within the sampling resolution. Else flag and return connector as "requires manual review". Note that this does not respect types of nodes. E.g. an "ends" tag could end up on a non-leaf node. Any connectors/tags that have not been automatically fixed will be returned as DataFrame for manual review. See examples. .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Parameters ---------- x : CatmaidNeuron Neuron to update. skeleton_id : int, optional ID of skeleton to update. If not provided will use ``.skeleton_id`` property of input neuron. force_mapping : bool, optional If True, will always re-connect connectors and map tags onto the closest node in new skeleton regardless of distance. cold_run : bool, optional If True, will only calculate and return table of nodes to fix without actually uploading anything. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame listing connectors and node tags that were either fixed automatically or need manual review. auto_fix type connector_id old_node_id ... 0 False 'connector' 123456 11111 1 True 'tag' None 22222 sugg_node_id relation tags x y z 0 33333 0 None ... 1 44444 None ['ends'] ... In this example node `11111` in the old skeleton was connected presynaptically (``relation=0``) to a connector. The closest node in the new skeleton is `33333` but it's too far away to be automatically reconnected. Node `22222` had an `ends` tag in the old skeleton and the closest node in the new skeleton is `44444`. Because this node was close enough, it was automatically fixed. ``x/y/z`` coordinates always refer to the position of the old node! Examples -------- Pull a neuron from CATMAID, smooth it and upload it again: >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron(16) >>> n_smoothed = pymaid.smooth_neuron(n, inplace=False) >>> to_fix = pymaid.replace_skeleton(n_smoothed) Updating skeleton 16 # of nodes: 12853 -> 12853 (+0) Cable length: 2904.2 -> 3027.3 (+123.1) 1983 of 2116 connectors will be automatically re-connected 654 of 654 tagged nodes will be automatically mapped back Remaining connectors/tagged nodes will be returned as DataFramefor manual review Proceed? [Y/N] Y >>> # There are 133 items (connectors and tags) to check manually: >>> to_fix[~to_fix.auto_fix].shape[0] 133 >>> to_fix[~to_fix.auto_fix].head() connector_id old_node_id relation sugg_node_id tags type x y z 20 304403 125722 NaN 125717 NaN connector 452034 139101 204160 47 553830 123430 NaN 2698 NaN connector 437855 165228 216280 77 653778 123637 NaN 123636 NaN connector 450508 134607 188720 86 666783 127623 NaN 127620 NaN connector 438700 147328 219840 To facilitate fixing , we can add urls to the positions and then copy the DataFrame to e.g. a spreadsheet: >>> fix_manual = to_fix[~to_fix.auto_fix] >>> fix_manual['url'] = pymaid.url_to_coordinates(coords=fix_manual, ... stack_id=5, # change this according to your projects ... active_skeleton_id=n.skeleton_id, ... active_node_id=fix_manual.sugg_node_id.values) >>> # Copy to clipboard >>> fix_manual.to_clipboard() """ # TODO: # - use tangent vector to map connectors/tags back? # - constrain certain tags (e.g. "ends" only on leafs) remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuron): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuron, got "{}"'.format(type(x))) if isinstance(skeleton_id, type(None)): skeleton_id = x.skeleton_id if not fetch.neuron_exists(skeleton_id, remote_instance=remote_instance): raise ValueError('Neuron with skeleton ID "{}" does not exist'.format(skeleton_id)) # Get current skeleton that is should be replaced y = fetch.get_neuron(skeleton_id, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Because compact-skeleton does not return all types of connectors, we have # to get them via a separate endpoint lk = fetch.get_connector_links(skeleton_id, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Find out which connectors we can automatically reconnect: # First get distance between each connector node and its neighbours cn_nodes = lk.node_id.values g = y.graph.to_undirected() cn_nodes_dist = [] for n in cn_nodes: cn_nodes_dist.append(np.mean([g.edges[(n, n2)]['weight'] for n2 in g.neighbors(n)])) cn_nodes_dist = np.array(cn_nodes_dist) # Now find closest node in the new neuron cn_dist_new = cdist(y.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[cn_nodes, ['x', 'y', 'z']], x.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) cn_closest_ix = np.argmin(cn_dist_new, axis=1) cn_closest_id = x.nodes.iloc[cn_closest_ix]['node_id'].values cn_closest_dist = np.amin(cn_dist_new, axis=1) if not force_mapping: cn_is_close = cn_closest_dist <= cn_nodes_dist else: cn_is_close = cn_closest_dist <= float('inf') # Create dictionary mapping old to new connector node ID cn_to_tn = {int(c): int(t) for c, t in zip(cn_nodes, cn_closest_id)} # Find out which tags we can automatically map back: # First get distance between each tagged node and its connected nodes tg_nodes = np.array(list(set([n for t in y.tags for n in y.tags[t]]))) tg_nodes_dist = [] for n in tg_nodes: tg_nodes_dist.append(np.mean([g.edges[(n, n2)]['weight'] for n2 in g.neighbors(n)])) tg_nodes_dist = np.array(tg_nodes_dist) # Find closest node in the new neuron tg_dist_new = cdist(y.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[tg_nodes, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values, x.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values) tg_closest_ix = np.argmin(tg_dist_new, axis=1) tg_closest_id = x.nodes.iloc[tg_closest_ix]['node_id'].values tg_closest_dist = np.amin(tg_dist_new, axis=1) if not force_mapping: tg_is_close = tg_closest_dist <= tg_nodes_dist else: tg_is_close = tg_closest_dist <= float('inf') # Create dictionary mapping old to new node ID tn_to_tn = {int(c): int(t) for c, t in zip(tg_nodes, tg_closest_id)} # Compile list of items to fix after replacing skeleton in case we # encounter an error and need to dump this cn_to_fix = y.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[cn_nodes, ['x', 'y', 'z']] cn_to_fix = cn_to_fix.copy().reset_index(drop=True) cn_to_fix['type'] = 'connector' # Do not remove .astype(object) as this prevents conversion to float later cn_to_fix['connector_id'] = lk.connector_id.values.astype(object) cn_to_fix['old_node_id'] = lk.node_id.values cn_to_fix['sugg_node_id'] = cn_to_fix.old_node_id.astype(int).map(cn_to_tn) cn_to_fix['relation'] = lk.relation.values cn_to_fix['auto_fix'] = cn_is_close tg_to_fix = y.nodes.set_index('node_id').loc[tg_nodes, ['x', 'y', 'z']] tg_to_fix = tg_to_fix.copy().reset_index(drop=True) tg_to_fix['type'] = 'tags' tg_to_fix['old_node_id'] = tg_nodes tg_to_fix['sugg_node_id'] = tg_to_fix.old_node_id.astype(int).map(tn_to_tn) tg_to_fix['tags'] = [[t for t in y.tags if n in y.tags[t]] for n in tg_nodes] tg_to_fix['auto_fix'] = tg_is_close # Concatenate both dataframes to_fix = pd.concat([cn_to_fix, tg_to_fix], axis=0, sort=True).reset_index(drop=True) if cold_run: return to_fix # Prepare some summary to be signed off by user print('Updating skeleton {}: {}'.format(, print('# of nodes:\t{} -> {} ({:+})'.format(y.n_nodes, x.n_nodes, x.n_nodes - y.n_nodes)) print('Cable length:\t{:.1f} -> {:.1f} ({:+.1f})'.format(y.cable_length, x.cable_length, x.cable_length - y.cable_length)) print('{} of {} connectors will be automatically re-connected'.format(sum(cn_is_close), len(cn_is_close))) print('{} of {} tagged nodes will be automatically mapped back'.format(sum(tg_is_close), len(tg_is_close))) print('Remaining connectors/tagged nodes will be returned as DataFrame' 'for manual review') answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Proceed? [Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y': return to_fix # Now things are getting serious! # Get the neuron ID neuron_id = fetch.get_neuron_id(y, remote_instance=remote_instance)[y.skeleton_id] # Update the neuron + skeleton resp = upload_neuron(x, neuron_id=neuron_id, skeleton_id=skeleton_id, force_id=True, import_annotations=False, import_tags=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) if 'error' in resp: return resp # From now on, if anything goes wrong we will return the entirety of # connectors / tags for manual review try: # First, map new node IDs to old node IDs to_fix['sugg_node_id'] = to_fix['sugg_node_id'].astype(int).map(resp['node_id_map']) # Now re-connect stuff: auto_fix = to_fix[to_fix['auto_fix']] # Create list of links to make new_links = auto_fix[auto_fix['type'] == 'connector'].copy() # Create tuples of links link_tuples = new_links[['sugg_node_id', 'connector_id', 'relation']] # Make sure IDs check out link_tuples = link_tuples.apply(tuple, axis=1).tolist() # Make links resp = link_connector(link_tuples, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Generate dictionary of node -> tags new_tags = auto_fix[auto_fix['type'] == 'tags'].copy() tags_dict = new_tags.set_index('sugg_node_id').tags.to_dict() # Add tags resp = add_tags(node_list=new_tags.sugg_node_id.values, tags=tags_dict, node_type='NODE', remote_instance=remote_instance) except BaseException: traceback.print_exc() logger.error('Something went wrong! Returning full list of stuff to ' 'manually review!') return to_fix return to_fix
[docs] @cache.never_cache def join_skeletons(x, winner=None, no_prompt=False, method='LEAFS', remote_instance=None): """Join multiple skeletons by minimizing the length of the newly added edges (minimum spanning tree). Parameters ---------- x : CatmaidNeuronList Skeletons to join. winner : CatmaidNeuron | skeleton ID, optional Winning skeleton that gets to keep its skeleton ID. If not provided, will use the largest fragment. method : 'LEAFS' | 'ALL'', optional Set stitching method: (1) 'LEAFS': Only leaf (including root) nodes will be allowed to make new edges. (2) 'ALL': All nodes are considered. no_prompt : bool, optional If True, will NOT prompt before joining. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- Server response See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.join_nodes` If you know exactly which nodes to join. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(x, core.CatmaidNeuronList): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuronList, got "{}"'.format(type(x))) if len(x) < 2: raise ValueError('Must provide at least two skeletons') if winner and winner not in x: raise ValueError('Winner must be in list of skeletons') elif not winner: winner = sorted([n for n in x], key=lambda x: x.n_nodes, reverse=True)[0] ALLOWED_METHODS = ['LEAFS', 'ALL'] if method.upper() not in ALLOWED_METHODS: raise ValueError('Method "{}" not allowed'.format(method)) # Get edges that need adding edges_to_add = ns.stitch_neurons(x, method=method, suggest_only=True) if not no_prompt: # Create mock neuron for visualization coords = x.nodes.set_index('node_id')[['x', 'y', 'z']].to_dict() swc = pd.DataFrame([]) swc['node_id'] = np.arange(0, len(edges_to_add) * 2) swc['parent_id'] = None # we need this to prevent conversion to floats swc.loc[np.arange(0, len(edges_to_add)), 'parent_id'] = np.arange(len(edges_to_add), len(edges_to_add) * 2) swc.loc[np.arange(0, len(edges_to_add)), 'x'] = [coords['x'][e[0]] for e in edges_to_add] swc.loc[np.arange(0, len(edges_to_add)), 'y'] = [coords['y'][e[0]] for e in edges_to_add] swc.loc[np.arange(0, len(edges_to_add)), 'z'] = [coords['z'][e[0]] for e in edges_to_add] swc.loc[np.arange(len(edges_to_add), len(edges_to_add) * 2), 'x'] = [coords['x'][e[1]] for e in edges_to_add] swc.loc[np.arange(len(edges_to_add), len(edges_to_add) * 2), 'y'] = [coords['y'][e[1]] for e in edges_to_add] swc.loc[np.arange(len(edges_to_add), len(edges_to_add) * 2), 'z'] = [coords['z'][e[1]] for e in edges_to_add] swc['radius'] = 200 mock = core.CatmaidNeuron(1) = 'Mock' mock.nodes = swc mock.tags = {} mock.connectors = pd.DataFrame([]) mock._clear_temp_attr() colors = sns.color_palette('bright', len(x)) # Visualise before prompting v = ns.Viewer() v.add(x, color=colors, connectors=False) v.add(mock.nodes[['x', 'y', 'z']].values, scatter_kws={'size': 10, 'color': 'w'}) v.add(mock, color='w', use_radius=False, connectors=False) answer = "" print('Please check suggested joins in 3D viewer before proceeding.') while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Proceed? [Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y': return responses = [] for e in config.tqdm(edges_to_add, desc='Joining', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): # Make sure that we keep the winner on top if e[1] in winner.nodes.node_id.values: win, loose = e[1], e[0] else: win, loose = e[0], e[1] responses.append(join_nodes(win, loose, no_prompt=True, remote_instance=remote_instance)) # Stop early if error encountered if 'error' in responses[-1]: return responses return responses
[docs] @cache.never_cache def join_nodes(winner_node, looser_node, no_prompt=False, tag_nodes=True, remote_instance=None): """Join two skeletons by nodes. All annotations are being kept. Reference to original neuron will be added. Parameters ---------- winner_node : int Node ID of winning skeleton to merge onto. Skeleton ID of this neuron will persist. looser_node : int Node ID of loosing skeleton to merge. Skeleton ID of this neuron will be lost! no_prompt : bool, optional If True, will NOT prompt before joining. tag_nodes : bool | str | tuple of str, optional If not False, will add tags to nodes:: If True add "joined into {WINNING SKELETON ID}" to loosing and "joined from {LOOSING SKELETON ID}" to winning node. If str, will add string as tag to both nodes. If tuple of two strings (str1, str2), will add str1 to winning and str2 to loosing node. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- Server response See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.join_skeletons` If you don't know how at what nodes to join skeletons. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) try: winner_node = int(winner_node) looser_node = int(looser_node) except BaseException: raise ValueError('winner/looser_node must be numeric IDs') # We need to provide a state for each node details = fetch.get_node_details([winner_node, looser_node], convert_ts=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) details.node_id = details.node_id.astype(int) edition_times = details.set_index('node_id').edition_time.to_dict() if winner_node not in edition_times: raise ValueError('winner_node "{}" does not exist'.format(winner_node)) if looser_node not in edition_times: raise ValueError('looser_node "{}" does not exist'.format(looser_node)) skids = fetch.get_skid_from_node([winner_node, looser_node], remote_instance=remote_instance) winner_skid = skids[winner_node] looser_skid = skids[looser_node] names = fetch.get_names([winner_skid, looser_skid], remote_instance=remote_instance) winner_name = names[str(winner_skid)] looser_name = names[str(looser_skid)] n_samplers = fetch.get_sampler_counts([winner_skid, looser_skid], remote_instance=remote_instance) # Get annotations annotations = fetch.get_annotation_details([winner_skid, looser_skid], remote_instance=remote_instance) # Turn annotations into dictionary annotation_set = annotations.set_index('annotation').user_id.to_dict() # Add reference to original neuron login = remote_instance.fetch(remote_instance._get_login_info_url()) annotation_set[looser_name] = login['userid'] if not no_prompt: print('Joining "{}" #{} into "{}"" #{}'.format(looser_name, looser_skid, winner_name, winner_skid)) print('Skeleton ID {} will cease to exist'.format(looser_skid)) n_loosing_samplers = n_samplers[str(looser_skid)] if n_loosing_samplers: print('Loosing skeleton has {}'.format(n_loosing_samplers), 'sampler(s) that will be lost on merge!') answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Proceed? [Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y': return join_url = remote_instance._join_skeletons_url() join_post = {'from_id': winner_node, 'to_id': looser_node, 'annotation_set': json.dumps(annotation_set), 'edition_times': json.dumps([[n, edition_times[n]] for n in [winner_node, looser_node]]), 'sampler_handling': 'domain-end'} resp = remote_instance.fetch(join_url, post=join_post) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error joining nodes {} and {}. See response for details.'.format(winner_node, looser_node)) return resp if tag_nodes: if isinstance(tag_nodes, bool): tags = {winner_node: 'joined from {}'.format(looser_skid), looser_node: 'joined into {}'.format(winner_skid)} elif isinstance(tag_nodes, str): tags = tag_nodes elif isinstance(tag_nodes, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): if any([not isinstance(s, str) for s in tag_nodes]): raise TypeError('Tags must be strings') tags = {winner_node: tag_nodes[0], looser_node: tag_nodes[1]} else: raise TypeError('Unable to parse node tags of type "{}"'.format(type(tag_nodes))) tag_resp = add_tags([winner_node, looser_node], tags=tags, node_type='NODE', remote_instance=remote_instance, override_existing=False) if 'error' in tag_resp: return tag_resp return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def update_node_confidence(confidences, to_connector=False, remote_instance=None): """Change node confidences. Parameters ---------- confidences : dict Dictionary mapping node ID -> confidences:: {node_id[int]: new_confidence[int]} to_connector: bool, optional If True, will change confidence between this node and linked connector. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- list List of dictionary with server reponses. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.add_node` To create new nodes. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Some sanity checks if not isinstance(confidences, dict): raise TypeError('Expected dict, got "{}"'.format(type(confidences))) if any([5 <= c <= 1 for c in confidences.values()]): raise ValueError('New confidences must be 1-5') all_ids = list(confidences.keys()) update_conf_url = [remote_instance._update_node_confidence_url(n) for n in all_ids] details = fetch.get_node_details(all_ids, convert_ts=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) edition_times = details.set_index('node_id').edition_time.to_dict() missing = [str(n) for n in all_ids if str(n) not in edition_times] if missing: raise ValueError('Node(s) do not exist: {}'.format(', '.join(missing))) # We have to explicitly convert the state in a json string because passing # it to requests as "post" will fuck this up otherwise conf_post = [{'new_confidence': confidences[n], 'state': json.dumps({'edition_time': edition_times[str(n)]}), 'to_connector': to_connector} for n in all_ids] resp = remote_instance.fetch(update_conf_url, post=conf_post, desc='Updating confidences') if any(['error' in r for r in resp]): logger.error('Error changing confidences! Check server response') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def update_radii(radii, chunk_size=1000, remote_instance=None): """Change radii [nm] of given nodes. Parameters ---------- radii : dict, CatmaidNeuron/List Dictionary mapping node IDs to new radii or a CatmaidNeuron. chunk_size : int, optional Update radii in chunks of this size. The maximal chunk size depends on your server's configuration. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response with:: { 'success': True/False, 'update_nodes': { node_id: {'old': old_radius, 'new': new_radius 'edition_time': new_edition_time, 'skeleton_id': skeleton_id, }, } } Examples -------- >>> radii = {41500568: 50, 41500567: 100, 41500564: 200} >>> pymaid.update_radii(radii) """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if isinstance(radii, (core.CatmaidNeuron, core.CatmaidNeuronList)): radii = radii.nodes.set_index('node_id').radius.to_dict() if not isinstance(radii, dict): raise TypeError('Expected dictionary, got "{}"'.format(type(radii))) if any([not isinstance(v, numbers.Number) for v in radii.keys()]): raise ValueError('Expecting only numerical node IDs.') if any([not isinstance(v, numbers.Number) for v in radii.values()]): raise ValueError('New radii must be numerical.') # We have to force node IDs to integer to avoid np.int32 and np.in64 as # these upset json.dumps() later on radii = {int(n): r for n, r in radii.items()} update_radii_url = remote_instance._update_node_radii() # We need to provide a state for each node details = fetch.get_node_details(list(radii.keys()), convert_ts=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) edition_times = details.set_index('node_id').edition_time.to_dict() tn_ids = list(radii.keys()) resp = {} for i in config.trange(0, len(radii), int(chunk_size), desc='Updating radii', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave): this_chunk = {n: radii[n] for n in tn_ids[i: i + chunk_size]} update_post = {"treenode_ids[{}]".format(i): k for i, k in enumerate(this_chunk.keys())} update_post.update({"treenode_radii[{}]".format(i): k for i, k in enumerate(this_chunk.values())}) # State has to be provided as {'state': [(node_id, edition_time), ..]} update_post.update({"state": [(int(k), edition_times[str(k)]) for k in this_chunk]}) # We have to explicitly convert the state in a json string because passing # it to requests as "post" will f*** this up otherwise update_post['state'] = json.dumps(update_post['state']) this_resp = remote_instance.fetch(update_radii_url, post=update_post, on_error='pass') # Merge responses for r, v in this_resp.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): d = resp.get(r, {}) d.update(v) resp[r] = d elif isinstance(v, list): resp[r] = resp.get(r, []) + v else: resp[r] = resp.get(r, []) + [v] if 'errors' in resp and len(resp['errors']): errors = resp['errors'] logger.error('{} errors when updating radii. See server response for details'.format(len(errors))) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def rename_neurons(x, new_names, remote_instance=None, no_prompt=False): """Rename neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x Neuron(s) to rename. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object new_names : str | list | dict New name(s). If renaming multiple neurons this needs to be a dict mapping skeleton IDs to new names or a list of the same size as provided skeleton IDs. no_prompt : bool, optional By default, you will be prompted to confirm before renaming neuron(s). Set this to True to skip that step. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Examples -------- Add your initials to a set of neurons >>> # Get their current names >>> names = pymaid.get_names('annotation:Philipps neurons') >>> # Add initials to names >>> new_names = {skid: name + ' PS' for skid, name in names.items()} >>> # Rename neurons >>> pymaid.rename_neurons(list(names.keys()), new_names) Returns ------- Server response """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) if isinstance(new_names, dict): # First make sure that dictionary maps strings temp = {str(n): new_names[n] for n in new_names} # Generate a list from the dict new_names = [temp[n] for n in x if n in temp] elif not isinstance(new_names, (list, np.ndarray)): new_names = [new_names] if len(x) != len(new_names): raise ValueError('Need a name for every single neuron to rename.') if not no_prompt: old_names = fetch.get_names(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) df = pd.DataFrame(data=[[old_names[n], new_names[i], n] for i, n in enumerate(x)], columns=['Current name', 'New name', 'Skeleton ID'] ) print(df) answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("Please confirm above renaming [Y/N] ").lower() if answer != 'y': return url_list = [] postdata = [] neuron_ids = fetch.get_neuron_id(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) for skid, name in zip(x, new_names): # Renaming works with neuron ID, which we can get via this API endpoint nid = neuron_ids[str(skid)] url_list.append(remote_instance._rename_neuron_url(nid)) postdata.append({'name': name}) # Get data responses = [r for r in remote_instance.fetch(url_list, post=postdata, desc='Renaming')] if False not in [r['success'] for r in responses]:'All neurons successfully renamed.') else: failed = [n for i, n in enumerate(x) if responses[i]['success'] is False] logger.error('Error renaming neuron(s): {}'.format(','.join(failed))) return responses
[docs] @cache.never_cache def add_node(coords, parent_id=None, radius=-1, confidence=5, remote_instance=None): """Create single (!) node at given location. Parameters ---------- coords : tuple Tuple containing x/y/z coordinates. parent_id : int | None, optional If not None, will connect new node to this parent. radius : int, optional Radius of new node. confidence : int, optional Edge confidence to parent (if applicable). remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Response from Catmaid server. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.add_connector` Use this to add connectors. :func:`~pymaid.delete_nodes` Use this to delete nodes or connectors. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) coords = np.array(coords) if not isinstance(coords, np.ndarray) else coords if coords.ndim != 1 or coords.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('Must provide a SINGLE x/y/z coordinate') url = remote_instance._create_node_url() if confidence is np.nan: confidence = None if radius is np.nan: radius = None post = {'confidence': confidence, 'radius': radius, 'useneuron': -1, 'neuron_name': None, 'x': coords[0], 'y': coords[1], 'z': coords[2]} # If parent is provided, we have to get the link if parent_id: nd = fetch.get_node_details(parent_id, convert_ts=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) state = {"parent": [int(parent_id), nd.iloc[0]['edition_time']]} post['parent_id'] = int(parent_id) else: # If no parent we just pass an empy state state = {"parent": [-1, ""]} post['state'] = json.dumps(state) resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post, on_error='pass') if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error adding node. See server response for details.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def add_connector(coords, check_existing=True, remote_instance=None): """Create connector(s) at given location. Parameters ---------- coords : list-like Either single or list of [x, y, z] coordinates at which to create new connectors. check_existing : bool, optional If True will search the remote_instance at the _exact_ location of each connector to be uploaded, and if a connector is already present, a new connector will not be created, instead the existing connector's ID will be returned. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Response from Catmaid server containing new connector ID. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.link_connector` To link your newly created connectors to nodes. :func:`~pymaid.add_node` Use this to add nodes. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) resp = [] if not utils._is_iterable(coords[0]): coords = [coords] coords = np.array(coords) if coords.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('Expected x/y/z coordinates, got {}'.format(coords.shape[1])) if check_existing: already_existing = [] # list of bool, order corresponds to 'coord' argument existing_resp = [] # building return values for existing connectors # Preparing for upload of new connectors create_connector_url = remote_instance._create_connector_url() create_urls = [] create_post = [] for coord in coords: existing_connector = fetch.get_connectors_in_bbox( [[coord[0]-1, coord[0]+1], [coord[1]-1, coord[1]+1], [coord[2]-1, coord[2]+1]], ret='IDS', remote_instance=remote_instance ) if len(existing_connector) == 0: already_existing.append(False) create_urls.append(create_connector_url) create_post.append({'pid': remote_instance.project_id, 'confidence': 5, 'x': coord[0], 'y': coord[1], 'z': coord[2]}) else: already_existing.append(True) existing_resp.append({'connector_id': existing_connector[0][0]}) # Create only the connectors that didn't already exist. Save server response created_resp = remote_instance.fetch(create_urls, post=create_post, desc='Creating connectors') # Interleave existing_resp and created_resp to make a complete server resp # with an order that matches the input 'coord' argument resp = [existing_resp.pop(0) if e else created_resp.pop(0) for e in already_existing] else: url = [remote_instance._create_connector_url()] * coords.shape[0] post = [{'pid': remote_instance.project_id, 'confidence': 5, 'x': c[0], 'y': c[1], 'z': c[2]} for c in coords] resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post, desc='Creating connectors') if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error adding connector(s). See server response for details.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def add_tags(node_list, tags, node_type, remote_instance=None, override_existing=False): """Add or edit tag(s) for a list of node(s) or connector(s). Parameters ---------- node_list : list Node or connector IDs to edit. tags : str | list | dict Tags(s) to add to provided node/connector ids. If a dictionary is provided `{node_id: [tag1, tag2], ...}` each node gets individual tags. If string or list are provided, all nodes will get the same tags. node_type : 'NODE' | 'CONNECTOR' Set which node type of IDs you have provided as they use different API endpoints! override_existing : bool, default = False This needs to be set to True if you want to delete a tag. Otherwise, your tags (even if empty) will not override existing tags. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- str Confirmation from Catmaid server Notes ----- Use ``tags=''`` and ``override_existing=True`` to delete all tags from nodes. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.delete_tags` Function to delete given tags from nodes. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(node_list, (list, np.ndarray)): node_list = [node_list] if not isinstance(tags, (list, np.ndarray, dict)): tags = [tags] if node_type in ['TREENODE', 'TREENODES', 'NODE', 'NODES']: add_tags_urls = [ remote_instance._node_add_tag_url(n) for n in node_list] elif node_type in ['CONNECTOR', 'CONNECTORS']: add_tags_urls = [ remote_instance._connector_add_tag_url(n) for n in node_list] else: raise TypeError('Unknown node_type parameter: %s' % str(node_type)) if isinstance(tags, dict): # Make sure that it's a dict of {node: [tag1, tag2]} tags = {n: t if utils._is_iterable(t) else [t] for n, t in tags.items()} post_data = [{'tags': ','.join(tags[n]), 'delete_existing': override_existing} for n in node_list] else: post_data = [{'tags': ','.join(tags), 'delete_existing': override_existing} for n in node_list] resp = remote_instance.fetch(add_tags_urls, post=post_data, desc='Modifying tags') errors = [r for r in resp if 'error' in r] if errors: logger.error('{} error(s) tagging nodes. See response for details.'.format(len(errors))) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def delete_neuron(x, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Completely delete neurons. .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Your only chance to recover accidentally deleted neurons is asking a server admin for help. Important --------- Deletes a neuron if (and only if!) two conditions are met: 1. You own all nodes of the skeleton making up the neuron in question. 2. The neuron is not annotated by other users. Parameters ---------- x Neurons to delete. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object no_prompt : bool, optional By default, you will be prompted to confirm before deleting the neuron(s). Set this to True to skip that step. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- server response """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) if len(x) > 1: return {n: delete_neuron(n, remote_instance=remote_instance) for n in x} else: x = x[0] # Need to get the neuron ID remote_get_neuron_name = remote_instance._get_single_neuronname_url(x) neuronid = remote_instance.fetch(remote_get_neuron_name).get('neuronid') if not neuronid: raise ValueError("Can't find neuron with skeleton ID {}".format(x)) if not no_prompt: # Get name name = fetch.get_names(x, remote_instance=remote_instance).get(str(x)) # Get annotations an = fetch.get_annotations(x, remote_instance=remote_instance).get(str(x), []) # Get review status and # nodes review = fetch.get_review(x, remote_instance=remote_instance).set_index('skeleton_id') # Prompt answer = "" s = 'Neuron "{}" (#{}) has {} nodes ({} reviewed) and {} annotation(s)' s = s.format(name, x, review.loc[str(x), 'total_node_count'], review.loc[str(x), 'percent_reviewed'], len(an)) print(s) q = 'Please confirm deletion [Y/N] ' while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return url = remote_instance._delete_neuron_url(neuronid) resp = remote_instance.fetch(url) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error deleting neuron {}. See server response for details'.format(x.skeleton_id)) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def push_new_root(new_root, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Reroot neuron on server. Parameters ---------- new_root : int ID of new root. no_prompt : bool, optional By default, you will be prompted to confirm before reroot. Set this to True to skip that step. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- server response See Also -------- :func:`~navis.reroot_skeleton` Use to reroot a local CatmaidNeuron. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if utils._is_iterable(new_root): return {r: push_new_root(r, no_prompt=no_prompt, remote_instance=remote_instance) for r in config.tqdm(new_root, desc='Rerooting', disable=config.pbar_hide, leave=config.pbar_leave)} try: new_root = int(new_root) except BaseException: raise TypeError('New root must be numeric node ID') # Get the associated skeleton and neuron name skid = fetch.get_skid_from_node(new_root, remote_instance=remote_instance)[new_root] name = fetch.get_names(skid, remote_instance=remote_instance)[str(skid)] # We need to provide new_root's state, the states of its # children and any connector links - the best way to get this is # using the list query. Matter of fact: there is currently no other # query that gives us link IDs AFAIK and we need this as state. # First get new_root's locations loc = fetch.get_node_location(new_root, remote_instance=remote_instance) n = loc.iloc[0] params = {'left': n.x - 2500, 'right': n.x + 2500, 'top': n.y - 2500, 'bottom': n.y + 2500, 'z1': n.z - 40, 'z2': n.z + 40, 'treenode_ids[0]': int(n.node_id)} url = remote_instance._get_node_list_url(**params) # Format of the response is # [[nodes], [connectors], {labels}, node_limit_reached, {relation_map}, {extraNodes}] # Format of [nodes] is # [id, parent_id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, edition_time, user_id] # Format of [connectors] is # [id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, edition_time, user_id, [partners]] resp = remote_instance.fetch(url) # Turn state into dict # Get edition times and parents for each node states = {n[0]: {'edition_time': dt.fromtimestamp(n[-2], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat(), 'parent_id': n[1]} for n in resp[0]} # Get parent edition time, children and links for n in states: states[n]['parent'] = [states[n]['parent_id'], states.get(states[n]['parent_id'], {}).get('edition_time')] if states[n]['parent_id'] else None states[n]['children'] = [[c, states[c]['edition_time']] for c in [c for c in states if states[c]['parent_id'] == n]] states[n]['links'] = [[l[-1], dt.fromtimestamp(l[-2], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat() ] for c in resp[1] for l in c[-1] if l[0] == n] # Generate postdata for each node post = {'treenode_id': new_root, 'state': json.dumps({'edition_time': states[new_root]['edition_time'], 'parent': states[new_root]['parent'], 'children': states[new_root]['children'], 'links': states[new_root]['links'] }) } if not no_prompt: q = 'Please confirm rerooting neuron "{}" #{} to node {} [Y/N] ' q = q.format(name, skid, new_root) answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return url = remote_instance._reroot_skeleton_url() resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error rerooting neuron! See server response for details.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def delete_nodes(node_ids, node_type, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Delete given nodes or connectors. Due to the way CATMAID's node deletion API works, this function is not suited for deleting directly linked nodes (e.g. A->B->C). For this to work, you will have to call this function in a for loop! .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Parameters ---------- node_ids Single or list of node or connector IDs. Must not be a mix of connectors and nodes. node_type : 'NODE' | 'CONNECTOR' Set which type of node you want to delete as they use different API endpoints! no_prompt : bool, optional By default, you will be prompted to confirm before deleting the node(s). Set this to True to skip that step. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- server response See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.delete_neuron` Use to delete entire neurons. :func:`~pymaid.update_nodes` Use to move neurons """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(node_ids, (list, np.ndarray)): node_ids = [node_ids] # Make sure node_ids are integers node_ids = [int(n) for n in node_ids] # For each node, we need to provide its state, the states of its # children and any connector links - the best way to get this is # using the list query. Matter of fact: there is currently no other # query that gives us link IDs AFAIK and we need this as state. # First get node locations node_locs = fetch.get_node_location(node_ids, remote_instance=remote_instance) missing = set(node_ids) - set(node_locs.node_id.values.astype(int)) if missing: missing = np.array(list(missing)).astype(str) raise ValueError('Node(s) {} not found.'.format(', '.join(missing))) # For each node query a window to get its state urls = [] for n in node_locs.itertuples(): params = {'left': n.x - 2500, 'right': n.x + 2500, 'top': n.y - 2500, 'bottom': n.y + 2500, 'z1': n.z - 40, 'z2': n.z + 40} if 'node' in node_type.lower(): params['treenode_ids[0]'] = int(n.node_id) elif 'connector' in node_type.lower(): params['connector_ids[0]'] = int(n.node_id) u = remote_instance._get_node_list_url(**params) urls.append(u) # Format of the response is # [[nodes], [connectors], {labels}, node_limit_reached, {relation_map}, {extraNodes}] # Format of [nodes] is # [id, parent_id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, radius, skeleton_id, edition_time, user_id] # Format of [connectors] is # [id, location_x, location_y, location_z, confidence, edition_time, user_id, [partners]] resp = remote_instance.fetch(urls, desc='Fetching node states') if node_type.lower() in ['treenode', 'treenodes', 'node', 'nodes']: # Turn state into dict # Get edition times and parents for each node states = {n[0]: {'edition_time': dt.fromtimestamp(n[-2], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat(), 'parent_id': n[1]} for r in resp for n in r[0]} # Get parent edition time, children and links for n in states: states[n]['parent'] = [states[n]['parent_id'], states.get(states[n]['parent_id'], {}).get('edition_time')] if states[n]['parent_id'] else None states[n]['children'] = [[c, states[c]['edition_time']] for c in [c for c in states if states[c]['parent_id'] == n]] states[n]['links'] = [[l[-1], dt.fromtimestamp(l[-2], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat() ] for r in resp for c in r[1] for l in c[-1] if l[0] == n] # Generate postdata for each node post = [{'treenode_id': n, 'state': json.dumps({'edition_time': states[n]['edition_time'], 'parent': states[n]['parent'], 'children': states[n]['children'], 'links': states[n]['links'] }) } for n in node_ids] # Sanity check: # If any of the nodes shows up as another nodes parent, we won't be able # to delete as states will have changed between deletes. parents = [states[n]['parent'][0] for n in node_ids if states[n]['parent']] if set(node_ids) & set(parents): raise ValueError('Unable to delete linked nodes in a single go. ' 'Please use for-loops for this.') urls = [remote_instance._delete_node_url()] * len(post) elif node_type.lower() in ['connector', 'connectors']: # Filter each response to just the connector we need states = [[c for c in r[1] if c[0] == n][0] for n, r in zip(node_ids, resp)] post = [{'connector_id': n, 'state': json.dumps({'edition_time': dt.fromtimestamp(st[-3], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat(), 'c_links': [[l[-1], dt.fromtimestamp(l[-2], tz=timezone.utc).isoformat() ] for l in st[-1]]})} for n, st in zip(node_ids, states)] urls = [remote_instance._delete_connector_url()] * len(post) else: raise TypeError('Unknown node_type parameter "{}"'.format(node_type)) if not no_prompt: answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: q = "Please confirm deletion of {} nodes [Y/N] ".format(len(node_ids)) answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return resp = remote_instance.fetch(urls, post=post, desc='Deleting nodes') errors = [str(n) for i, n in enumerate(node_ids) if 'error' in resp[i]] if errors: logger.error('Error deleting node(s) {}. See server responses.'.format(', '.join(errors))) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def move_nodes(new_locs, node_type, no_prompt=False, remote_instance=None): """Update location of given nodes or connectors. .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Parameters ---------- new_locs dict | list Either dictionary or list mapping node IDs to new x/y/z locations:: {node_id: [x, y , z], ...} [[node_id, x, y, z], ... ] Must not be a mix of connectors and nodes! node_type : 'NODE' | 'CONNECTOR' Set which type of nodes you want to move as they need to be parsed differently! no_prompt : bool, optional By default, you will be prompted to confirm before moving the node(s). Set this to True to skip that step. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- server response See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.delete_nodes` Use to delete nodes. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Parse node ID if isinstance(new_locs, dict): new_locs = [[k] + v for k, v in new_locs.items()] elif not isinstance(new_locs, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('`new_locs` must be dict or list-like, got "{}"'.format(type(new_locs))) # Make sure node_ids and locations are ints/float new_locs = [[int(n[0])] + [float(l) for l in n[1:]] for n in new_locs] node_ids = [n[0] for n in new_locs] # For each node, we need to provide its state states = fetch.get_node_details(node_ids, convert_ts=False, remote_instance=remote_instance) missing = set(node_ids) - set(states.node_id.values.astype(int)) if missing: missing = np.array(list(missing)).astype(str) raise ValueError('Node(s) {} not found.'.format(', '.join(missing))) # Make sure node_id is integer states['node_id'] = states.node_id.astype(int) # Turn state into list in order of nodes -> we need the double bracket! states = states.loc[states.node_id.isin(node_ids), ['node_id', 'edition_time']].values.tolist() if node_type.lower() in ['treenode', 'treenodes', 'node', 'nodes']: prefix = 't' elif node_type.lower() in ['connector', 'connectors']: prefix = 'c' else: raise TypeError('Unknown node_type parameter "{}"'.format(node_type)) # Generate postdata for each node: for node must be: # {t[0][0]: node_id, t[0][1]: x, t[0][2]: y, t[0][3]: z} post = {'{}[{}][{}]'.format(prefix, i, k): v for i, n in enumerate(new_locs) for k, v in enumerate(n)} post['state'] = json.dumps(states) if not no_prompt: answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: q = "Please confirm moving of {} nodes [Y/N] ".format(len(node_ids)) answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return url = remote_instance._update_node_url() resp = remote_instance.fetch(url, post=post) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error moving nodes. See server response.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def delete_tags(node_list, tags, node_type, remote_instance=None): """Remove tag(s) for a list of node(s) or connector(s). Works by getting existing tags, removing given tag(s) and then using pymaid.add_tags() to push updated tags back to CATMAID. .. danger:: **Use this with EXTREME caution as this is irreversible!** Parameters ---------- node_list : list Node or connector IDs to delete tags from. tags : list Tags(s) to delete from provided nodes/connectors. Use ``tags=None`` and to remove all tags from a set of nodes. node_type : 'NODE' | 'CONNECTOR' Set which node type of IDs you have provided as they use different API endpoints! remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- str Confirmation from Catmaid server. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.add_tags` Function to add tags to nodes. Examples -------- Remove end-related tags from non-end nodes >>> # Load neuron >>> n = pymaid.get_neuron(16) >>> # Get non-end nodes >>> non_leaf_nodes = n.nodes[n.nodes.type != 'end'] >>> # Define which tags to remove >>> tags_to_remove = ['ends', 'uncertain end', 'uncertain continuation', ... 'TODO'] >>> # Remove tags >>> resp = pymaid.delete_tags(non_leaf_nodes.node_id.values, ... tags_to_remove, 'NODE') """ PERM_NODE_TYPES = ['NODE', 'TREENODE', 'CONNECTOR'] if node_type not in PERM_NODE_TYPES: raise ValueError('Unknown node_type "{0}". Please use either: ' '{1}'.format(node_type, ','.join(PERM_NODE_TYPES))) remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) if not isinstance(node_list, (list, np.ndarray)): node_list = [node_list] # Make sure node list is strings node_list = [str(n) for n in node_list] if not isinstance(tags, (list, np.ndarray)): tags = [tags] if tags != [None]: # First, get existing tags for these nodes existing_tags = fetch.get_node_tags(node_list, node_type, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Check if our nodes actually exist if [n for n in node_list if n not in existing_tags]: logger.warning('Skipping %i nodes without tags' % len( [n for n in node_list if n not in existing_tags])) [node_list.remove(n) for n in [ n for n in node_list if n not in existing_tags]] # Remove tags from that list that we want to have deleted existing_tags = {n: [t for t in existing_tags[ n] if t not in tags] for n in node_list} else: existing_tags = '' # Use the add_tags function to override existing tags return add_tags(node_list, existing_tags, node_type, remote_instance=remote_instance, override_existing=True)
[docs] @cache.never_cache def add_meta_annotations(to_annotate, to_add, remote_instance=None): """Add meta-annotation(s) to annotation(s). Parameters ---------- to_annotate : str | list of str Annotation(s) to meta-annotate. to_add : str | list of str Meta-annotation(s) to add to annotations. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.remove_meta_annotations` Delete given annotations from neurons. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) # Get annotation IDs to_annotate = utils._make_iterable(to_annotate) an = fetch.get_annotation_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) an = an[] missing = set(to_annotate).difference( if missing: raise ValueError('Annotation(s) not found: {}'.format(','.join(missing))) an_ids = to_add = utils._make_iterable(to_add) add_annotations_url = remote_instance._get_add_annotations_url() add_annotations_postdata = {} for i, x in enumerate(an_ids): key = 'entity_ids[%i]' % i add_annotations_postdata[key] = str(x) for i, x in enumerate(to_add): key = 'annotations[%i]' % i add_annotations_postdata[key] = str(x) resp = remote_instance.fetch(add_annotations_url, post=add_annotations_postdata) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error adding annotation. See server response for details.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def remove_meta_annotations(remove_from, to_remove, remote_instance=None): """Remove meta-annotation(s) from annotation(s). Parameters ---------- remove_from : str | list of str Annotation(s) to de-meta-annotate. to_remove : str | list of str Meta-annotation(s) to remove from annotations. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.add_meta_annotations` Delete given annotations from neurons. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) an = fetch.get_annotation_list(remote_instance=remote_instance) # Get annotation IDs remove_from = utils._make_iterable(remove_from) rm = an[] if rm.shape[0] != len(remove_from): missing = set(remove_from).difference( raise ValueError('Annotation(s) not found: {}'.format(','.join(missing))) an_ids = # Get meta-annotation IDs to_remove = utils._make_iterable(to_remove) rm = an[] if rm.shape[0] != len(to_remove): missing = set(to_remove).difference( raise ValueError('Meta-annotation(s) not found: {}'.format(','.join(missing))) rm_ids = add_annotations_url = remote_instance._get_remove_annotations_url() remove_annotations_postdata = {} for i, x in enumerate(an_ids): key = 'entity_ids[%i]' % i remove_annotations_postdata[key] = str(x) for i, x in enumerate(rm_ids): key = 'annotation_ids[%i]' % i remove_annotations_postdata[key] = str(x) resp = remote_instance.fetch(add_annotations_url, post=remove_annotations_postdata) if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error adding annotation. See server response for details.') return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def remove_annotations(x, annotations, remote_instance=None): """Remove annotation(s) from a list of neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x Neurons to remove given annotation(s) from. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object 5. ``None`` to remove annotation(s) from all neurons. annotations : list Annotation(s) to remove from neurons. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.add_annotations` Add given annotations to neuron(s). """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) annotations = utils._make_iterable(annotations) # Translate into annotations ID an_list = fetch.get_annotation_list(remote_instance=remote_instance).set_index('name') an_ids = [] for a in annotations: if a not in an_list.index: logger.warning('Annotation {} not found. Skipping.'.format(a)) continue an_ids.append(an_list.loc[a, 'id']) remove_annotations_url = remote_instance._get_remove_annotations_url() remove_annotations_postdata = {} if not isinstance(x, type(None)): neuron_ids = fetch.get_neuron_id(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) # Turn from skid -> ID into list of IDs neuron_ids = list(neuron_ids.values()) else: an = fetch.get_annotated(annotations, remote_instance=remote_instance) neuron_ids = an.loc[an.type == 'neuron', 'id'].values # Now prompt answer = "" q = 'Please confirm removal of {} annotation(s) from {} neuron(s) ' \ '[Y/N] ' q = q.format(len(annotations), len(neuron_ids)) while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input(q).lower() if answer != 'y': return for i, s in enumerate(neuron_ids): # This requires neuron IDs key = 'entity_ids[%i]' % i remove_annotations_postdata[key] = s for i in range(len(an_ids)): key = 'annotation_ids[%i]' % i remove_annotations_postdata[key] = str(an_ids[i]) if not an_ids:'No annotations removed.') return resp = remote_instance.fetch(remove_annotations_url, post=remove_annotations_postdata) an_list = an_list.reset_index().set_index('id') if 'error' in resp: logger.error('Error deleting annotation(s). See server response for details.') elif len(resp['deleted_annotations']) == 0:'No annotations removed.') else: for a in resp['deleted_annotations']:'Removed "{}" from {} entities ({} uses left)'.format(an_list.loc[int(a), 'name'], len(resp['deleted_annotations'][a]['targetIds']), resp['left_uses'][a])) return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def add_annotations(x, annotations, remote_instance=None): """Add annotation(s) to a list of neuron(s). Parameters ---------- x Neurons to add new annotation(s) to. Can be either: 1. list of skeleton ID(s) (int or str) 2. list of neuron name(s) (str, exact match) 3. an annotation: e.g. 'annotation:PN right' 4. CatmaidNeuron or CatmaidNeuronList object annotations : list Annotation(s) to add to neurons. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. See Also -------- :func:`~pymaid.remove_annotations` Delete given annotations from neurons. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) x = utils.eval_skids(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) annotations = utils._make_iterable(annotations) add_annotations_url = remote_instance._get_add_annotations_url() add_annotations_postdata = {} neuron_ids = fetch.get_neuron_id(x, remote_instance=remote_instance) for i, s in enumerate(x): key = 'entity_ids[%i]' % i add_annotations_postdata[key] = neuron_ids[str(s)] for i in range(len(annotations)): key = 'annotations[%i]' % i add_annotations_postdata[key] = str(annotations[i]) resp = remote_instance.fetch(add_annotations_url, post=add_annotations_postdata) if 'error' in resp: logger.error("Error adding annotations. See server response for details.") return resp
[docs] @cache.never_cache def set_nodes_reviewed(x, remote_instance=None): """Set a list of nodes as reviewed. Parameters ---------- x : int | list-like of int | CatmaidNeuron/List Node(s) to set to reviewed. remote_instance : CatmaidInstance, optional If not passed directly, will try using global. Returns ------- dict Server response. """ remote_instance = utils._eval_remote_instance(remote_instance) node_ids = utils.eval_node_ids(x, connectors=False, nodes=True) urls = [remote_instance._set_nodes_reviewed_url(n) for n in node_ids] resp = remote_instance.fetch(urls) if 'error' in resp: logger.error("Error setting nodes reviewed. See server response for details.") return resp
def _diff_report(a, b): """Compare neurons ``a`` and ``b`` and report on differences. This function compares node IDs! Parameters ---------- a,b : CatmaidNeurons Neurons to compare. Returns ------- dict Report with differences:: {'nodes_mutual': [nodeA, nodeB, ...], 'nodes_a_only': [nodeC, ...], 'nodes_by_only': [nodeD, ...], 'nodes_moved': [nodeB, ...]} """ if not isinstance(a, core.CatmaidNeuron): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuron, got "{}"'.format(type(a))) if not isinstance(b, core.CatmaidNeuron): raise TypeError('Expected CatmaidNeuron, got "{}"'.format(type(b))) nA = set(a.nodes.treenode_id.values) nB = set(b.nodes.treenode_id.values) report = {} report['nodes_mutual'] = list(nA & nB) report['nodes_a_only'] = list(nA - nB) report['nodes_b_only'] = list(nB - nA) posA = a.nodes.set_index('treenode_id').loc[report['nodes_mutual'], ['x', 'y', 'z']].values posB = b.nodes.set_index('treenode_id').loc[report['nodes_mutual'], ['x', 'y', 'z']].values diff = posA - posB moved = np.any(diff > 0, axis=1) report['nodes_moved'] = list(np.array(report['nodes_mutual'])[moved]) return report